The Fulton Grange meeting hall at Oakryn was nearly full Mon day night as individuals and representatives from all over the south ern half of Lancaster County turned out to discuss a common problem Rural Medical Problems Discussed Among those who discussed the medi- ness, Presbyterian Home, Quarryville, cal needs of Southern Lancaster County Dr. Charles W Bair, Quarryulle physi early this week were, left to right. Paul cian; and Dr Henry S Wentz, Strasburg. €1 assert, store manager; Dr. F. S. Dyr- Try A Classified Ad It Pays! ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW Cert. Pennrad Bailey Pennrad Barley (not ceit.) Blue Boy Wheat (grown from registered seed) Cert. Norline Winter Oats Ceit. Permian Winter Oats Balfco Rye Tetra Petkus R j e Timothy Cert.- Climax Timothy Permanent Pasture Mixes Smoketown Ph. Lane. 397-3539 Jesse Cutler, Drumore, chairman of the medical needs discussion, emphasizes that “with all the fine things avail able here now, I see no reason why this (solving the medical needs) can’t be done." But it will take W'ork and money, he said. Egg-Type Hatch If” 1 "” i “ mt ' a y “ eall ‘- rv O 007 * A Meanwhile, egg-type hatch, at L/OWII £3/0 Ml Aug. 29 2 million, was down 23 pei cent fiom a yeai eailiei It was Bioilei type chick hatch con- the fust time since November tinned up, but egg-type hatch that it’s been below that of a was down shaiply duung Au- yeai a § o. gust, J type hatch for the fust eight At 259 million, broiler type mon th s to 222 billion, up eight hatch was up five pei cent fiom per cent fiom a year eailiei a vear eaiher and this was the and egg-type hatch to 415 6 mil 28th consecutn e month this lion, up 10 pei cent fi om a > eai hatch was above that of a coi- eailiei shortage of doctors. The public meeting was the Grange's annual Booster Night. August totals hi ought bioilei- Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Octoberlll7o f) The first meeting to discuss medical caio in southern Lan the medical needs of Southern caster Countv, why this situa- Lancaster County was held tion exists and what can and Monday at the Fulton Giange should be done about it hall Oakryn Some possible plans of action A second meeting is planned weie Piesented and discussed, foi Bpm Tuesday, October 20, was emphasized that at the Quarryville Borough Planning so fai is stiictly hall This meeting will feature piehminaiy. repiesentatives fiom the van- It was also emphasized that ous civic and faim 01 gamzations any plan decided upon will le in the area. quire the moral and financial Monday’s meeting invohed a suppoit of individuals and or discussion of the inadequate gamzations in the aiea Shown at the area FFA tractor driving contest are, left to right: Jay Mundis, Red Lion RD3, second place, Tom Bollinger, Lititz RD4, first place winner, holding his trophy/ and Dennis Landis, Willow Street RDI, third place. Bollinger Wins Area FFA Tractor Driving Contest Tom Boliingei of Cloistei FFA Chapter is the wmnei of the Lan castei-Yoik-Chestei aiea FFA tiactoi duving contest Bollmgei, son of Mi and Mis Abiam Bollmgei, Lititz RD4, won the aiea contest last Sat in day (Sept 26) at the Eplnata Fan. He will lepiesent tne Ui-coun t.v aiea in the State FFA liactoi chiving contest at Penn State dunng FFA Week next Summei Second place went to Jay Mun chs, Red Lion RD3, Yoik County who will lepiesent the aiea it Bollmgei is unable to do so Dennis Landis, Willow Stieet RDI, was thud, and A.mos N Saudei, Manheim RDI, was tourth The winneis of the fust two positions leceived ti opines and the other two weie awaided plaques The contest consisted of Irac toi opciation and safe dining skills, tiactoi maintenance demonstiation Double shooting, including identity mg unsale 01 malfunctioning paAs and a wilt ten test In the individual poitions of the contest, Bollingci was lust in dining skill and maintenance demolish ation, while Landis was fust in the wntlen test and the tiouble shooting poilion Judges and tiaclois weie sup plied bj local implement deal eis. Seed Com Supply Kepoit The US 1971 seed com sup ply is seen at 903 2 million pounds, the USDA lepoited le cently That’s neaily 40 pei cent above the total 1970 seed com sales Of the total expected to be available, 382 2 million pounds (42 pei cent) is T Cyto plasm seed the type which pioved susceptible to the South ern leaf blight this veai 1910 million pounds 1 pei cent) is noimal (hand detasseled) seed and 330 0 million pounds (38 0 pei cent) is blend seed
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