Lebanon Valley I Auction f Tuesday, June 8 [ 416 Head of Cattle Steers High Choice and Prime (few), 33 00-35 10, Choice, 2175-33 00, Good, 29 35- 31 85, Standard, 27 00-28 75, Utility, 25 75-27 00 Heifers: Choice (few), 28 50- 30 75; Good (few), 26.10-28 50. , Cows Utility (individual), 2460-25.75; Cutter, 23 60-24 50, Canner, 22 00-23 60, Shells down to 20.00. Bulls: Good, 29 25-3100; Uti lity and Commercial, 27 75-32.- 75. 230 Head of Veal Calves Choice (individual), 48.00; Good (few), 45.00-50.00, Stand ard, 43.00-45 00; Utility, 38 00- 4200; Cull 70-85 pounds, 29.00- 33 00. Farm Calves - Bulls 80-110 pounds, 35.00-46 00; Heifers 85- 120 pounds, 35 00 46 00. 319 Head of Hogs Barrows and Gilts U S 1-2 210-240 pounds (few), 19 75- 19 85; U S 2-3 190-240 pounds, 1900-19.50; U.S 2-4 190-260 pounds, 18 50-18 75; U S 2-4 125- 190 pounds, 17 50-18 10. ' Sows: U S. 2-3 300 600 pounds, 32 00-13.00 Boars: 12.00-13.35. 40 Head of Feeder Pigs U.S. 1-3 20-35 pounds, 7.50- 1450, : 27 Head of Sheep and Lambs Choice 70-115 pounds (few), 5000; Good 50-80 pounds (few), 25 50-26.50; Ewes (few), 6 50- 1100: ■rer ’ * " U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter For week ending Thursday, June 10 Week to date Same period last wk. Same period last yr. Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. GET BARE GROUND WEED CONTROL Pramitol® liquid gets rid of weeds where you don’t want them. In fences. And around buildings, sifos, feedlots, gas tanks, and pumps. It’s great for knocking out weeds where you can’t mow. Pramitol liquid works like a charm. One early spray keeps weeds down all season. Try Pramitol 25E liquid. You’ll find all kmdsof usesfor it. if you prefer, use easy to spread Pramitol pellets. Smoketown, Pa. Oklahoma City Thursday, June 10 Estimated receipts 8,500 Same day last week 9,421 Same day last year 8,375 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves unevenly steady compared to late last week, some weakness developing on Choice Grade 650-900 lbs steers, however Standard and Good thin fleshed offenngs all weights strong to 50c higher, in stances 100 higher. Fairly large attendance buyers. All weights and grades well represented. Sales As Of 1 P.M. Feeder Steers Choice, few Prime 300-475 lb 37.50-40 60, two part loads 353-380 lb 43 00- 43 10, 500 650 lb. 33 25-36.50; 650-750 lb 32 00-32 85, 750-900 lb 31 00-32 25, Good and Choice 390-500 lb 35 50-36 75, 500-650 lb 32 25-33 50, 650-750 lb 31 25- 32 00, 750-900 lb 30 25 3100, Good 300-500 lb 32 50-34 75, 500- 650 lb 3125 32 50, 650-750 lb 29 25-31 50, 750-950 lb 28 50-30 - 25, Standard and Low Good 500- 650 lb 28 75-30 75, 650 800 lb 26 00-28 50. Feedei Heifers Choice, few Prime 300-450 lb 33 25-37 25, 450-710 lb 30 00-33 25, Good and Choice 300-450 lb 32 25-33 00; 450-700 lb 29 00-30 00, Good 300- 450 lb. 30 00-3150; 450-650 lb. 27 00-28 75. Others Few Good and Choice bull calves 3175-39 00. Cattle Hogs Sheep 498.000 1,312,000 155,000 394.000 1,055,000 121,000 468.000 1,075,000 148.000 397.3539 Omaha Cattle Thursday, June 10 Compared to last weeks close closing puces on Average-Good to Prime slaughter steei s 25 50 lower, Standard and Low Good Holsteins steady to 25c higher Heifers 25-50 c lower Cows 25- 50c highei Bulls fully steady Small feeder supply fully steady Four day receipts 21,900 com pared 17,400 previous holiday week and 21,100 year ago Slaughter steers approximately 47 percent, heifers 35 percent, rather liberal volume Choice and moderate number High- Choice and Prime Cows 9 per cent, feeders 5 per cent Fed cattle prices pointed downward under combined influence of fairly liberal local marketings and a bearish carcass trade re sulting from continued heavy cattle slaughter under federal inspection Most buying mter- ests cautious and selective after early rounds as hot, humid weather often influenced gener ous water fills and di essing pei - centages were leported as ei ra tio. Market Steers Steei s Load High