—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 12,1971 2 Local Livestock Market and Auction Reports Lancaster Auction Wednesday, June 9 Cattle Calves Hoffs Sheep Today 1191 101 380 30 ■Last wk 1366 101 649 45 Last yr 1585 101 182 28 This wks auction Last wks auction 1353 1133 112 232 62 116 CATTLE Compared to Monday, Slaughter Steei s 25 50 lower, instance 75 lower; Cows steady to weak; Bulls fully steady SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lbs 32 50-34 00, mainly 33 00-33 75, Choice 950-1400 lbs 31 10-33 35, high-Good and low-Choice 29 85- 31 50, Good 28 25-30 35, Stand u d and low-Good 26 50-28 75 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 23 75-24 85, Cut ter 22 50-23 75, Canner and low- Cutter 20 50-22 50. BULLS Choice 29 00-30 85, Good 27 35-29 00, Utility and Commercial 27 50-31 00, few 31 00-32 00, with 21 head 32 10- 33 10 VEAL CALVES Choice Vealers strong to 100 higher, other grades 1 00 2 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 48 50- 50 50, eight 51 00-53 00, Good 42 50 48 50, Standaid 37 50-43 50, Utility 34 00-37 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES—Good 270-320 lbs 36 50-42 00, Standaid 54-00-36 50 Banows and Gilts HOGS 50-75 lowei BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 200-235 lbs 19 50 19 85, US 2-3 200-240 lbs 18 60-19 10 US 2-3 245-260 lbs 18 35, US 2 160- 165 lbs 15 00 .SHEEP Spring Lambs fully steady SPRING LAMBS—Choice 75- 95 lbs 31 00-32 25 Green Dragon Hay Market 24 loads hay, including Al falfa, few loads 40 00-55 00, Timothy, few loads 29 00-35 00, Mixed hay 25 00-40 00, one load 47 00, Clovei, one load 57 00 14 loads straw, 31 50-41 00 Green Dragon Livestock Sales Ephrata, R. D. 3, Pa, Walter Risser, Manager Phone: (717) 733-2334 Every FRIDAY • Dairy Cows 12 30 P M. • Hay & Stiaw Auction 1 00 P.M • Beef Cattle & Veal Calves 11 00 A M Lancaster Market Monday, June 7 Cattle Calres Hogs Sheep 1443 252 1042 199 HOLIDAY Today Last wk. Last yr 979 253 1465 141 CATTLE Compared to last weeks close, Slaughter Steers weak to mostly 25 lower; Cows 25-50 lower, Bulls mostly steady Supply included an estimated 60 percent Slaughter Steers, 9 per cent Bulls, 5 percent Cows, with the balance mainly Feeder Steers, 1181 for auction 431 SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1025- 1350 lbs 33 50-33 85, one lot 1160 lbs 34 15, few 1350-1450 lbs 33 00-33 50, Choice 950-1350 lbs 31 75-33 75, high-Good and low- Choice 30 75-32 00, Good 28 50- SI 35, Standaid and low-Good 27 25-28 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 800-975 lbs 29 75- 31 00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 23 75-25 00, few 25 00-25 75; Cutter 22 50-24 25. Cannei and low-Cutter 20 00- 22 50 BULLS Choice 29 00-30 50, Good 27 50-29 00, Utility and Commercial 27 75-30 75, few 31 00-31 75, five head 32 GO -33 35 VEAL CALVES Vealers weak to 100, instances 200 lower VEALERS Choice 48 00- 50 00, few 5100, Good 44 00- 48 00, Standard 40 00-44 00, Utility 34 00-41 00; Cull 25 GO -32 CO HOGS—Banows and Gilts un evenly steady BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 200-235 lbs 20 50-21 00, US 1- 195-240 lbs 19 50 20 00, US 2- 190-260 lbs 19 00-19 75, US 3- 255-275 lbs 17 75-18 75 SHEEP Spring Lambs 1 00- 2 00 lowei, Ewes mostly steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 50- 85 lbs 30 00-32 00. Good 28 00- 30 00 SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility and Good 5 00-9 00, few Cull 3 50 Thomas Assumes Post Sam Thomas, took up duties as office manager at Eastern Mennomte Boaid of Missions and Chanties, Salunga June 1 Locally consigned woik horses. He woiked foi two yeais in a 130-235, riding horses, 110-235, Mobile, Alabama, hospital un- chiving horses, 100-690, mules, dei EMBMC’s Voluntaiy Sei- 110-150 vice piogiam Thomas is mai- Maie ponies, 10-35, geldings, ned to the foimei Manan Jean 10-25, colts, 515 laigei ponies Landis 45 70, killeis, 10-11 AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10-30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY, at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone - 717-354 2194 Composite Report Friday Weekly, June 11 Lancaster, Vintage, and New Holland Markets Cattle Calves This week 5200 1250 Last week 4680 1110 Last year 6247 1208 CATTLE Slaughter Steers 50-1 00 lower, most decline on Good to average-Choice, Cows steady, instances 50 higher, Bulls steady throughout most of the week, although sharp decline on Thursday on Bulls selling fi om 50-2 00 lower, most decline on Utility and Commercial over 1500 lbs Supply included an estimated 60 percent Slaughter Steers, 25 percent Cows and Bulls, with the ■ balance mainly Feedei Steers SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lbs 32 50-34 00, mainly 33 00 33 75, Choice 950-1400 lbs 31 00 33 50, high-Good and low-Choice 29 50- 31 50, Good 28 00-31 00, Standard and low-Good 26 50-29 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 800-975 lbs 29 00- 31 00 COWS —Utility and high-dress ing Cutter 23 75 r 25 75, few sales 25 75-26.50, Cutter 22 50-24 50, Canner and low-Cutter 20 50- 22 50. BULLS Choice 28 50 30.50, few sales 30 50-31 00, Good 26 75- 29 00, Utility and Commercial 27 00-3100, few early pait of week 31 00-32 00, with 30 head early in the week 32 10-33 35 VEAL CALVES —Vealeis un even, Choice steady to strong, instances 100 highei, other grades 1 00-3 00 lower VEALERS Choice 46 00- 50 CO, few 51 00-53 50, Good 42 00-48 00, Standaid 38 00-44 00, Utility 32 00-40 00, Cull 80-120 lbs 28 00-34 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Choice 270-320 lbs 36 00-42 00, Standaid 32 00-36 00 CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Balk 90-120 lbs 35 00- 45 00, few 45 00-49 00 New Holland Horse Auction Monday, June 7 Reported receipts of 396 head of horses, market steady with last week One load lowa udmg hoises, 115-270 One load Ohio riding hoises 135-335 One load Kansas ndmg hoises 145-220 Vintage Auction Tuesday, June 8 Cattle Calves Hoffs Sheep Today 975 501 654 55 Last wk. 1099 443 695 131 Last yr. 933 540 308 128 CATTLE Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers un even, high-Choice and Prime 25- 50 lower, Standard to average- Choice mostly steady, instances 25 lower on Choice, Cows un evenly steady, Bulls about steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- 1400 lbs 33 00-33 85, few head 34 00-3410, load 1450-1650 lbs. 31 50-33 00, Choice 950-1400 lbs 32 00-33 50, few sales 31 50-32 00, high-Good and low-Choice 30 50- 32 00, Good 28 50-31 50, Standard and low-Good 26 50-29 00 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 23 25-24 85, few 25 00-25 50; Cutter 22 00-23 50, Canner and low-Cutter 20 50- 22,00 BULLS Choice 28 