Penn Manor FFA Reports Winners at Lampeter Fair D °t I* l the green tobacco division, In the drv tobacco division Bob two-vear-old cow class Grec which was held f ceived . Burkholder received first place Landis placed first. Glenn Long The calf <*ase heldnn S2’ P| ace ™ the FFA class and first in the FFA class and second received first in the senior rne calf chase held on Wed- place in the open class. Carl D i ac e in the onen class Bob yearling class S?OT|S Brandt receive third place. Bob place * Highit bidders at the FFA There were over 25 bovs P w hn fourth P la^ e ,® n d FFA class and fifth in the open swine and steer sale were Har pntored this oontost y Qiarles Kauffman received fifth class. Rick Burkholder received vestore and Dagen’s Store. contest. P la ce. fourth place in FFA class and There were a total of 65 hogs Nelson Witmer received fifth entered in the swine show. Parke place in FFA class. Hess showed the champion market hog which was bought by Harvestore for $1.50 per pound. Parke also had the champion pen of two hogs. Cliff Charles showed the champion pen of four market hogs. Carl Brandt placed first in senior gilt and Carl Thomas placed second with his set of two pigs. New Holland 155 Elevator High supported flights for steep elevation. Slip-in flight links. No bolts to come loose and damage chain. Bale platform and guide to discharge bales to either side:' .. Top drive for less power and chain wear. .. Can be elevated up to 60 degrees. .. Lengths 24 feet, 30 feet, 36 feet, and 48 feet. Com hopper and shutes available. A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S. Railroad Ave. New Holland 354-4191 C. I. Wiley A Son, Inc. 101 S. Lime St., QuarryviUe 786-2895 ANOTHER SERVICE FROM YOUR OPEN HOUSE - George Manbeck Farm R.D. 1 Womelsdorf, Pa. jft- Totally Enclosed Dairy Barn Environment Control Slatted Floors Auto. Instant Milk Cooling OCT. 19, 1972 Penn Jersey Harvestore System, Inc. BOX 91 NEW HOLLAND, PA. L. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 Roy A. Brubaker 700Woodcrest Ave. Lititz 626-7766 HARVESTORE DEALER Milk Removal Much More — In the corn division the following Penn Manor FFA students received placings: Charles Kauffman, first; Roger Frey, second; Don Thomas, fourth; Rick Burkholder, fifth; Gary Long, sixth; Glenn Long, eighth, and Earl Brenneman, ninth. In the Indian Com division Doug Mull received first. Nelson Witmer received first in silage com and Greg Landis third. In the hay division Marlin Harnish received first in mixed hay and Dave Hamish received second in late cutting. There were two winners in the dairy division. In the Holstein Try A Classified Ad It Pays! MANURE PITS 24-36 ft., 48 ft. & 60 ft. Diameter 12 ft. Deep circular precast concrete with Gunite coated in terior. ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. R.D No. 1 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 733-6166 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7,1972 Ed Kilheffer placed fourth with a set of two fat pigs and second with a pen of four fat pigs. In the steer division Gary Long placed third with his Angus steer. Dagen’s Store bought the steer for 43% cents per pounds which was the highest price paid for any of the steers. Bob Shenk placed fifth with his Angus steer. News Reporters, Clair Hostetter - Gary Long AERIAL LADDER EQUIP!. FARM PAINTERS BRUNING QUALITY PAINT WE SPRAY IT ON AND BRUSH IT IN. Call Now For Free Estimates HENRY K. FISHER 2322 Old Phila. Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Phone 717-393-6530 MANAGEMENT MEETING— OCT. 17th & 18th William VanDusen Nationally known con sultant is the guest speaker. “This meeting is of substantial benefit, par ticularly as it relates to several key problems in managingafarm operation. Make Reservation Now PH. 717-354-5171 Yoder Cows Complete Production Records Three Registered Holstein cows in the herd of Jefferson D. Yoder, Elverson RDI, have been cited for milk and butterfat production levels by the Holstein-Friesian Association. The cows recognized for their exceptional food producing ability are: Rocky-Side Smokey Kitty 7299277, two-years-four-months of age, 17,330 pounds of milk, 688 pounds of butterfat with a 4.0 per cent test in 305 days; Rocky-Side Star Pearl 6926878. four-years-old, 17,520 pounds of milk, 666 pounds of butterfat with a 3.8 per cent test in 335 days, and Rocky-Side Ideal Bernice 7225139, age two-years-six months, 16,100 pounds of milk, 650 pounds of butterfat with a 4.0 per cent test in 364 days. Small Gallery Only five persons were present, besides Wilbur Wright, when his brother Or ville made the first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, N.C., Dec. 17, 1903. 15
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