225 Attend Lancaster Co. 4-H Banquet Brandt, home economics, south west district. The five were elected for two year terms. Robert Groff president of the 4- H Leaders Council, conducted a business meeting, assisted by Miss Judy Longenecker, who gave the secretary’s ..and treasurer’s reports. Ray Brubaker, president of the 4-H County Council, was master of ceremonies and invocation was given by Miss Peggy Hamilton, (Continued from Page 4) Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin. Mrs. Richard Melly, Mrs. Donald Newcomer, Mrs. Melvin Ressler, Mrs. Allen K. Risser, Mrs. Roy Sauder, Mrs. William Shroeder, Mrs. Howard Wagner, Mrs. Kenneth Walton, Ira Welk, Mrs. Melvin Wenger, Mrs. Louise Williams, Mark Yoder, David Zimmerman, and Phyllis Zuber. The news reporter awards were presented to Mike Camp bell, the Penn Willow 4-H Com munity Club and JoAnne Hurst, of the Bergstrasse Busy Bees Club. The awards, chosen from among several entries, were based on club scrapbooks with news clippings and other in formation indicating an out standing job of communicating the club’s activities to the community. The awards were given by Lancaster Farming and the Intelligencer Journal. In election of officers for the County 4-H leaders council, the following were elected: Jacob Fisher, agriculture, northwest district; Kenneth Rutt, agriculture, southeast district; Donald Hastings, agriculture, southern district; Mrs. Betty Williams, home economics, northeast district, and Mrs. Luke Last year, growers all across the corn belt took us up on our "Green 'n Easy" fall plowdown program Response was so enthusiastic, we are making the offer again this year What is "Green 'n Easy?" Under an Ortho "Green 'n Easy" program for corn, you sim ply plowdown Ortho Umpel 20-10-10 this fall in the amounts you determine from exclusive Ortho yield goal formulas and you'll be through with all of your pre-plant plowdown of N-P-K Follow it up next spring with an at-planting apphca- tion of Ortho Umpel Starter Special You can apply it as a "dry pop-up" with the seed at 50 lbs /A and save time and material handling, while assuring a vigorous start for your corn crop What are the chances of nitrogen loss? Extensive research conducted by corn ex- perts in every corn-growing state has dem onstrated time and again that where losses of fall-applied nitrogen have occurred m fields suitable for fall plowdown (that is, other than sandy soils, steep slopes, land that floods, or organic soils), the maximum loss has been less than 20% Bainbridge Youth and Solanco Chapter Top FFA Robert Gruber, Bainbridge RDI, of the Elizabethtown FFA Chapter, was the high individual contestant at the FFA County Judging Contest last week at the Ephrata Fair. Gruber scored 720.3 points out of a possible 800 to beat out Scott Heckel, Paradise RDI, of the Solanco FFA Chapter. Heckel had 705.2 points. Randy Clark, Quarryville RD2, also of the Solanco Chapiter, was a close third with 701.8 points. Heckel and Clark led the Solanco Chapter to a first place in school average in competition with eight other Lancaster County FFA Chapters. Solanco was first place team with 612.3 points, beating out Clwvroo * Ortho president of the home economics division of county Council. Presenting entertainment were: Sally Garber, who was the first place 4-H talent winner, a violin solo, and Kathy Hastings, second place talent winner, a tap dance. Mrs. Doris Thomas, Lancaster County Extension home economist, introduced Mrs. Sue Doyle, the new Extension em ployee in food and nutrition. Mrs. Grassland FFA of New Holland, which was second with 581.5 points. Other FFA chapters and their scores and ranking were as follows ; Cloister FFA of Ephrata, 572.3, third; Manheim Central FFA, 556.7, fourth; Elizabethtown, 551.3, fifth; Pequea Valley, 531.1, sixth; Warwick FFA, 528.4, seventh; Garden Spot FFA of Lampeter Strasburg High School, 528.0, eighth, and Penn Manor FFA, 501.0, ninth. Other high individual scores were: Mervin Groff, Manheim RD2, of Manheim FFA, 701.6, fourth, and John Weaver, Ephrata RDI, Cloister FFA, 696.1, fifth. Ortho stands behind its program If your young growing corn in the fields where you have fol lowed the Ortho "Green 'n Easy" program, shows nitrogen deficiency next spring, we'll correct the deficiency by giv ing you free enough nitrogen to equal 20% of that which you applied this fall Why is Ortho so confident? . . . Unipels! Ortho Unipels are unlike any other fertilizer on the market today Umpel pellets are both chemically and physically uniform No chance for segregation or separation of ingred ients because every pellet has the same size, shape, and density and every pellet contains the precise ratio of N-P-K guaran teed And the phosphate is fixation resis tant So, once across the field does it with Chevron Chemical Company Smoketown Ph. 397-3539 Thomas also described progress in developing the nutrition program and introduced others working in the program. The Rev. J. Wesley Anderson, minister of the Bethany Presbyterian Church, was guest Speaker. He emphasized the need for adults today to provide leadership for youth. He recalled that in his day there was a song about “I’m Sitting on Top of the World.” Today there is much talk about disappointment and discouragement. But pointing to The judging involved several categories including dairy, livestock, sheep, swine and poultry. Scott Mull, Quarryville RDI, of Solanco FFA, was first in dairy judging with 287.1 points out of a possible 300. He will receive a $25 savings bond from the Lancaster County Guernsey Breeders Association. Other top placings in the dairy judging were: Bill Krantz, Quarryville RDI, Solanco FFA, 281.0, second; Dale Spangler, Peach Bottom, Solanco FFA, 280.5 third, Robert Gruber, who was first high individual overall, 278.3, fourth, and Daryl Sensing, East Earl RDI, Grassland FFA, 276.3, fifth. Unipels l You can't lose! Protect your fall fertilizing investment this year with a "Green 'n Easy" fall plow- down program from your participating Ortho dealer Visit with him soon and learn if your fields qualify For the name of your nearest dealer, or free literature, send this coupon today Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 9,1971 people in the audience, he said they’re examples of “something fl'ieht.” He said adults today need to be sincerely motivated and “deal gently and with concern” with young people. While young people today are enthusiastic for new ventures and want to have things done yesterday, Rev Anderson em phasized that young people have always had this type of energy. He said adults must not be afraid to deal with this enthusiasm and to give the guidance which young people seek Judging Contest The top scorers in livestock judging received the following scores out of a possible 500: Mervin Groff, Manheim FFA, 467.8, first, Tom Perry, Kirk wood, Solaaco FFA, 455.3, second; David Eckman, Pequea RDI, Penn Manor FFA, 449.3, third; Robert Harting, Denver RD2, Cloister FFA, 446.9, fourth, and Scott Heckel, Solanco Chapter, 445.4, fifth. Sole Register SAT OCT 9-9 A M Bath Builders, Inc. going out of business and selling out at auction located just off Rte 15 in village of Bath, N Y onCohoctonSt Sale conducted by Rumsey Sales, 226 Liberty St, Bath, N Y SAT OCT 9—ll A M 85 Hoi Dairy Cows, 800 gal tank, 2 Ghl wagons, Harvester and Blower. Sale by Arthur Short & Son, Smyrna, Del Harry Rudmck & Sons of Galena, Auctioneers MON OCT 11—7 PM Special Fall Feeder, Sale, feeder and re placement cattle by Woodstock Livestock Market, Inc, on U S IL Woodstock, Va TUES Oct 12-12 Noon Dispersal Sale of Registered and Grade Holstein Dairy Cows and Heifers located 1 mile north of Route 30, 4 miles east of Gap, 7 miles west of Coatesville, Chester County, Pa Turn north, first road west of Route 10. Terms by Mrs. Ruth R Engel, Parkesburg RD, Pa Leroy Zook, Auctioneer TUES OCT 12 1 P M Mary land Beef Cattle Producers, Inc. 19th Annual Fall Feeder Cattle Sale at Four States’ Livestock Sales, Inc, Hagerstown, Mary land Col. Robert C Mullen dore, Auctioneer. THURS. OCT 14—7 P.M Spe cial Yearling Cattle Sale at Fau quier Livestock Exchange. Itrcorp., Marshall, Virginia. FRI. OCT. 15- B.P.M. Quality Dairy Cow Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. Va mile west of ABC Breeders Unit, and across from Comet Theatre. Sale by Chas. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auc tioneer. FRI. OCT. 15 1 P.M. 2nd Fall Yearling Sale to be held at the Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. located IVz miles west of .Winchester, Va on U.S. Rte 50. FRI OCT. 15—7:30 PM State Graded Calf Sale at the South Branch Stockyards, Inc , Moore field, West Virginia. SAT OCT. 16-11 A.M Public Sale of Household Goods and Tools located 4 miles south of Quarryville off Rte 222 on Center Road. Sale by Esther B Groff; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer. SAT. OCT 16-10-30 AM. Public Auction of Household furniture and Farm Personal Property of Frank and Helen Moss, Little Marsh, Pa. formerly the Frankie Davis Farm, located on Rt. 249, 10 miles north of Middlebury, Pa,, 10 miles southwest of Westfield, Pa Ronald D West (Continued on Page 28) 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers