v. % Two Local Producers Receive Awards At Poultry Day Ground 90 producers attended a :ent Poultry Health and magement Seminar held :ently at the Holiday West •tor Inn, Harrisburg. »ome highly important “hot • Corn Seed Treatment • Special Price on Baymix Cattle Wormers • Shovels, forks, rakes, hoes • Rohrer's Garden Seeds AARON S. GROFF Farm i Dairy Store R.D. ;t. Ephrata, Pa. 17542 (Hinkletown) Phone2s4-0744 ' Store Hours 7 A.M. to 0 P.M. Closed Tues. & Sat. at 5:20 P.M. EATURING OUR SECURITY FREE STALL We make a high Security Free Stall from high grade boiler type steel that will last and last. A bedding board is installed and the stall is elevated above the scrape area. Extra floor space is given to each animal and a maximum drinking area is provided. A step along the feed trough allows easy access to the feed but prevents manure from falling into the trough. • VAN DALE, INC. • MADISON SILOS CALEB M. WENGER, Inc. R. D. 1 DRUMORE CENTER, QUARRYVILLE, PA. topics” to the poultry industry were discussed -by a variety of experts in the field of poultry health and management. DeKalb district manager, Mike Holmes, opened the meeting SOLAIR BARNS DISTRIBUTORS FOR: Outstanding producers receiving awards at DeKalb Poultry Day were: (left to right) Henry Bower, Pittville Egg Factory, Inc., Pittville; Al Waltz, Wyco Eggs, Inc., Meshoppen; Mrs. Ray Harmony, Harmony Egg Farm, Mertztown; John Melhorn, leading into three hours of in- discussed by Dr. David formation packed discussions. Halvorson of DeKalb. “The The subject of “Profits Practical Side of Drying Poultry Through Flock Health” was Manure” was discussed by Glenn Bedding-/ / // J retainer Retainers lU9/ >* 'r'y • VAUGHAN • PAMLINE • MECHANIZED FEED LOT SYSTEMS Security Stall 'Extra scraper ,---■' -a ciearai All welded joints* - "' Header board 2V* Boiler tube*'" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1973 i. , \ • PHONE 548-2116 Aaron Click Poultry Farm, Quarryville; and Ammon Stoltzfus> Ammon Stoltzfus’ Farms, Elverson. Not pictured were John Bonham, Bonham Farms, Bridgeton, N.J., and Gus Hargessheimer, Port Norris, NJ. Herr, general manager, Cloisterdale Farms. Dave Ewart, Ralston Purina ingredient buyer, opened the post lunch session with “Feed Cost - Where To Go From Here.” The afternoon session was concluded by DeKalb’s management con sultant, Joe Claybaugh. Several top poultrymen were honored at the meeting for their outstanding efforts in im provements in poultry management and contributions to the poultry industry m general They were Henry Bower, Pitt ville Egg Factory, Inc ; A 1 Waltz, Wyco Eggs, Inc.; Mr and Mrs. Ray Harmony, Harmony Egg Farm, John Milhorn, Aaron Ghck Poultry Farm, Ammon Stoltzfus, Ammon Stoltzfus’ Farms, John Bonham, Bonham Farms; Gus Hargessheimer, Point Norris, N.J “We put together this program of hot topics in our industry in order to keep Pennsylvania and New Jersey poultry men up to date on the latest information that would be timely and prac tical for their operations,” stated Holmes. “We think it is im portant that a company like DeKalb do all that they can to assist area poultry men with their management op portunities.” Cat 9228 Loader Terex Articulated loader Michigan 125 Payloader Michigan 175 Payloader Hough payloader Case W 9 payloader Lorain payloader (3) Case 1537 Uniloaders (2) Case 1530 Umloaders Melroe 600 bobcat (3) Melroe 500 bobcats Owattona Mustang Universal Uniloader Case 580 CK loader Backhoe (150 hours) Ford Major loader Backhoe 3-Case 580 CK loader Backhoe 2-Case 530 CK loader Backhoe Case 680 CK loader Ford 4500 loader Backhoe Ford 3400 loader Backhoe J D 1010 loader backhoe M.F. 203 loader backhoe MORE ARRIVING DAILY WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. BACKHOES and Payloaders FOR SALE So. Race St. Myerstown, Pa. Ph. 717-866-2138 15
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