FFA to Honor I Continued From fiftl) A™y ,_ . . .' 4 Burtner received his Ne«l Burtner has taught Bachelor's degree from agriculture at the Owen J. Pe nn State in 1943 and * or P 1 ® received his master’s from past 27 years. Before that the same institution in 1950. time he taught in Butler Burtner has been awarded County and also served in the the honorary Keystone Before You Buy That Track-Type Loader You Think You Have To Buy... See The CatGrpilldF Famous Caterpillar quality and depen dability are evident in every detail on the 931. So, when buying or trading, you can have the confidence that comes with a CAT built machine at a price you can afford. The CAT 931 Loader is versatile. You can match it to your work needs with a General Purpose Bucket, a Multi-Purpose Bucket, a Ripper or a Backhoe, Whatever application you need in a small trackloader. We want to talk to people who thought they could not buy Caterpillar built machines. We want to talk to people who never thought of buying Caterpillar built machines. If you have a need for a small trackloader in your work, the CAT 931 Loader is the one piece of equipment to fill that need. / CLEVELAND BROTHERS V St ° ) EQUIPMENT COMPANY fH YOUR CATBRPILLAJR DEALER s Calarpllar Cal and OafeTradanwhso* CatarpAar Tractor Co HARRISBURG 5300 Paxton St Route 61 WILKES-BARRE MANSFIELD Route SOS FRACKVILLE Route 6 . Fanner degree and Is a member of the Alpha Tri Alpha agricultural frater nity. During his years at teaching, Burtner has coached many award win ning judging teams including the state winning dairy judging team in 1972. His students have been active in helping the com munity by building nature trails recently and have also shown ability in their project work and record books. The award is based on a score card of achievements which includes the teacher’s service, the number of award winning FFA members under their leadership and the awards won by the chapter that they advised. It is the highest honor bestowed upon non members of the FFA. Youth In Competition Several area youths will also be attending the National FFA Convention which will be held from Oct. 15-18th. Some of these young people will be receiving distinguished awards while others will be competing against state judging teams in numerous contests. Those participating in the judging competitions will include: John D. Swart zentruber, Owen J. Roberts High School - Ag Mechanics; David Shantz, Brandywine PHILIPSBURG 307 Alder St WHITE DEER Route 15 Heights; Jeff Miller, Kutz town; Herman Manbeck; Conrad Weiser - State Dairy Judging team with Donald Reinert, Kutztown as coach. Jay Bomgardner, An neviUe-Cleona - Livestock; Steve Donough, Manheim - livestock with Glenn Spangler, Manheim as coach. Meats judging team - Randall Klahold, Eastern York; Wayne Bankert, Red Lion and Marlin Dietrick, Kutztown with John Myers as coach. Milk and dairy foods - Curtis Martin, Ephrata and Jay Oberholtzer, Ephrata. Poultry team - Craig Harnish and Arthur Rice both of Penn Manor. Livestock showmanship • Gary Long and Carl Gerlack both of Penn Manor with Gus Birchler of Penn Manor as coach. Several of the young people throughout the southeastern portion of the state will be receiving distinguished degrees and awards. Lynn Groff, 19, 211 South State Street; Ephrata and member of the Garden Spot Chapter of FFA will be receiving the North Altantic Region Agricultural Processing Award. The award is given ac cording to achievements that the youth has shown in the IF YOU OWN A JOHN DEERE 4508 ... an »H TD7... or a CASE 450 ... YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE FACTS ABOUT THE CAT 931 LOADER When you combine the features and per formance of the CAT 931 Trackloader with the skilled maintenance and parts availabil ity you can count on from Cleveland Brothers, you’ve got a total package that’s hard to equal. And if you consider financing a problem, give us a call. We can tailor fi nancing to fit your needs. Don’t buy that machine you thought you had to buy. Come in and see us first. We think we’ll change your mind. To find out more about the CAT 931 Loader, call us in Harrisburg 4717) 564-2121, or fill in and return this coupon. ■ Promotion Manager ■* ■ Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co I PC. 80x2535 " I Harrisburg, PA I m Please send me your free full-color catalog describing the fea- _ ■ tures and specifications of the Caterpillar Track-Type 931 I mm Loader. _ ■ Name & Title | ■ Company 1. I Add Receiving Awards 931 Loader Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 12,1974 Lynn Groff, who was a member of the Garden Spot FFA Chapter, will be receiving an agricultural processing award at the National FFA Convention in Kansas City next week. Lynn resides in Ephrata and is employed by Victor F. Weaver's in New Holland. processing of agricultural products as a career. Members must have and show technical ability not only in working with the product but by also ex plaining its purpose. Groff began working at Weaver’s Poultry Company in his senior year and has shown abilities as a group leader. He is presently working with the quality control program for the company. While in school, Lynn, was a vice-president of the FFA chapter along with being secretary and participating on the dairy foods, livestock and parliamentary procedure teams. Those receiving the American Farmer Degrees for outstanding FFA work will include; Joseph Lefever, Manheim; Jay Zimmerman, Denver and Dale Nolt, Manheim. Jacob Musser, QuarryviUe, will be awarded the Star Agribusiness award for the North Atlantic Region during a special session of the convention on Thursday evening, October 17th, John Roland Moyer, Newmanstown, will also be in line for his Regional Star Farmer Award for out standing work in the agricultural production area. Jeff Martin Will Sing Jeff Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin, RDI, New Holland, will be par ticipating in the National FFA Chorus during the convention. Jeff is one of the two delegates chosen to participate from Penn sylvania. Chapters Receive Awards A gold emblem for out standing FFA programs will be presented to the Ephrata (Cloister) Chapter during the Convention activities. The award represents outstanding work in FFA activities throughout the year relating to vocational agriculture and Future Farmer programs. Also receiving the gold emblem will be the Northern Lebanon Chapter in Fredericksburg. Silver emblems will go to the Grassland chapter at Garden Spot of New Holland and the Manheim Chapter of the Manheim Central Schools. Twin Valley School in Berks County will be receiving the bronze em blems to recognize their chapter’s work. Northern Lebanon High School will also be receiving gold emblem for outstanding achievement in the National Safety Award program sponsored jointly by the Farm and Industrial 'Equipment "Institute' > c ,=^,vv j} i age 11
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