Choice and Prime, U S 3-4, 1176 pounds, 34 00, 18 loads, 1128- 1262, 33 60-33 75, Choice, US 2- 975-1300, 32 00-33 00, Mixed Good and Choice, 950-1250, 31 - 25-32 00, Good, 28 00-31 25, Stan dard and Low-Good, 26 50-28 00, Holsteins, U S 2-3, 27 50-28 25 Average cost slaughter steers first three days 32 29 Average weight 1137 pounds as compar ed 32 39 and 1135 pounds pre vious week and 29 55 and 1127 pounds a year ago Heifers High Choice and Prime, load and part load, U S 3- 1002-1006 pounds, 33 25, 26 loads, US 2-4, 880-1064, 32 65- 33 00, Choice, 850-1050, 3125- 32 50, Mixed Good and Choice, 800-975, 30.50-31 50; Good, 26 50- 30 50; Standard and Low-Good, 25 00-26 50. Cows Utility and Commer cial, 2150-22 50; Few Utility, 22 75-23 00, Canner and Cutter, 18 00-2150, Mixed Cutter and Utility, 2175-22 00 Bulls Utility, Commercial and Good, 26 00 28 00, Commer cial, 28 50-29 50, Cutter and Low-Utility, 24 00-26 00 Feeder Steers pounds, 32 25 33 65, Load 868, Steei s Choice, 467-512 3025 „ , , , ~, pounds, 35 50-36 50, 650-760, 32 - Small feedei supply fully 60-33 50, High-Good and Choice, steady, consist High -858-1082, 30 00-32 00 Good and fleshy 900 1050 pound Heifeis Choice, 432 572 steei s Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12,1971 — FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thiusday. June 10) June July August September October November December February ’72 March April May Trend Cattle steady and Eggs aie a-asked b-bid n nominal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Jc Company Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Monday - Wednesday June 7 - 9 Compared last Friday, slaugh ter steei s and heifeis 25c-50c lower, cows and bulls unchang ed Inci eased leceipts, coupled with a decline in the whole sale dressed beef tiade, ap peared to be major factors con tubuting to the downturn in slaughter steers and heifers Receipts 80 percent slaugh ter steers, 16 percent heifeis, balance mainly cows Oveiall finish of slaughter steers was virtually the same as both last week and last year with 17 per cent Prime and 70 percent Choice Heifer supply mainly High Good to Low Prime weigh ing 850-1050 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Monday, Prime 1225 1350 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 33 50- 34 00, the latter the lowest weekly top since January On Wednesday, compaiable Giade and Weight 33 25-33 50, High Chicago Chicago New Yoik Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes 32.60 20.15 22.20 30.95 22.95 30.45 22.20 30.32 23.37 24.32 31.07 31.15 23.50 3.20 aie weaker, Hogs aie sliongei, Potatoes aio steady. Choice and Pnme 1100-1375 lbs 32 75-33 25, Choice 950-1350 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 31 75-32.. 75, largely 32 00 32 50, Mixed Good and Choice 950-1200 lbs. 31 25-32 00, Good 28 00 31 25, Standaid and Low Good 26 00- 28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Monday, few loads High Choice and Pnme 950-1050 lbs. Yield Giade 3 and 4 33 00-33 25, the latter the lowest weekly top since mid-March. On Wednes day, compaiable giades and weights 32 50-32 85, Choice 850- 1025 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 31 50-32 50. Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 lbs 30 50-3150, Good 27 00-30 50. COWS Throughout the week, Utility and Commercial 2100-23 00, High Dressing Uti lity 23.25-23 50, Canner and Cutter 19.50-22 00 sustain top production BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up...cost# do wn... is the profit key in poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s...'The Busi nessman’s Bird"...show sus tained production of top quality •ggs...often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come 1n... look at the records and the B-300 ...‘‘The Businessman’s Bird”. BABCOCK FARMS. INC. r Telephone (717) 626-8561 29.05 32.90 39.25 2.75 40.10 3.00 3.75 with the 3
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