Something New By Jay Irwin Associate Agricultural Agent The Penn State Game Bird Short Course is now the Penn sylvania - New York Game Bird Conference. To better serve the industry the Pennsylvania Association and New York Association have combined efforts with Cornell University and Penn State University to give you more and better information. In the J.O. Keller Bldg, at 9 a.m. on February 26 and 27 on the Penn State Campus we will launch our seventh international CORN GROWERS & LIVESTOCK FEEDERS ARE INVITED TO A FARM INFORMATION MEETING TUES. FEBRUARY 20 f 1973 at L.H. BRUBAKER'S STORE 350 STRASBURG PIKE, LANCASTER To Corn Growers: (Tues. evening 7:30) This is a No-TIL meeting for owners and prospective owners of No-TIL planters. Farmers who are interested in having some planted by a customer operator who also urged to attend. An Allis-Chalmers company representative and a chemical company representative will give helpful information, show pictures, and answer questions concerning the equipment, chemical weed and insect control, etc. Bring your questions and your neighbor. To Livestock Feeders: (afternoon and evening) High Feed Costs? Our newest product line is an automatic Mix-Mill farm feed processing system. The basic Mix-Mill processer consists of a 4 or 6 ingredient blender and grinder which Is 98 per cent accurate. Package systems are available with storage and handling facilities. We plan to have with us a Mix-Mill demonstration unit. He can help you calculate possible dollar savings in your operation. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L.H. BRUBAKER ROY A. BRUBAKER 350 Strasbnrg Pike 700 Woodcrest Ave. Lancaster, Pa. Lititz, Pa. Tel. 397-5179 Tel. 626-7766 RED ROSE FARM SERVICE INC. MR. FARMER HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR SPRING SEED REQUIREMENTS? SEED OATS, AND SOME VARIETIES OF ALFALFA ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. HAVE YOU TRIED OR HEARD ABOUT WL 305 ALFALFA? SUGGEST YOU CALL OR STOP IN FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS PROVEN VARIETY. HOW ABOUT YOUR SPRING FERTILIZER NEEDS! Red Rose Farm Service Offers a Complete Selection of AGRICO Fertilizers, Bag or Bulk, Truck or Pull Type Spreaders available. FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE STOP AT ONE OF OUR CONVENIENTLY LOCATED STORES TODAY, Main Office N. Church St. Quarryville, Pa 786-7361 program for game bird growers and shooting preserve operators. This two-day meeting is packed with new and usable information. Enough time will be allowed for you to talk personally with each person at this conference. Our enrollment has averaged 70 people per year in the past from all over the United States, Canada and Mexico. The 1973 program for the Pennsylvania-New York Game Bird Conference includes new, different and necessary in formation for everyone in the industry. In Game Mr. Dick Campbell of Milan Feather Farm, Red Hook, New York will show a quick and ef fective way to catch and load pheasants. Dr. Leland Dwight Schwartz will keep you in business with a program for identification and control of Tripple E disease and VVND. These diseases can wipe out all birds if uncontrolled. Mr. Ed Smith, President, Pennsylvania Game Breeders Association will show his finest selection of 35mm slides of the historic Colonel Hunter Farm Preserve near Jamestown, Pennsylvania. Mr. Lynn Laudenslager, Editor of the Pennsylvania Game Bird Bulletin will cover effective and efficient production management for quality pheasants. Mr. Tom Light from New York will share the results of his 1972 financial analysis study made on hunting preserves in New York while he was at Cornell University. Dr. Owen Keene, Poultry Nutritionist at Penn State will discuss how antibiotics can be used in raising Bobwhite Quail. Mr. Dick Reynolds of the New York Game Farm Management System will give us the latest on controlling predators and gapes in the ringneck pheasant. ERTH-RITE SEA-BORN ALGIT ZOOK & RANCH, INC. R.D. 1 Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 Buck, Pa. 284-4464 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 10,1973 Birds Herb Jordan will take a shot at “What’s Wrong and Right with Pricing in the Industry.” Business meetings are scheduled for the New York and Pennsylvania Associations during the conference. Mr. Lee Kiefer, Director of Pennsylvania Game Breeders and NAGB and SPA and owner of L & L Pheasantry will share with us his experience with his new completely automated system for growing chukars. Mr. John Mullin international authority on shooting preserve management will give us a method with which to improve our image. Dr. Morris G. Mast, Poultry Food Technologist at Penn State will give a tour of the food science labs and what this means to the game bird industry. Dr. Ed Kazicky of Winchester- Western Nilo Farms will be present to consult with us all. More than 10,000 people have now obtained and used in formation from this short course. Please mark your calendar and come to this Game Bird Meeting on February 26 and 27, 1973. Send your check made out to The Pennsylvania State University to Bill Sipple, 410 J. O. Keller Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802. There is a $2O Registration fee per person. The American Cancer Society reports that one life in three is now being saved from cancer but it could be one in two with out a single new research dis covery if people understood the value of early detection and prompt treatment. Watch For Our OPEN HOUSE Week ot March 5 thru March 9, 1973 COPE & WEAVER CO. HI WH New Providence, Pa. ill WATCH FOR OUR ||| PANCAKE DAYS FEB. 21-22-23 MESSICK FARM MACHINERY INC. 2750 No. Market St. Elizabethtown, Pa. Ph. 357-1439 Jersey Cattle Club To Hold Calf Sale District 111 Jersey Cattle Club will again hold a Junior Jersey Calf Sale for 4-H and FFA youth work in Pennsylvania. The sale again will be held in conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Jersey cattle Club meeting March 30 and March 31. The State Club will meet at the Willow Valley Motel, Lancaster County. The calf sale will be held at the' William Aaron farm, Quarryville, Pa., March 31 at 10:30 a.m. Jim Boswell Assoc., Union ville, Chester County Auctioneer, donated his service free for this worthy cause last year and will do so again this year. The proceeds from the sale are turned over to the Pa. State Jersey Club for 4-H and FFA work. Last year was a first for this event held in Chester County. Many of the animals purchased by the youth were blue ribbon winners for them in 1972. For catalogs, write: George A. Seeds, 1208 Seeds Lane, Downingtown, Pa. 19355. Red Meat Slaughter Off 7 pet. Commercial red meat production in December by Pennsylvania slaughter plants was 80,148,000 pounds, according to a report this week from the Crop Reporting Service. The December production was 7 percent below a year ago. Total 1972 red meat production of 997,879,000 pounds was down 6 percent from 1971 Beef production m 1972 at 411.3 million pounds was off 4 percent, veal at 19 8 million was down a sharp 26 percent, pork at 560.5 million was 7 percent lower, but lamb and mutton at 6.2 million was up 6 percent. Red meat production in the 48 states of 2,973 million pounds in December was 6 percent below a year ago Total 1972 red meat production of 36,627 million pounds was down 2 percent from 1971 Beef production was up 2 percent, but production decreases were recorded for veal of 17 percent, pork of 8 percent, and lamb and mutton of 2 per cent TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 15
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