Farm Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS Dismantling Cat D 2 thiu D 8 HDS tJiru HD2I Int TD6 thiu TD2S Oliver Cletiac, transmis sions, final drives, winches, New & used undercaruages all makes Examnles Cat D 2 & 933, 30 links. $15790, idler $4190 Cat D 4 & 955, 31 links $179 90, roller 549 90, Cat D 6, 955 & 977, 40 links $355.90, roller $65 90 AC-HDS & HD6. 33 links $232 90. roller $55 90, TD6, 32 links 517190, i oiler $4B 90 TD9, 33 links $227 90, i oiler $55 90, Case 1000, 37 links $325 90, roll ei $55 90 JD 420-2010 35 links, $21190 rollei $56 90 Oliver OC3 thiu OC6, 30 links $19190 FOB Engines & Power units Good used ciawleis, loadeis, tracks, rollers, idleis, spiockets, cheap *lf Not Listed Ask Foi It Wanted Used equip parts, BEN LOMBARDO EQUIP CO. RD.=6, Sinking Spring, Reading, Penna., 19608 Ph: 215-944-7171 or 678-1941 Cat D 4 dozer in umnmg con dition or parts Ben Lombaido Equip Co , Rdg , Pa 19608 Ph (215) 941-7171 oi 678-1941/ 4092 FARM EQUIPMENT 420 C. awlei with loader, David Biown 990 diesel tractor Donald Balthaser Sinking Spring RD6 Pa 19608 . Phone (215) 777-0052 DEMONSTRATED EQUIPMENT Case 12 ft Stalk Shredder Nl Cutditioner Case 480 Loader Case Opt Til 6R plantei LSED EQUIPMENT IH, NH NI Spreaders Case 430, 441 NI 702 Um Bullion 12’ cultimulcher Nl Wheel Rake A. L. HERR & BRO. Quairyville 786-3521 Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Equipment Speed\ Conn Cubs. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quau \\ die Ph 786-3630 USED TRACTORS Demonstiator —870 Diesel 156 his , til: steering, 3 pt hitch, ad justable front axle, 1000 540 FTO „ , Demonstrator 430 Case, o pt hitch, PS, remote hydiaulics VAC Case Tiactor, 3 pt hitch, excellent condition USED EQUIPMENT 1 spung hairow 2 Case plows 3—14 tup bottom 1 leitilizer spreader 4 Elevators 2 Cullipackeis WALTER BINKLEY & SON R D 4 Lititz, Pa Ph 626-2344 TJsed John Deere 430 eras Tractor FARMERS'VILLE EQUIP Inc Ephiaca KD#2 Ph 717-354-4271 Try A Classified It Pa}'S LANCASTER SILOS Starline Lcbor Savers : Feed Lot fanning Sales & Service by J. SAMUEL SHERER Mt. Joy R 2 Phone 717-653-5207 ’ or 717-653-5208 Farm Equipment USED CASE TRACTORS 1030 Diesel 930 Diesel 830 Diesel 730 Gas Diaft Control 730 Gas Eagle Hitch 800 Diesel 800 Diesel 530 Gas 511 Gas 411 Gas 430 Diesel SPECIAL New 440 CC Anens Snowmobile $B5O, New 340 CC Aliens Snow mobile $750 Just Arrived’ Trailer load of Deluxe cabs to fit Case and John Deere Tractors See us for vour cab needs. KINZER EQUIP CO Kinzers, Pa Ph. 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph. 768-8916 We ate now open til 9 P.M Tuesdays. Older your Gandy applicators now for applying lootworm In secticides LESTER A SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph 687-6712 1967 MF 1100 Diesel Tractor $5200 1965 Model JD 2010 Gas Tractor $1950 M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa 717-656-7702 Farmall 460, good condition Faimall Super C International 311 Plows, 3—14” & 3—16” COPE & WEAVER CO New Providence 786-7351 USED TRACTORS 2010 JD RC 420 JD 40U JD SKOTZBERGER’S Elm, Pa 665-2141, 626-2258 ELEVATED CALF STALL Simple to assemble rigid con stuiction Reduces calf losses and upkeep Labor saving re movable grate floor and par titions Farmer and dealei in quiries invited STANDARD EQUIPMENT, INC Dept CS-6, Bel Air, Maiyland 21014 (301) 838-4177 For Sale Quaker Oil heater, good condition. New Holland #77 Baler Isaac K Lapp, RD#l, Holtwood, Pa Hog Feeders and Waterers Farrowing Stalls Hog Equipment Johnson Pig Blankets K. D. #2 (Kai moi sriPp) Eplirata, Pa. 17522 GANDY APPLICATOR See us for your insecticide and herbicide applicator for ’ all types of corn and potato planters. For Further Information Call SHENK S FARM SERVICE R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-4355 Farm Equipment o, Sale—New Lil Colt Camper " ’ps for all size pick-up trucks . .te model Oliver 4-iow Corn Planter MF 180 Diesel A-l Cond Schultz Stalk Cutter to fit 46 In ternational Baler, A 1 cond. New Tractor chains All sizes. ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 CRAWLER TRACTORS JD 440 loader JD 440 blade JD 40 loader JD 420 loader, 3 pt. hitch Case 310 blade Case 500 loader AC HD3 loader AC HDS loader IH 340 loader T 9 loader TDM loader Payloaders Bobcat loader CLYDE E KEENER Intersection of Rt 72 and 230 Phone 717-569-9861 Poultry & Supplies SHAVER LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Enc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY B 1. PA. KimberChiks and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa Ph 215-536-3155 Farm Equipment Phone Bus. 717-354-4275 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. February 13.1971 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment SPECIAL D2-dozer, angle blade Good as new Sl9OO 00 BEN LOMBARDO EQUIPMENT CO KD.=l6 Sinking Spnng, Rdg, Pa, Ph (215) 944-7171 or 678-1941/4092 HARVESTER KNIFE SHARPENING We now have the latest machine for sharpening all types of harvester knife blades back to factory speci fications. For complete information Call SHENK'S FARM SERVICE R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-4355 Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies ATTENTION FARMERS If you have a building suitable for washing chicken coops, no poultry on premises, and could use a side income of $l2OO to $l6OO annually, Call Indian River Poultry Farms Lancaster, Pa. 569-0456 2501 Oregon Pike LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY SBox 317 Elizabethtown, Pa 17022 Phone (717) 367-1545 f* (V Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT - GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS * ,bmiler chicks with top performance Raising Baby Chicks and Started Pullets on Your Farm Where Leukosis is a Problem? We Recommend You Order MUSSER'S M-327 CHICKS Started and Matured Pullets and Yearling Hens and Breeding Cockeiel WEY7 Because our breeding and our resistance pro gram on our farm has given us three distinct controls over coccidiosis and leukosis. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS Box 116, Mount Joy, Pa. Ph° ne 653-4911 1916 - 54 Years - 1970 McKee Snow Blower 3 pt hitch A. 1 Cond Oliver 550 Tiactor w/loader 180 bu Hawk Bilt Tank Spreader N H 331 Spreader Oh%er PTO Spreader ROY H BUCK Inc Ephrata, Pa 15 859-2441
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers