liter Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15. 1975 cla^sifieclads 30—Lanca Real Estate 275 ACRE DAIRY FARM FOR SALE IN OPERATION 3 to 4 neighboring dairy farms for sale by owners. Possible 1000 acres joining farms for sale Some of the best tilling soil in LYCOMING COUNTY For more information, Call (717)393-6055 or write: J. C. M. 1352 Union St. Lancaster, PA 17603 f * r^.^KV^V t *“ ” I »Uv ( ' - « FARM FOR SALE 300 Acre, Level Land, Modern Dairy Farm with 6 silos including one 25x80 Harvestore, milking parlor, 2 bulk tanks, pipeline with milkers, 200 free stalls, 200 foot bunk automatic feeder Located on Eastern Shore of Maryland Financing available ALSO GRAIN FARMS COOPER DARRELL REALTY Chestertown, MD 301-778-0330 Evenings call C F Beiler 301-348-5193 350 A Beef and Hog operation w/auto feeding setup and 2 modern homes Financing available by owner 168 A Dairy farm all tillable with barn cleaner good level land Owner financing available 300 A Dairy or Beef farm nearly all tillable with 4 bedroom home low down payment owner financing SHARP - Over 400 A dairy farm with milking parlor large loafing barn ex 2 story home Owner financing 400 A 60 stanchion Grade A dairy farm w/machme shed I'h story modern home with owner financing Additional Dairy Beef Hog and Gram farms available throughout Southeastern Minn BUY-RITE REALTY 303 Elton Hills Dnve, N W. Rochester, Minnesota 55901 Offices in: Rochester 507—288-6909 Kasson 507-634-7730 Dodge Center 507 —374-6328 Real Estate Contact PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Real Estate TO RENT: POULTRY FARM BERKS CO. - Two modem buildings each 20,000 sq. ft. Central hot water brooding, con crete floors, insulated, bulk bins. Ideal to raise replacement pullets. Four bedroom house with modern kitchen, oil heat. Reasonable rent. HFM Corp. Call 215-582-3734 Near Cortland, NY. 340 acres good 105 stanchion barn 2 large silos, 10 room home, also 2 bedroom apartment. $135,000.00. Free stall barn for 74 DeLaval double 4 milking parlor, 257 acres, heifer barn, 4 silos - one is Harvestore 20 x4O, corn crib -150 tons, 2 modern homes, $210,000.00. CLARA PARKER BROKER Homer N.Y. 1-607-749-3007 Eve. Farm located in Denver. Approximately 57 acres. 50 tillable Limestone and shale. Two story brick house in good shape Barn, tobacco shed, corn shed, implement shed and small chicken houses $5OOO rental per year. Will rent without house for $3900.00. 90 Acre farm in Halifax. Approximately 65 acres tillable Barn and three corn cribs go with farm. House not available. Asking $1500.00 per year rent. Soil is shale and limestone. M. N. Zimmerman Company RD2 Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone 717-859-1127 FOR SALE Well established business in lumber and other building materials Planing mill (formerly Bolze Brothers), wood-working machines, $30,000 inventory of building materials and hardware Seven-room house, modern conveniences, 6 acres 15 miles North of Carlisle on Route No 74 in rural Perry County. Country living LENDS W. BOLZE BUILDING MATERIALS LANDISBURG, PA 17040 TELEPHONE 789-3667 GAP 136 ACRES We are pleased to offer this magnificent farm which has been in the same family for nearly 150 years. Large stone colonial home featuring 5 fireplaces, wide windowsills and old German locks Stone and frame barn, tobacco shed, feed and implement shed and spring house Small stone guest house built in 1700’s. Also an old schoolhouse, neither usable but ready to be restored. 100 acres tillable and stream through the property completes the picture. STAN BARR, Realtor 738 Columbia Ave. Phone 393-0471 Real Estate BRADFORD CO. - 228 Acre dairy or beef farm, excellent 8 room house, good dairy barit, 70 acres tillable, balance woodland and gasture. Some timber. Write ox 222, Wysox, Pa. 188S4 Pumping Transfer Station RATH with 3 A Stamp on pump Complete with new controls and dryer No vacuum required 3325 00. c & c DOUG JOHNSON INDUSTRIES Elkkm, MO 21921 301-398-3451 Day 301-398-3528 Nights Lancaster, PA Miscellaneous NOTICE ■*& I MEN'S WORK SALE I MYERSTOWN CHURCH of the BRETHERN ■ SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1975 I If You Have Articles For Sale And Would Like I Them Listed In Our Itemized Advertisement ■ Please Contact Us Before March 1. I Call: 866-4005 or 866-2591 I Or Write To; John Gibble, R.D. 2. Myerrtown, Pa. 17067 M MOVING WEST? We have the trucks and experience to haul and move your equipment. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN & SONS 717-464-2480 Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS Va mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road Close Out Specials Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Dress and Work Rubbers, 4 buckel, zip, pullovers, Tmgley, fur cuff, All sizes. $1.35 to $3.35 Boy’s, Men’s Shoes $1.95 to $8.35 Raincoats and Umbrellas At Root’s Auction every Tuesday A. K. BEILER For Sale - Round & Split locust posts, 7 ft. long, other lengths cut to order. Call 717- 382-4535. Automobiles 1972 Mercedes Diesel 4 door sedan, air $6500. 1964 Mercedes Diesel 4 door sedan $1750 1971 Ford pickkp 4 wheel drive $2575. 1965 CMC 4 wheel drive pickup $750. CURRY SUPPLY Curryville, Pa. 814-793-2829 - Real Estate 186 A new 47 cow barn, good house $80,000.00. 229 A limestone, 68 free stalls, 20 x 70 and 16 x 60 silos. Modern brick home. 135 A limestone Rilco rafted bam; also 24 sow heated farrowing house both nearly new. Beautiful brick house, fireplace. 48A 70 comfort stalls, 25 x 80 and 20 x 70 Harvestores. 107 A Limestone 30 Stalls, Silos, Stream, Nice 4 bedroom house. 365 A level limestone, 106 stalls, 5 silos, 2 sets of good buildings. 7 percent financing. 132 A crop land, no buildings. 215 A 50 cow barn, silo, good house $llO,OOO. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, Pa. - 717-354-4536 Miscellaneous $5OO REWARD For return of or information leading to whereabouts of 1 pair Sorrel Mare mules, 5 yrs. old with narrow strip in face, stand 16 hands, weigh 1500 lbs. Also 1 pair red sorrel Belgian mares, 7 hrs. old, weigh 1750 lbs. each. Also 1 show harness, removed from the Lebanon Valley Livestock Market Friday afternoon, Jan. 24 while was in progress. Contact Paul S. Waltermyer, RDI Jonestown, Pa. 717-865- 2234 For Sale - Sawdust, trailed loads, 1,500 cu. ft. $BO.OO, 20 mile radius delivery charge - $25.00, over 20 miles add delivery charge $l.OO per loaded mile. Phone 717-867- 2212, Walter H. Weaber & Sons, Rte. 241, Mt. Wilson, Pa. 17042 J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying. Free Estimates. 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722 Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $20.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $175.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter 10t5,7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, EDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. For Sale - Travel trailer, sleeps 6, air, 17 ft. Phone 717- 529-6373 For Sale - Straw, $40.00 Call 717-626-7451
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