—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, Oct 12. 1974 12 Insect Growth Insect growth-regulators, or hormone-mimicking compounds, may help rid catttle of flies that cause major losses in milk production as well as reduced gains in weight of beef animals, according to results of tests reported by A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist here recently. • Control of flies is im At farrowing time, she’ll need some extra help... AND SHE'LL GET IT WITH OUR WORM 'N GERM PROGRAM ITRAMISOL tn the feed just before farrowing knocks out the four major lung and intestinal wo. ms. * AUREO S-P 250 fights diseases' rhinitis, scours and cervical abscesses right through the farrowing per,od /cg=ar/\ _ .. / /wc*m\ Gall us f-jarV-SK) today. STEVENS FEED MILL, MG. Stevens. Pa Ph-215-267-2150 or 717-733-2153 YOUR PIONEpR SALESMAN IS READY WITH SUPERIOR SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or plowdown. • Forage Mixes - A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, greenchop or green manure plowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. Don't Delay. See Your Pioneer Salesman To-Day! P,O .!!EER. Corn, Sorghum, Alfalfa g, Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi Bred International Inc Des Moines lowa USA portant from the standpoint of disease prevention as well as the pests’ nuisance factor, whjch has been estimated to cause losses exceeding $5OO million annually in reduced production of milk and meat. Experiments with syn thetic mimics of natural juvenile hormones of flies were described in a talk at the Eastern Branch Meeting, Entomological Society of America, by Or. Richard W. Miller, an animal scientist of USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Mexican Beetle Infests Soybeans Heavy infestations of Mexican Bean Beetles in soybeans have been reported on the Eastern Shore and Southern Maryland, says the Maryland Department of Agriculture. The State agriculture agency here has received reports that some fanners are applying or hiring custom applicators to apply the chemical dimethoate, commonly known as Cygon or De-Fend, for the control of this insect on soybeans. Ronald Johnson, Director of Plant Industries Division, says that this chemical is not registered for use on soybeans by the En vironmental Protection Regulators For Cattle Production Md. He incorporated the compounds in cattle feed; they passed through the animals' digestive system, permeating the manure, a prime material for thfe flies’ development. At critical periods, hormones are necessary for the continued development of fly larvae and pupae. When present at the wrong time, however, the hormone dooms the im mature insect to remain at that stage of development until it dies. ARS chemist Meyer Schwarz synthesized one of the most promising Agency and, thus, it is a violation of the law to use it on that crop. He warns both custom applicators and fanners that there may be serious consequences from illegally using this product. Applicators could lose their licenses if convicted of ap plying the material since it is not labeled for this use. Fanners would be subject to having their crop destroyed if illegal residues were found by the Food and Drug Administration. Since the Mexican Bean Beetle will cause little damage to the soybeans, unless defoliation exceeds 25-30 percent, farmers are advised against spraying in many instances. If defoliation exceeds 25-30 percent, Johnson suggests spraying with carbaryl, commonly known as Sevin, or malathion. Both of these products arc registered for this use by EPA and are recommended by the • UTILITY BUILDINGS • TOOL BUILDINGS • STORAGE BUILDINGS • BARN BUILDINGS • OFFICES • DOG HOUSES • GARAGES • CABINS Sizes For Every Need Completely Assembled STURDI-HOUSE PORTABLE BUILDINGS DISPLAYED BY T & L MERTZ 2919 Lincoln Hwy. East Soudersburg, Pa. 17577 Phone 717—687-8541 ROBERT GUTSHALL (717)93.3-4616 Lancaster Pipe & distributors Acorn unloaders bunk feeders tube feeders generators chute hoppers Self Unloading Silage Ca Cattle and hog feeders Automatic roller mills .'.IdJtViH =" hormone mimics tested by Dr. Miller. Horn flies and face flies are a problem in pastures rather than bams and thus are particularly goad targets for growth-regulators. Moreover, it would be im practical to spray pastures to control these pests. Removal of the manure would be equally unfeasible. “Integration of growth regulators with sanitation and traditional insecticides offers the best potentials for control of flies,” Dr. Miller said. “Our tests demon strated that house flies and stable flies find alternate breeding places such as untreated wet straw bed ding, and thus could remain a problem when growth regulators are used alone.” ' Dr. Miller also briefly described research with the sex attractant of the face fly. Hormonal compounds of the type being tested by ARS have been shown to readily breakdown in the en vironment. The ex periemental growth regulators tested by Dr. Miller are not registered for use as feed additives. Ap proval by the Food and Drug University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. These materials would also be effective against the corn earworm and green clover worm, which may be attacking soybeans at this time. Seek the advice of your County Agricultural Agent to determine if spraying is necessary, advises Mr. Johnson. Him or Hut? And then there was the cat named Ben—until he had kit tens. Then it was renamed Ben HUr! Mode! 2012,19' impeller Model 3013,27" impeller c ~ MMumwntnta. Administration and by the Environmental Protection Agency will be needed before WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - Dries White - Does Not Rub Off Easily - No Wet Floors - Is Compatible With Disinfectant Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Wltmer.Pa. 717-392-7227 HAVE YOUR BARN CLEANED AND SPRAYED NOW. inaect growth-regulator* may be used aa a feed ad ditive. New Negley-Miiler Silos silo blowers conveyors barn cleaners calf stalls free stalls cow mats barn fans Ritchie water fountains
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