14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7, 1972 *l4O Mil. Allocated to 1973 REAP Program The U.S. Department of pollution. Agriculture today announced a Through REAP the Federal 1973 Rural Environmental Government shares with farmers Assistance Program (REAP) the cost (usually on a 50-50 basis) that will strengthen conservation of carrying out needed con and diminish air and water servation and environmental TRY THIS ALL-PURPOSE DAIRY FEED! 14 TEST COW FEED It has a course granular texture - and can be fed at all seasons to milking cows, dry cows, calves and bulls. Test Cow is made from high quality grains and proteins, is high in fat, and very palatable . . . keeps appetites from lagging It’s one of the best dairy feeds we know how to make. RED ROSE RUMENATOR PELLETS is another feed you can use for efficient feeding. They’re excellent for top feeding to provide extra vitamins and energy. You’ll find other Red Rose Dairy Feeds available in many protein levels to suit your particular need. Each one is geared to maintain your herd, encourage milk production and return that extra profit. Let your Red Rose dealer help you select the one best suited for your herd. Give him a call! Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson I. B. Groybill & Son Strasburg I. Musser Heisey & Son R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Heisfand Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Form Service, Inc. N. Church St., Quarryville David B. Hurst Bowmansville RED ROSE Red Rose DAIRY FEEDS 6. R. Mitchell, Inc. Mountville Feed Service Musser Farms, Inc. Martin's Feed Mill Ephrata, Pa. Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Shelly Brothers R. D, 2, Manheim, Pa. E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, # Refton, Pa. Mountville Columbia Terre Hill Inc. Witmer protection measures on their farms. Practices emphasized are those which help to provide long range preservation of the en vironment and return greater benefits to the public. The initial funding level for 1973 will be $140.0 million, the same as the initial funding for last year’s program. A final decision regarding the program level will not be made until determinations are made on overall spending targets. Farmers will receive Federal cost-sharing for these new practices: (1) Installation of excess water management systems where they are essential to combat adverse en vironmental conditions such as water pollution from con taminated water runoff caused by high water table, or in complete recycling of animal or human waste, sedimentation, and salinity or alkalinity; and (2) use of conservation tillage on a demonstration basis to reduce soil loss from land devoted to intertilled (row) crops. Also, the 1973 REAP expands the authority to cost-share for practices to solve agriculture related air pollution problems. In the past, cost-sharing for pollution abatement was limited to those practices with soil and water conservation benefits. County committees will develop their 1973 programs within National program guidelines and will have op portunity to keep some or all of their 1970 county practices as was the case for 1971 and 1972. The following conservation and environmental protection ' features will receive high priority during the coming year; Establishing permanent vegetative cover; improving or protecting permanent vegetative cover; developing facilities for livestock water; water im poundment reservoirs; con structing terrace systems; diversion terraces, ditches or dikes; permanent wildlife habitat; animal waste storage and diversion facilities; sediment SB VS FOR YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT NEEDS BRITISH*! LEYLAND TRACTORS L.EYL.AIMO HUSKY LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT Farmway CLEANERS COMBINATION GRAIN and CATTLE BODY GRAIN DRYERS SEE OUR DISMAY AT THt MANHIIM FARM SHOW OCT. 11-12-13 SHENK'S FARM SERVICE RD4 turn, PA. PH. 626-4355 WOODS DRIVE 2 MILES EAST OF ROUTE 501 retention and water control structures; sediment or chemical runoff measures; disposal of crop, orchard or woodland residues without burning; and disposal pits for solid waste. BERG BARN CLEANERS read: BULK FEED TANKS and STORAGE BINS -O-WI
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