I&—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16. 1973 Summer Activities Planned At Twin Valley Meeting A regular meeting of the Twin Valley FFA Chapter was held last week at Twin Valley High School. Terry Murray opened the meeting with the regular opening ceremonies. The secretary’s report was read and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was read and filed for audit. Ron Smoker gave a progress report on the window exhibit and on the barbecue planned for this summer. Lloyd Simmers gave a farm safety report. He stated that the committee is exploring the possibility of having a safety oriented window exhibit for next year. The committee has made numerous safety posters to distribute to libraries and elementary schools next fall. Handout sheets on open burning of trash are also being distributed. It was decided that the Chapter should pay $8 of the expenses of the nine students attending FFA Activities Week at Penn State in June. The remaining $lO will be paid by each student. July 15 and August 4 were set as the dates for summer Roof RAMROD IS A CHIPPER, SHREDDER, BAGGER, VACUUM, BLOWER. ROOF RAMROD, with hopper, chips %” diameter limbs with 3 h.p. engine, or 1” diameter limbs with 5 h.p. engine. And you feed the material in at the top where you’re comfortable. The Roof Ramrod is an excellent composter. Two reversible cutting blades rotating at speeds up to 3600 r.p.m. grind, chip, chop and mix organic matter, reducing it to fine compost. Or use the grindings as a mulch. ROOF RAMROD pulverizes glass, smashes tin cans, emasculates branches (up to 1” in diameter), masticates leaves, grass clippings, bagging them all. Dust-proof zippered flannel-lined canvas bag contains disposable plastic bag. ROOF RAMROD serves as trail-vacuum, too. Picks up and bags grass clippings, leaves, cans, bottles, rocks, paper. Only a hitch (optional at extra cost) is necessary to enable you to pull it with your riding lawn mower or garden tractor. Or use the Roof Ramrod as a blower to windrow leaves, or to blow drives, sidewalks, patios clean. Sure you can use it as a snow blower in dry snow. ROOF RAMROD, when equipped with blower baffle and nozzle, can easily be set to blow straight ahead or 90 degrees to left of operator. A V*” electric welded steel impeller moves maximum volume of air to windrow leaves, grass. Blows sidewalks and drives clean. Blows debris out from under trees, bushes, shrubs where you can get to it without cuts, bruises, scratches. < »| ohn REPAIR Stauffer “™ meetings. The July meeting is to be held at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houck’s farm and is to include a softball game and a demon stration of swine fitting by Robert Stoltzfus and Melvin Houck. The August meeting will be the barbecue at Kurtz’ Fishing Lakes. The Chapter was asked to have eight members to assist at the Berks County Wool Pool Wed nesday, June 13 at the Reading Fair Grounds. The date of the Berks County FFA Swine Show and Sale was announced. It will be held August 1 at the Leesport Market and Auction. The meeting was closed with the official closing ceremonies. Lloyd Simmers Chapter Reporter Lapland is the home of a small, sturdy people known as the Lapps, but it is not a separate country. The land belongs to Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Soviet Union. R.D. 2 East Earl, Pa Ph. 215-445-6175 Country Within USDA To Start Export Sales Reports July 6 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will begin a weekly series of reports on grain and soybean export sales July 6, 1973. USDA’s Statistical Reporting Service (SRS) stated the reports will show total export sales made each week and cumulative totals by marketing year of shipment. Commodities covered in the reports will be wheat by classes, corn, grain sorghum, barley,, and soybeans. The reporting program will be based on responses to questionnaires sent weekly to all known exporters. The reports will be issued each Friday with a one-week time lag between the end of the reporting week and the appearance of the sales data in the published summary. The July 6th release will report forward sales com mitted prior to June 30, 1973. Changes from the proposed program announced earlier reflect suggestions offered by the industry and others in response to the earlier'request for comments. Currently, such export sales information is not available. A weekly report of export sales should assist farmers, exi porters, and government officials Uni-Forage Harvester. Big capacity, separate blower, competitive price—plus! + -M0 Uni-Forage Harvester This Uni-Forage Harvester is priced the way you like it. Competitive with other self-propelled choppers. The separate blower means the cutter head doesn’t have to double as a blower And the spout is closer to the wagon, so forage is saved on turns, in contoured fields, and in crosswinds. Spout direction is hydraulic ally controlled. Three upper feed rolls and six spiral knives A. L. HERR & BRO. QuarryviUe KINZER EQUIP. CO Kinzer LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Rheems in making production and marketing decisions. Representatives of SRS and USDA’s Export Marketing Service held an open meeting for industry representatives, the press and public June 6 to explain the operating details of the reporting program. The Ainu are a race of white people who are be lieved to have been the first people to live in Japan. Some believe that, along with the natives of Austra lia, they are the oldest peo ple on earth. WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - Dries White Does Not Hub Off - No Wet Floors Is Compatible With Disinfectant MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 392-7227 It’s got everything. CHAS. J. McCOMSEY &SONS Hickory Hill, Pa. LANDIS BROS., INC. <t * * Old Folks Uni-Power Unit cut hour after hour with a more uniform cut, down to 3/16 of an inch. The Uni- Forage Harvester is a great chopper. And it’s part of Uni-System. The system of self-propelled harvesting equipment that needs only one inter changeable Power Unit. Uni Forage Harvester—with its big capacity and competitive price—is one of the rea sons why: Uni-System just makes more sense! Lancaster Try A Classified, Ad I Help Us Serve You Don’t assume we know about your farm organization’s meeting. To get vour meeting on our Farm Calendar, it’s safer to assume we don't know Remind us by calling 394- 3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Doncaster Farming. 22 E Main St . Dititz. Pa 17543. You’ll be helping us to serve vou better PS If you’re not sure you (old us already, we don’t mind hearing from you again. Windrow Pickup STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, Pa. ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata,R.D.2 N.G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim
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