Speakers' at the Purina Dairy Conference at the Dutch Town Robert K. Robrer Bulldozing - Grading . Ppfz Soles & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Qnarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Announcing: a dry * “pop-up”! Can cut planting time in half! ORTHO P. L. ROHRER S BRO., INC. i *' * '•**■ • » _' t > -nj^. TM’s Ortho, Chevron Design Unipel Reg U S. Pat Off, and Country Inn, Paradise, this Seefeldt, in speaking on dairy eluding the vaccination program, Reynolds su" n 'ests that, while week were, left to right, stand- business management, urged mastitis control, and worm con- futures may have further sinking mg, Warren Elf rank, area direc- f aimers to approach dairying tiol spells in the immediate peuod tor of opeiations for Pennsyl- from a business standpoint, Dr Everett covered nutrition, ahead, late summer deliveries vania, Isaac Yates, district sales rather than as a way of life He deluding minerals and vitamins may surpass present levels be manager in northeastern Penn- also urged farmeis to-plan and He explained how requirements fore they expire svlvama counties, Paul Lerch, think of return on assets or in- on enei <, y an( j pro tein in- Purina salesman working with vestment, rather than meiely of t t t P t ipvpic of milk Reynolds’ last major pig and Chnf Seefeldt, Eastern a cash flow over feed costs He He covered the kelly re P° rt ' was issued in April region dairy product sales man- explained how to do this. management of home <nown 1970 when these commodities "ager, and Dr J. P Everett, Yates explained the how and ® , adantm<* concern v,ere near cyclical pnce Peaks director of daily research, Rais- why of increased pioduction in- Uate “ to meet nut „tional needs. At ( that , tin J e ’ •Reynolds’ re ton Puuna Company. eluding such technical matters poit indicated that the 1969-70 Elfrank-was master of cere- as giouping to take advantage of monies foi the entire progiam the individuality of the animals Wednesday About 230 dairj- He explained how to develop a men, representing about 10,000 leplaceraent urogram cows, vteie present. Lerch spoke on cow health, in- Ortho Umpel STARTER SPECIAL. A starter 7 As a "pop-up" 7 It has to be special It is STARTER SPECIAL is a completely unique product. Here s why Physical Uniformity STARTER SPECIAL pellets are made to the same shape and density for maximum consistency and control in application Chemical Uniformity Each and every STARTER SPECIAL pellet has all three primary nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium chemically homogenized in precisely the most desirable ratio 13-34-10 The nutrients can t separate or segregate during handling as with troublesome, hard-to regulate dry blends ” - Double Duty Nutrients STARTER SPECIAL has both qu.ck-actmg and long lasting nitrogen and phosphorus for thorough plant feeding There is no urea or diammonium phosphate that might endanger the seed through liberation of free ammonia Of course these features also make it highly effective as a banded starter But, with only slight adaptation of most planters, it can be applied directly with the seed in exacting measurement for safety and maximum response With this kind of control you apply much less material only 1/3 the amount needed for banding And the reduced material handling could cut your planting time in half So, save time, trouble, and money at planting time See US soon about applying STARTER SPECIAL this spring as a dry 'pop-up”. Phone Lane. 397-3539 SMOKETOWN, PA. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971 — First Female Nominee *The fust woman nominated Basically, the latest Reynolds’ foi the office of president ofthe rc p ol (■ suggests that a late stage United States was Viccona Claf- , , ~ Ln Woodhull, whe was nonunat- no ' v bein§ ieached ln the cur ; ed by the Equal Rights paity in rcn t niaiket in hogs and 1872 pork bellies Pork Belly Bear Markef Nearing End, Firm Says The beai market now under way in hogs and pork bellies seems likely to reach a trough" in the next three to four months, according to the latest Special Situation Report prepared by the Commodity Reseaich De partment of Reynolds & Co Poik and belly output leached recoid highs in the fouith quar ter of 1970 and will remain near peak levels through most of this year’s first half This moun tainous supply, Reynolds says, may keep cash maikets under pressuie in the ensuing months; and during this period, lathes in nearby futures may prove diffi cult to sustain It is notewmthy that pork and belly production in the second quartet may run higher than in the first, in marked contrast to the usual seasonal pattern In the past 27 years, 1970 was the only year when second quarter pork production exceeded that in the first quarter. According to the Reynolds’ re port, a pionounced change is in sight for the third quarter. At that tune, hog marketings will decline seasonally, and also will begin to reflect a shaiply dimin ished rate of increase in early 1971 fanowings Cash markets may then rebound, with gams ac celerating by late summer or fall. bull maiket w'as coming to an end. 9
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