14 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 10, 1973 9 100,000 Fire Destroys Bam In Gordonville Fire destroyed a large barn outside Gordonville and 20 pieces of farm equipment early Tuesday. Total damage to the barn and its contents has been placed at more than $lOO,OOO. Cause of the fire was still under investigation Tuesday night, but State Police Fire Marshal Robert Haycock said an arsonist destroyed another barn on the same site in 1963. Poultry Meets Planned Three meetings have been planned for Lancaster County poultrymen on various management approaches to Crops and Soil Day Set Feb. 20 Lancaster County Crops and Soils Day is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 1973, m the auditorium of the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster An all-day educational program is planned by the Agriculture Extension Service The program will include soybeans, corn, weed control, forage, fertility, and related information Emphasis will be placed on recommendations and practices for the 1973 growing season mis mpHum TRACTOR IS FOR YOU You’ve got what it takes. That is ... the right type soil and conditions on your farm plus . . . The leadership to step out ahead of the crowd • • to be your own man. To accept new, exciting ideas in farming. A desire to farm all your life, but not to spend all your life farming. So . . . Come in soon and let’s talk about the A 175 and 185 CROP HUSTLER tractor.. a whole new concept in farming. Nissley Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa. Roy H. Buch, he. L. H. Brubaker Ephrata, R.D 2 Lancaster, Pa. BHM farm Equipment, he. Annville, R D I, Pa. The 1963 fire was traced to a juvenile, Haycock said. The barn was rebuilt in 1964. Owner of both buildings was Mrs. Lydia Scott, 86, of Paradise. The contents were owned by Earl Jones, 65, of Gordonville Rl, and his son, Dennis, 25, who have been farming the property together. current problems. The first meeting has been scheduled for 7-30 p m., Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Farm and Home Center. The program topics and speakers will be: Scope of Water Pollution in Lancaster County and It’s Effect on Bird Health; Speaker - Dr. Robert Herr, Chairman, Eastern Lancaster Co. School Agr. Dept. Poultry Health Management for Broilers and Layers; Speaker - Dr Edward Mallinson, Chief, Poultry Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, PA Dept, of Agr. Dr Herr will be dealing with the extensive work he’s done on water sampling and research in Lancaster County and offering recommendations for solving these critical problems. Several types of purifiers will be on display. ...if ALUS-CHALMERS Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, Pa. Both Mrs. Scott and Jones have insurance, fire officials said. Haycock said he believes the fire started in the second story of the 44-by-110 foot bam. It was first seen at 12:45 a.m. by a neighbor, Mrs. Ethel Fox, who was letting her dogs out to run. Mrs. Fox saw smoke and called Gordonville Fire Co., but by the time the fire crews arrived the Dr. Mallinson will discuss vaccination programs and how you can improve bird health by following good, sound management practices. On March 1, a second meeting will deal with poultry house ventialtion and waste management. A March 15 meeting will examine broiler condemnation and the dissemination of false in formation about eggs. Income tax service At our offices: Two Locations 144 N. PRINCE ST. 344 W. KING ST. B I NOW IS THE TIME FOR I workft leading | manufacturer I WNM4MMi3 automated , HHIh feeding systems. I j my fr 66 6 m °‘ subscri P tion to the Harvestore [ ‘JERSEY Harvestore Systems, Inc P.O. Box 91 New Holland, Pa. 17557 Phone (717) 354-5171 Most of the machinery lost was housed in a neighboring shed. Included were a corn combine, bailer, corn picker, three tobacco wagons, a corn planter, tobacco elevators and a mower. The Jones’s home, located about 25 yards behind the barn, Serving Lancaster City and County for more than a decade at your convenience .. —in the privacy of your home I Home T TAX SERVICE 397*7181 Lancaster SPRING PUNNING Free Current copy of Harvestore Farmer Magazine featuring latest information on crop and livestock management and auto mation Name Address Telephone County City State I farm Check Livestock Enterprise; Dairy □ Beef □ Hogs □ Number of Animals Check □ if attending school. building was enveloped by flames. Carl Slaymaker, Gordonville assistant fire chief, said 80 firemen on the scene fought the fire for about an hour before getting it under control. Firemen were also summoned to the scene from Intercourse, Ronks and Paradise. Art Weidman, of Paradise Fire Company, was struck in the face by a piece of falling tin. After getting 14 stiches to close the face wound, Weidman returned to the fire scene. Jones managed to save 24 head of cattle before being forced out of the barn by the heat. One calf was lost. Lost in the bam were 2,000 bales of hay, 4,000 bales of straw and tobacco valued at about $2,500. 299-3931 For Appointment was untouched, Damage to the earlier barn and its contents in the 1963 bam was placed at $75,000. Zip acres,
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