20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Fab. 1. 1975 Vork Youths Four youths from the ■'astern York High School -"FA received lop honors In .he County Record Book contest held recently. Mobort Bair, Wrlghtsvlllc . .. received first place In :he 2 enterprise division for nis records on broilers and logs, while Scott Hunt, rlallaxn Rll, placed first in * LIQUID MANURE PIT Deodrant Concentrate * LICE POWDERS For Dust Bag Kits * TOXANOX LIQUID For Back Rubber Units * SHELL HORSE WORKER For Internal Grooming * SP - 250 - SWINE Antibiotic Premix * TRAMISOL HOG WORMER For Lung Worms In Hogs * CATTLE & HOG MINERALS ' w/Vitamins * HORSE & CATTLE POWDER A Conditioner AARON $. GROFF & SON FARM « DAIRY STORE R.D.3, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 [Hinkletown] Phone 354-0744 Store Hours; 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Closed Tuesdays & Saturdays at 5:00 P.M. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. R D 2, harmersville, Ephrata, Pa 717-354-4271 M. E. SNAVELY 455 South Cedar Street, Lititz, Pa 717-626-8144 M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS 110-114 East Market Street, West Chester. Pa 215-696-2990 HENRY S. LAPP RDI Cams, Gap, Penna 17527 717-442-8134 Win Record the 14 enterprise division. Hunt's main work has been in the com and livestock divisions of FFA. Randy Klahold, Hallam Rll, received third place in the 3 enterprise competition entering his project books in the broilers and gardening categories. Marc Lehman also received a third place GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Robert Fulton Highway, Quarryville, Pa 717-786-7318 LANDIS BROTHERS 1305 Manheim Pike P 0 Box 484, Lancaster P'a' 717-393-3906 ERB & HENRY EQUIP.. INC. 2226 Henry Avenue New Berlmville Pa 215-367-2169 Book Honors honor but In the 6 enterprise category. Lehman has been active in the work ex perience category as he has done a large amount of custom farm work. Bair and Hunt's record books will be entered in State competition as they received first place honors. The FFA youth are Judged on the appearance and ac curacy of their project records. Other students receiving honors in the record book contest Included: Rusty Fry - 4th in three projects; Larry Spyker - 4th in one project; Larry Welsh - sth in three projects; Brad Emig - sth in two projects; Rich Buser - sth in five projects; Chris Arnold - sth in four projects; Bob Smith -6th in one project and Barry Rosh - 6th in six projects. New Officers To be. Installed By Ephrata Young Farmers The Ephrata Area Young Farmers Association will hold its sixth annual banquet for members, wives and guests on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 6:45 p.m. in the Mt. Airy Fire Hall. The new officers will be installed as follows: Earl Stauffer, Ephrata, president; Marvin Weaver, Ephrata, vice president; Daniel Fox, Ephrata, secretary; Ray Kline, Reinholds, treasurer and Earl Smoker, Stevens, CARL I. SHIRK 5 Colebrook Road Lebanon, Pa 717-274-1436 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Mam Street, Honey Brook Pa 215-273-3131 Four youths representing Eastern York High School, won top awards in the York County FFA Record Book competition held recently. (Front row from left) Robert Bair placed first in the 2 enterprise category with Scott Hunt receiving first place award in public relations. The above listed are dairy farmers. Special awards will be presented and door prizes will be awarded. The program at the family - style dinner will include guest speaker, Jane M. Alexander, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture of Pennsylvania speaking on the topic “Rural Penn sylvania Ain’t What it Use-to Be.” You may not be dying to give blood, but someday you may be dying to receive it. Call your local Red Cross blood center or community blood bank and help to save others. DON'T WASTE ENERGY Don't Waste Protein, either. For Efficiency in Your Dniry Operation, Feed the CORRECT BALANCE OF PROTEIN AND ENERGY. Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS RED ROSE PROGRAMMED DAIRY assures you of the proper balance - whatever your roughage program - no matter how often you change it And it's free. L. T. GEIB ESI. Manheim, RD2 HEISEY FARM SERVICE, INC. Mount Joy HEISTAND BROTHERS Elizabethtown DAVID B. HURST Bowmansville Richard B. Stein, District Manager JOHN W. ESHELMAN & SONS Red Rose Feed, York, Pa. A Division of Carnation Co. AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Hollond makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 9:00 A.M. Fat Hogs 2:30 P.M. —Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal - Horse Sale MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. . Hay, Straw & Ear Com—MONDAY 11:00 A.M. and WEDNESDAY 12:00 Dairy Sale - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager # Your nearest Red Rose Dealer is listed below He will welcome your inquiry. MOUNTVILLE E. P. SPOTTS, INC. FEED SERVICE Honey Brook, RD2 Columbia, RD2 RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY Quarryville& Buck LEROY M. SENSENIG Mohlers Church Rd., Ephrata, Pa Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS the 14 category competition. (Back row from left) Randy Klahold cap tured third place in the 3 enterprise contest with Marc Lehman taking third place honors in the 6 enterprise category. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows St Veal THURSDAY at 12:00Noon H. M. STAUFFER & SONS Witmer J. C. WALKER CO. Mountville, Pa. (717) 285-5650 £ maw mmm *mm « Phone: 717-354-4341 Gap
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