60-30 75; Good 27.25-29 00, Utility and Commercial 27 50-30 75, few 30 85-3150, three head 32 00- 33 10. VEAL CALVES—Vealers 100- 2 00 lowei with most decline on Good and Choice VEALERS Choice 47 50- 50 00, few 50 50-51 50, Good 44 00-48 00, Standard 40 00- 44 00, Utility 34 00-40 00, Cull 80-120 lbs 28 00-34 00 CALVES RETURNED TO FARM—Bulk 90-120 lbs 37 00- 46 00, few 47 00-49 00. HOGS Barrows and Gilts mostly 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 200-225 lbs 19 85-20 10, US 1-2 200-240 lbs 19 35-19 60, US 2-3 195-240 lbs 19 00-19 35, US 2 190-200 lbs 18 50-19 00; US 2-3 240-255 lbs 18 50-19 00 SHEEP Market not report- Fat Hogs and Feeder Pig Sale Saturday, June 5 Hog receipts 1007 Lightweight 160-180 lbs 16 00- 18 85; Mediumweight 180-200 lbs 19 0019 25, 200-220 lbs 1910- 2510, 220-240 lbs 19.25-19 85; Heavyweight 240 lbs and up 18 35-19 35. Sows 13 25-14 50. Local Grain Thursday, June 10 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by six paiticipating local feed and giain concerns It should be noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity All prices aie pei bushel, except for eai coin which is per ton BEEF FOR M FATHER'S WSm DAY - " Sun., June 20 , Have your wife treat you to the Best! Serve Beef often. Compliments of VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Ph: 717442-4181 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager • New Holland Auction Thursday, June 19 Cattle Calves Sheefl Today 1188 377 21 Last week 1423 390 33 Last year 1270 323 32 CATTLE Compared to lasl Thursday, Slaughter Steers weak to 50 lower, with, average* Good to low-Choice off 1.00; Cows strong to 25 higher;. Bulla uneven, Good and Choice 50* 100 lower, Utility and Commer* cial 50-1 50 lower, with weights over 1500 lbs mostly 2.00-lowerj SLAUGHTER STEERS—High* Cnoice and Prime 1100-1250 lbs,; 32 85-33 50, Choice 950-1300 1 lbs. 31 00-33 00, high-Good and 1 low* Choice 29 50-3125, Good 28 00- 30 50, Standaid and low-Gooi 26 50-28 50 COWS Utility and high, diessing Cuttei 24 00-25 75, few 25 85-26 50, Cutter 23.00-25.00; Canner and low-Cutter 21.75. 23 00 BULLS Choice 28.50-30.00, few 30 25-3100; Good 26.75. 28 50; Utility and Commerciat 27 00-29 50. few 29.50-30:50. FEEDER STEERS —Around » load Choice 975-1050 lbs. 30:00. 30 25;' load Standard and Good 790-920 lbs 26 10-26.35. VEAL CALVES—Vealers un< even, Choice mostly steady, in. stances 2 00 higher, other grades 100-3 00 lower VEALERS Choice 46 00. 50 00,' few 51 00-53 50; Good 40 00-46 00, Standard 38.00-42-00; Utility 32 00-38 00. SHEEP—SmaII supply* Spring Lambs mostly steady, few Choice 40-85 lbs 32.50-34.00; few Good 30 00-31 50. - ' Monday, June 7 Hog Receipts 1165 Retail 20 - 22; Wholesale 19.35-20; Heavyweights 18-19 35; Sows 11« 15, Boars 12-14 50. Monday, June 7 Calf Receipts 123 Choice and Prime 46-50, Standard 37-4150; Good and Low Choice 42-45.50. Common 25-36 60 Monday, June 7 Fifteen loads of Hay and Straw sold as follows: Hay 28* 43 50, Straw 37-43. The average local grain prices quoted Thuisday, June 10, 1971, are as follows: Bid* Offered* Ear Corn 4190 48.00 Shelled Corn 1.74 1.93 Oats (local) 82 .94 Oats (western) 104 1.14 Bailey- Wheat a Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offeied is the price the dealer will sell for at iris mill 1 10 1-29 166 1.88
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