16—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 13,1971 Veterinarian Explains Need for Sanitary Poultry Practices Dr Dwight Schwartz, Penn State poultry veterinarian, warned local poultrymen to use sanitary practices with dead bird and manuie disposal At a meeting of the Lancaster County Poultry Association at the Faim and Home Center Thursday night, Dr Sehwaitz warned that disease in poultry increases moitality, mci eases medicine costs incieases sus ceptibility to othei diseases, and results in unthrifty birds with slower giowth lales 01 lower pioduction rates The veterinarian also warned that manv types of disease bac teria will lue foi vanous periods of time in dead poultry carcas ses and in poultry manuie and dirt Maiek’s and Newcastle disease organisms have been found to In e up to 16 months inside a poultiy house, he said “Many oigamsms in dead buds only have to find a way back into the poultry house to cause further damage,” he stated This is a stiong reason foi keep ing pets out of poultiy houses and for using gbod rodent con tiol, he stated He said that if manure is spread within 1,00 feet of a poultry house “the chances are good that the disease of the last flock will be tracked into the new flock ” The safest and least expensive method of getting ud of dead birds is to bum them, he said Processing through a rendenng plant for possible recycling foi arse as animal piotern also has possibilities, when properly handled, but this is more costly, he said 1 Dr Schwartz particular!}' con demned tluowmg dead birds awa> in fields or stacking them sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up., costs down is the profit key in poultry operations And more and moi£ records on commercial flocks of Babcock 6-300’s .."The Busi nessman’s Bird” ..showsus tamed production of top quality eggs., often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come in... look at the records and the B-300 .. .“The Businessman's Bird". BABCOCK FARMS. INC P. 0. Box 285 Lititz,.Penns\ Ivania 17543 Telephone (717) 626-8561 in fields as an invitation for hav ing disease organisms eventually find their way back into the flock On the possibility of land fill or disposal pits, he stated, “No one should consider it, be-, cause it will lead to pollution of the underground streams ’ Commenting on manuie, he also emphasized that when ex posed to a water system it can contaminate a well and cause a serious health hazard While manure is an excellent fei tilizer, under some condrtrons a mrneial imbalance can occur and the manuie can actually work against plant giowth But he sees great potential for use of poultry manure as a com post in connection with the major Southeastern Pennsyl vania mushioom industry Dr Sehwaitz also warned that excessive ammonia can result in retardation of giowth of poultry and encouiage certain types of diseases, particularly respiratory infections No poultry operation can be jears differs from above successful without a proper > & water whlch clears up handling of both the dead bird “ lmost imniediate ly after the and manure problem,-he em- Souice of pollutlon 1S cleaied U p phasized „ ? _ John Durr, regional sanitary Commenting on the new Penn engineer for Pennsylvania, was sylvania Clean Streams Law, he also on the program to speak t^le i state can require any about pollution and what the one to eliminate the possibility state can do and is doing about °* pollution This includes * authority to act against unsound He emphasized the importance Practices by’ quart res A faimer of the issue by quoting a* s excluded from penali les geologist who said that indis- from the act when there is a eliminate dumping of waste into complete conservation plan for the underground water systems 1C arm could cause these systems to re- The law requites a permit for mam contaminated for 50 to 100 construction of any impound- WHAT IS BUX ? Bux is a carbamate insecticide developed by Ortho for control of resistant and non-resist * ant corn rootworms. WHY BUX IS BETTER! Bux is the only corn rootworm insecticide that offers ail the following advantages: • Effective, season-long control with a single appli cation no matter how early you plant, Bux stays active throughout the hatching and larval stages of rootworm development • Doesn't leave harmful residues • Less hazardous to us. There’s no need to wear special equipment such as a respirator or goggles, when using Bux. # No objectionable odor • Flows freely through application equipment • Resists leeching in rainy weather • Won’t damage application equipment. Bux is formulated on non-abrasive clay granules. So there’s no worry of tearing up your pesticide ap plicator. • Recommended throughout corn belt. Bux is rec ommended by University Entomologists in all states where resistant rootworms are a problem. P. L. ROHBEH & PRO., IM. SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 Di’. Dwight Schwartz, on the left, Penn State poultry veterinarian, talks with John Durr, Pennsylvania regional sanitary engineer, after the two men spoke to local poultry men Thursday night / *3cbcC~- _js DISTRIBUTED BY wc will write on corn crop in* ment, including ponds for waste ves trnents for the _1971 crop water, but not for a tjpical farm J,ear pond The liability limit, he said, has „ _ r „ _ , been set at no more than 50 per Commenting on the ilill Creek cen j. 0 £ an increase oV€r tiie 197® pollution situation, he stated Clop e ar liability in each county that if present legulations had w i ierp insurance is available, been enforced fi\e years ago the pioblem piobably would not In the 575 counties in the na exist today The state now re- tion where the insurance on corn views municipal treatment re- is provided, total coverage in qunements five years in ad- 1971 can’t exceed $225 million, vance, the up fiom last year’s $l5O million. HELPS IMPROVE DAIRY RATIONS Add variety and bulk to your dairy rations and improve palat ability with WAYNE SWEET BULKY. Rich in beet pulp, molasses and minerals. WAYNE SWEET BULKY greatly improved rations fed to dry, fresh and milking, cows. Good for growing heifers, tool H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. , GRUBB SUPPLY CO Elizabethtown H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise HAROLD H. GOOD Terre Hill STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. Leola, Pa. amount of time it takes to de sign and build new sewage.facili ties after the need is determin ed Such a review of New Hol land borough’s' plan five years ago would have resulted iot ao tions to avert the pollution prob lem from the borough by this time, he indicated. The speakers were introduced by Jay Irwin, associate Lancas ter County agricultural agent. CORN CKCP INSURANCE Limitations on 1971 corn in surance liability have been an nounced by H K James, Penn sylvania state director of the Federal Crop Insurance Corp. Lancaster County is one of nine within the state that is af fected bj the program. James said that because of the present uncertainty as to the af fect the corn blight may have on 1971 corn jields, “We are limit. mg the amount of new insurance WAYNE SWEET BULKY FEED A r. USE WAYNE ANIMAS. HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HEALTHY. C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl" DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens FOWL’S FEED'SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks• WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia.. HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 * i *J
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