1/ 71 y (*>s * t n* • " • * /km ■ i m /n V. In Germany, it U • common notion that If birda find a paraon'a cut hair, and build thair naala with it, the panon will cuffcr from headache. Aim for Big Yields Here's a hybrid that can make big yields qn under a wide range of populations and soil npifAl D conditions Produces ears packed with c heavy, golden gram Plant XL-374. XL-374, and other XL's now in stock OEKALB is a registered brand name XL ’ numbers are hybrid designations DID YOU KNOW? I* we HRST VIOLINS DATE BACK TO THE 1500's THE ITALIAN! TOWN OF CREMONA PRODUCED THE FINEST VIOLIN MAKERS,’SPEC THEIR PUPIL, ANTONIO STRADIVARI, A REAL GENIUS Farming Course Part-time fanning is a growing option for rural and semi-rural residents. Ac cording to the 1969 Agricultural Census, 25 percent of the farms in Pennsylvania with sales over $2500 are operated by part-time farmers while holding another job. A new correspondence course available from The Penn sylvania State University emphasizes the pros and cons of part-tune fanning for individual farm families. Written by John E. Brockett, Jr., Area Farm Management Specialist, ne vtce psesdo/t UNDER JCftePSON. A ARM BURR MAD A DISPUTE WITH IEXANDER HAMILTON. .HALLENGED HIM TO A DUEL AND KILLED IM WITH ONE SHOT VT WEEHAWK£N,M.J. N 1804. HIS CAREER N POLITICS WAS TUR BULENT AFTER THAT E WAS CONVICTED JF MURDER, BUT fled south, biographers DESCRIBE HIM AS A ladies'mah. he had SEVERAL QUESTIONABLE CAVITIES GOING FOR INCLUDING A PLAN DETACH PARTOF THE •MERICAN SOUTHWEST ’OM THE U.S. the course includes land, labor, management, capital, and market requirements. Lessons on record keeping, tax considerations, budgeting, and insurance needs are geared to the part time farm business. Advantages and disad vantages of 18 livestock and 18 crop enterprises are also detailed for the present and future part-time farmer. To obtain this 10-lesson course, send $5.50 to Part- Time Fanners, Box 5000, University Park, Pa. 16802. Make check or money order payable to Penn State. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 15,1975 Fulton Grange Holds Meeting Members of the Fulton Grange met recently with Master Donald Trimble presiding. Under new business it was decided to give a donation to the Meals on Wheels program. Trimble an* nounccd the appointment of Mrs. Susan Kauffman as a representative of the Grange to the Community Advisory Committee of Solanco School *District. Lecturer, Joyce Holloway encouraged participation in the State Grange photo, art TRY A CLASSIFIED AD wm CATTItMiN ... We Specialize in shipping fever medications. Intra Nasal and Intra Muscular Vaccine We offer a complete medication program Cattle off feed, poor appetite worms, bloat, diarrhea, lice, foot rot. and respiratory conditions ir Service & Sales. STOCK PRODS c. BATTERIES WOOD CANES (iik ANIMAL CUPPERS BLADES \ OV" COW TRAINERS S > THIBENZOLE WORMER PELLETS —BOLUSES HEATED LIVESTOCK WATERERS, FARM GATES, AND HOG FEEDERS. ZIMMERMAN'S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY R-DJ4, Utitz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-733-4466 -3 miles W. of Ephrata along WOODCORNER ROAD and craft contests with entries due in September. Valentines made by the Junior Grangers were Judged by all the members present. State Trooper Edward Rowlands showed slides on winter driving followed by a question and answer period. The Young Married Committee will present the program at the February meeting. A specker will also be present to discuss the Clean Streams Act. 21
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers