4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 9,1971 Poultry Market Reports Eastern Pa. and N. J. Wednesday, Oct. 6 Prices held unchanged on light type hens. Demand good. Of ferings barely adequate to short of full needs with occasional plant working part-time due to shor tages of supplies. Offerings of heavy type hens adequate for a limited call at slightly lower prices. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 4%-7 mostly 6V2-7 in Pennsylvania mostly 5-6 in New Jersey. Heavy type hens: 12- 12%. Delmarva Wednesday, Oct. 6 Ready-to-cook movement continues to improve with slaughter sharply increased in an effort to fill needs. Advance in terest fairly good though no sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up...cost* down... Is the profit key in poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s...“The Busi nessman’s Bird”.,.show sus tained production of top quality eggs...often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come in... look at the records and the B-300 ..."The Businessman's Bird”. BABCOCK FARMS, INC Telephone (717) 626-8561) 9th ANNUAL APPLE WEEK CELEBRATION APPLE M O # 6a| - RED DELICIOUS tv m APPLES *1 .69 Pumpkins, Gourds, Indian Corn Cherry JJi(( Orchards Route 324, New Danville Pike CLOSED SUN. 392-6022 WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 38 37 36 36 36 Large 34 33 32 32 32 Mediums 25 26 26 27 27 Pullets 17 17 17 18 18 Peewees 12 12 12 13 13 BROWN Fey. Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Standards Checks Long Tone Market Tone on large white improved. Supply still am ple. Mediums closed clearly. Pullet in balance. confirmed negotiations noted at this time as buyers and sellers await further developments. Less than trucklot prices unchanged on both Plant and U.S. Grade A. Live supplies ample at heavier than desired weights in most quarters. Undertone unsettled. Pool truckiot prices for Thursday arrival in the New York area: U.S. Grade A 25%-27% M 25V 2 -26 Plant Grade 241&-26 M 24M>-25 Special packs including 1%-2, 3V 2 pound sizes TFEWR. Fogelsvifle SALE OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted) HENS, heavy type 5-16 mostly 7- 12; PULLETS 15-30 mostly 27-30; ROASTERS 2-31 mostly 24-27; DUCKS 5-34Vfe mostly 30-34; DRAKES 5-43 mostly 40-43; RABBITS 10-35 mostly 25-33; GUINEAS 45-65 mostly 60-64; PIGEONS (per pair) 40-1.75 mostly 60-80. Total coops sold 522. 4-H’ers to Visit Building The Retarded Childrens Day Care Service of Bethany Presbyterian Church has invited the Lancaster County 4-H County Council to visit the new building that the County Council helped create. The 4-H’ers and their guests are invited at 7:30 p.m. November 9. The county 4-H’ers donated money this Summer from the proceeds of a Walk-a- Thon. Convert It to Cosh With o Classified “We Grow Our Own" Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, October 4th to Friday, October Bth Mon, Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Vl 811. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Tues. 38 37 37 31 28 28 29 28 17 17 17 17 New York Eggs Wednesday, Oct. 6 Prices lower on large, generally unchanged on balance. Floor stocks of large continue to increase slightly under light demand with some attractive offerings left unsold. Extra large white generally adequate with street sales noted at 34-35 cents mostly 35 cents. Offerings of browns in excess of local needs. Locally fair plus good out of town call for fancy mediums is clearing stocks with lower quality being diverted to breakers. Smalls adequate. Cartoning activity and movement fairly good on mediums with retail promotions, fair in other quarters. Undertone unsettled on large fully steady to firm on mediums. New Holland Fat Cattle Show The New Holland Sales Stables had 210 animals in its Semi- Annual Fat Cattle Show and Sale Thursday. Winners by breed in pens of six, weight, price and buyer are as follows: Mixed Breeds - Paul Eberly, East Earl RD2, first, 7420 pounds, 37 cents a pound, Cross Bros, of Philadelphia; Henry Eberly, Lebanon, second, 6925 pounds, 35.75 cents, Cross Bros., and Luke Eberly, Stevens, third, 6660, 35.35 cents, Abe Moyer, Souderton. Angus - Amos Risser, Elizabethtown RD2, first, 6860, 37.25, Chester Thomas & Sons, New Danville; Harold Frey, Marietta, second, 6955, 37, Great Valley Meat Market, Berywn, and Paul Rohrer, Lancaster RD2, second, 6450, 36.10, Chester Thomas & Sons, New Danville. Herford - Martin Eberly, Ephrata, all three top positions, 6840, 35.35, Baum Meat Packing Co., Lansdale, Pa.; 7495, 35.35, Linden Packing Co., Newark, N. J., and 7385, 35, Abe Moyer, Souderton. Vintage (Continued from Page 2) 205-230 lbs. 21.75-22.00 US 1-2 200- 235 lbs. 21.50-21.60 US 2-3 195-245 lbs. 21.00-21.50. SHEEP—Market not reported. Saturday, October 2 HOGS 1080. Barrows & Gilts- Strong to $1 higher US No. 1-2 190-240 lbs 22 00-22 35, few lots 22 50-22 75 US No 2-3 190-255 lbs. 21 60-21 85. US No 2-4 260- 300 lbs 17 25-19.25, lot at 20.35 US No 2-4 180-185 lbs 20 00- 20.85 US No 2-4 165-175 lbs 17 00-18 50. SOWS US No 1-3 lbs. 1550-16.50. Few US No 2-3 285-645 lbs. 12.75-14.00 225 Attend 4 About 225 persons attended the 1971 Lancaster County 4-H Leadership Banquet at the Farm and Home Center Tuesday night. Miss Joan D. Lucas, assistant Lancaster County Extension home economist, presented two New Holland Horse Auction Monday, October 4 Reported receipts of 239 head of horses; market stronger than last weeks market. Load lowa riding horses, 110 -165. Load Illinois Standard bred driving" horses, 255 - 520. Load New York state Stan dardbred driving horses, 210 - 370. Load Kansas riding horses, 135 - 180. Load lowa riding horses, 130 - 295. Locally consigned work horses, 115 - 200; riding horses, 80 - 200; driving horses, 85 - 330; few better horses, 210 - 250; four thoroughbred jumping prospects, 320 - 530. Mare ponies, 5-25; geldings, 5 - 20; colts, 2 -10; larger ponies, 40 - 80; killers 6-8. USE WAYNE ANIMAL WAYNE [Tferal HEALTH AIDS TO CALF KRUNCH S E L I KEEP YOUR fgl d HEALTH I *H« I LI y ESTOCK AND From Allied Mills The Innovators POULTRY HEALTHY ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ranks HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. HAROLD H. GOOD Terre’ Hill GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl HERSHEY BROS Reinholds WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim H Banquet teen leadership recognition awards for outstanding work in 4- H to the following: Ann Overmyer,' 111 Village Drive, Mountville, a member of the Mountville 4-H Home Ec Club, and Barbara Ann Myer, Elizabethtown RD3, a member of the Elizabethtown 4-H Pig and Rabbit Club. Max Smith, Lancaster County ag agent, presented leader service awards as follows: Twenty year award to Jay Nissley and 15 year award to Ivan Nolt. Ten year awards to Mrs, Richard Andrews, Earl Fisher, J, Harold Frey, Mrs. Roy W, Hoober and Mrs. John Bare. Five year awards to William J. Aaron, Mrs. Charles Adams, Jesse Balmer, Mrs. Kenneth Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Bussell, Mrs. Edward Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher. Mrs. James M. Garber, Mrs. Robert Gregory, Vincet Hoover, Mrs. Ralph Hostetter, Robert Kauffman, HaroldS. Landis, Jay Landis, Mrs. Edward Leaman, Mrs. James Lefever,. Mrs. Mylin (Continued on Page 5) MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa, PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise Leola, Pa. FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer
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