20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 Students Active (Editor's Note: This ar ticle wii written by Wendl Lilt, a Manheim Central High School lenior. Wendl ia an environmental agriculture itudcnt par ticipating in an educational program co-ordinated by the Manheim Central School* in conjunction with the Chfqucs Creek Watershed Project.) Three hundred years ago our Pennsylvania soil was a protected land, sheltered from its natural enemies, or at least in a position where it could recover easily from any inflicted damages. It was a virgin land where the fields and the forests provided many a watershed, protecting the land from the annual rains. There was neither flooding nor drought; the soil was fertile and the harvests yielded much. But then... there came a change over the countryside, the change was called FEBRUARY SPECIAL 5% OFF ON FURDAN For Root Worms EPTAM For Alfalfa & Potatoes CONTACT; JONAS S. EBERSOLE 1 Vz Miles North of Bird in Hand on Slumptown Road Think Big. 3 That’s the capacity of New Idea’s big Single Beater PTO spreader—built to make short work of those big spreading jobs. Optional Upper Beater Breaks up big hunks, shreds the load for better /r"jCl spreading pattern... adds load-carrying capacity, as 2-Year Warranty on Chain. When you think big, think cqnveyor chain. This giant has a super Heavy Duty Chain (20,000 lbs. tensile strength) that’s backed by this full 2-year warranty. Stop in. We’re thinkings {jig on trades... right now! UMBERGERSMILL RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) 717-867-8221 A. L. HERR & BRO. Quarryvi He 717-786-3521 CHAS.J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, Pa 215-932-2615 STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, Pa 215-593 5280 A.B.C. GROFF, INC. New Holland 717-354-4191 in Chicques Project development, progress, commercialism. It was rampant throughout the environment, and once begun it was hard tb control, for men acted with destruction rather than descretion. Pennsylvania’s natural balance was being destroyed. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s there occurred the most extensive slaughter of nature Pennsylvania had ever experienced. It was a time of deterioration and ravishment of the en vironment. The destruction of woodland was com monplace; very few people even remembered the time when forests once ruled with such uniform authority. The earth was carved into a myriad of building foun dations and construction pits, and the land was twisted and molded into a man-made environment. LJ Mtm \L notmow~; _ I G& I li>l iT^**'*”* , * , '*' W ‘ ( L. »WMWWieHBgi-M.Cll»l»>« |Y A ROYH. BUCK, INC. Ephrata, R.D 2 717-859-2441 LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Rheems 717-367-3590 N. 6. HERSHEY & SON Manheim 717-665-2271 LANDIS BROS., INC. Lancaster 717-393-3906 \ W -1 A - Wendy List The rapid development Pennsylvania underwent had its compensations and its consequences. First of all, Pennsylvania became a highly industrialized and wealthy state, which promised a stable future for its settlers. Secondly, the clearance of forests had provided abundant farmland which was the basis for agricultural status. The intentions for an agricultural industry were well-founded, for Pennsylvania had been known to have rich soil, a healthy climate and few natural disasters. Lancaster County became the bed of Pennsylvania’s agricultural industry and the newly developed state anticipated the first harvesting year. The anticipations and expectancy was in vain. The crops yielded little or nothing at all. Floods frequented Lancaster County, washing away 01 3-point tractor hitch Two-speed landing gear (jack) provides easy hitching with an empty or loaded trailer. BOX 655, RDI precious topsoil, ond destroying roads and homes. When it rained everything was flooded, when it did not rain the land was barren. Deposits of silt, the result of erosion, changed the courses of stable water channels causing the uneven flow of water and more flooding. Wastes contaminated the water supply and polluted the streams and lakes. The sediment carried toxic chemicals and plant nutrients into the waters. The wildlife in affected areas was forced to leave natural habitats and seek refuge in unfamiliar environments where many could not survive. Pennsylvania could not adjust to the man-made environment and through much toil and many hard ships its settlers were to leam a valuable ecological lesson in the following years. During an ecology presentation to environment students at Manheim Central High School, Walter Peecbatka, director of the State Conservation Com mission, outlined some measures necessary in controlling the environment, but preventing the destruction of its natural balance. The initial concentration on any project or develop ment should be in its plan ning and awareness of future effects. People should “act with discretion instead of destruction.” The Manheim Central Schools are co ordinating an educational program with the Chiques Creek Watershed Project. It is a local project which has the support and en couragement from The Think of it as a 3-ton grain truck for about half the price. wIIHHEBAGO Agri-Trailer M lIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII This versatile trailer teams up with your pickup to help you move gram, livestock and other heavy loads in a hurry. The Winnebago Agri-Trailer can carry as much as a 3-ton truck. It can haul over Tk tons. Or 285 bushels of gram. It can even operate as a flat bed to carry farm equipment. The Agri-Trailer can handle twice as much as a 4-wheel trailer. And unlike a 4-wheel, it can handle those loads safely at highway speeds. Standard Features: Heavy-duty tubular steel frame • Electric brakes all wheels Automatic break-away switch • Approved lights and reflectors Electric Hydraulic Pump (12V) • Electric brake control ' 42-in. grain box sidewalls (steel. Agri-panel or wood) 8-ft. x 16-ft. gram bed You might find some of these features on a 3-ton truck. But the truck will cost you about twice as much. Come In Today And Check An Agri-Trailer Over! KAUFFMAN'S AGRI-TRAILER SALES House of Representatives, the Lancaster and Manheim Clumbers of Commerce, the Lancaster County Planning Commission, the Lancaster Soil and Water Conservation District, the Pennsylvania State Soil and Water Con servation Commission, the Lancaster Area Manufac turer's Association and local 717-367-3550 Before you buy any farm loader, see a Bobcat in action! 4 - MODELS To Choose From, all with 4- Wheel Drive. BOBCAT Handles small jobs, big jobs, indoors, and outdoors. Ideal for working in HORSE BARNS. HOG BARNS, FEEDLOTS, ETC. Almost anyone can learn to operate a BOBCAT in 15 minutes. LET US DEMONSTRATE and Show you how easy it is to own or lease a BOBCAT, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA 17022 Manheim Borough uwcUitioM. The projtct ia proceeding effectively, and It la our objective to inform the public of Ita progreaa, for every lntereat la important. TRY A CLASSIFIED MELROE BOBCAT WORLD S MOST POPULAR SKO STEER LOADER Heavy-duty hydraulic hoist. Pm & Plate coupler with retractable pin and steel truckbed plate.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers