—Umcjtfr Farming. Saturday. Feb. 8. 1975 44 I CD 1- 'k. r CXAMAUt IUVCLY HOWtl Tired of poinsettias, holly and mistletoe? Try Amaryllis. What’s an Amaryllis? It’s a red flowering plant discovered grow ing wild in the heat of summer in South Africa around the turn of the 17th century. Fascinated by their find, botanists brought it back to England. The following winter—when it was once again blossom time in South Africa—the bulb surprised Londoners by bursting into bloom on Christmas Day. That first De cember bloom marked the begin ning of a new tradition—Amaryl lis at Christmas. Today, most Amaryllis plants are bred in Holland, where they have been hybridized over the years. Because of the expense of hybridization, Amaryllis plants once cost a pretty penny. Currently, an average-sized plant, between 18" and 36" high with four or more large flowers, costs between $5 and $7 a bulb. Interest in the Amaryllis plant in the U.S. has grown tremen Deer Kill Report More than 118,000 deer kill report cards have, been returned to the Game Commission by hunters who were successful during the fall and winter whitetail seasons. This year the report card for deer and turkey kills was BUY WHOLESALE FORM A BUYERS GROUP. PURCHASE YOUR FARM NEEDS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Mofce Savings Like This: Ferret Rat Poison 24 - 1 lb Regular Price $2BOO per case Members of Buyers Group Buy As Low As $22.50 per case We are now manufacturing Hi-Score Liquid Fertilizer Solutions. Save money on your fer tilizer purchases l FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE: RD 2, Lititz, Pa 17543 • 717-626-2457 or 717-626-8909 CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING DEALERSHIPS us ivr% :man] not a part of the hunting license, as in the past, and some hunters may have overlooked filing the reports. The report cards are most important to the state’s wildlife managers, who depend on the information to keep abreast of changes in dously. Import figures show that in 1971 we bought 550,000 Ama ryllis bulbs from Holland. This past year, the U.S. imported 1,100,000. Bulb importers attribute the booming trade to the fact that the Amaryllis is, in their words, a “living plant." Once the bulb is planted, you may see growth with in 24 hours. The typical Amaryllis is ready to bloom in 4-6 weeks. And, unlike the poinsettia—the perennial Christmas favorite—the Amaryllis blooms much longer, often from December through April. The Amaryllis can also be made to flower year after year. When the Amaryllis no longer blooms, just cut it back and bury it out doors until the following fall. When brought back indoors, the Amaryllis will bloom again for years to come. [N.B. fans of the poinsettia. Your traditional favorite continues to make a strong showing in the trade ledgers, with imports now running more than 9 million plants a year.] the deer beards and turkey flocks throughout the commonwealth. Those who failed to file the reports on turkey or deer taken during the most recent hunting seasons are urged to do so immediately. It has been estimated that im proper diets cost the nation 30 billion dollars annually in medical bills for such things as obesity diabetes, dental decay and alcoholism SAV. want** 0 Coleman Center Box no R.O. 1 Ronks, Pa. Improper Diets Monarch Rang# Rrtigeratois duckies Creek Project Study Is Underway State Conacrvationlat Benny Martin, Soil Con* aervation Service, an nounced that the first phaac aludy of Chickics Creek Watershed, Lancaster County, has been completed. The work, completed by the consulting firm of Michael Baker, Jr., Camp Hill, includes a study of the land, water, geologic, ar cheological, social, cultural, and economic conditions throughout the watershed. Martin said the Phase 1 study is part of an evaluation of the watershed to deter mine whether a watershed protection and flood prevention project is feasible under PL-566. The consulting firm is now studying Phase 2 which includes surveys of flood damages and flood levels in the watershed. The remaining three phases of the study will deal with engineering, hydrological, and biological conditions. All five phases are expected to be completed by June of this year, Martin reported. The watershed project for Chickies Creek is sponsored by the Lancaster County Conservation District and Manheim Borough. The major flood damage center in the 21,760-acre watershed is Manheim. During Hurricane Agnes, the borough was severely damaged by flood water. Industry, homes, and commercial establishments were severely flooded. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN CUSTOM FREE STALLS MADE TO ORDER FEATURING: - Free stalls any length made to order. - 2V? in O.D. High Carbon Steel Tubing, rust resistant. - Designed to give cows greater comfort and save labor and bedding costs. - Designed to bolt to wood or walls or can set up independent, where wood or walls are not available. - Stalls provided with bedding ooards brackets. Check on our steel pipe gates,, and steel feedlot fencing and barnyard fencing YOU WILL FIND MERV & MARLIN MARTIN WORKING FOR YOU MARTIN’S MANUFACTURING CO. DISTRIBUTOR OF CENTRAL TRACTOR PARTS CO. R.D.3 Myerstown Phone (717) 933-4151 TAKE RT 645 - 3 MILES NORTH OF MYERSTOWN FOLLOW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS Choose from 130 to 320 cubic foot copacity Five Gehl models to select from. Three new Gehl Mixer-Feeders carry and completely mix 170,260, or 320 cubic feet of feed. Triple-augers handle all ingredients. Because the chain is pulled from the outer chute, these units unload as much as % easier. Rugged construction and simple design keeps 'em going longer. Electron ic scales available. Check also, Gehl Blender- Feaders with 130 and 190 cubic foot capacity. HISSLEY FARM SERVICE F«*EBSYU£ WASHINGTON BORO EQUIPMENT INC. R.D.2, EPHRATA, PA. N. G. HERSHEY & SON MANHEIM For Small ar Lar EEHL® Gets Into your system ZOOK’S FARM STORE HONEY BROOK, PA LANCASTER EQUIPMENT CENTER, INC. KINZER, PA. CHAS J. McCOMSEY & SONS HICKORY HILL, PA. ie O leration A. L. HERR & BRO. QUARRYVILLE
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