Falls Now Reported Number One on Farm Tractor Accidents Drop, Study Shows Tiaito. (liivi’m seem to be •uumik Mv< .icciden.. .11 pcnti')h.ml.i than in p.eiio.i' year' .ucoidin., to .1 s«i\e> o! accidents on 1W) d.iir> /aims in 21 lountie' Ti..doi> uuil from first p!.ic» .i> the major cause of l.nm auideil' in a p.iMou> sliulv to Kw i)’. no .n the cu.iep; an.djx.' null onh foil i .ice. dent' F.il’.s weie tin 'econd mo't aunn oii' i ..O' of aceitli nls in a ionip:cluii'H>’ 'tudv modi .n 1953 and led 'ln li'f in 19b’9 with 23 auidm.' The mo. ■ommon fall' \uie Irom wa-tuns. and on n The union -.i.u' w.i' c.u ■utd out In 13 Fi mk \nthoin Lapp Hog Wins At New Holland Eh in Lapp Kin/ei RDI eii teied the giai.d champion pia at tiie 4 H Swine Show at the New Holland fan Thuisdac He is the son of Mi and Mi s Elmer Lapp Susie Mai tin daughtei of Mrs Mai y Mai tm, New Holland KD2 had the iesei\e champion hog Both the top animals weie ciosses The swine show was set lor 2pm Fi iday at the New Holland Sales Stable* Nine animals weie enteied Fiank Ruoss son of Mi and Mi> W F Ruoss Ephiata RD2 won both top littei and show man awaxds Kinzer RDI Barn Burns Thursday A large dany bam on the Sam gook piopertj, Kmzei RDI, was destio>ed at about 640 pm Thu'sday Lost m the blaze, m addr.on to ‘he sliuctuie and some equipment weie thiee cal ves and 400 to 500 chickens Inteicouise File Clnc-I Nelson Biackbill sa d u undei stood ho‘ has \a- a po~ ible caus lot Fu bl'-’e He ' ud 15 to 20 me i ii om eai hot hl time Inc- com i ,_s inc'uiii’ C.ip uspondee) 'o die see. t uai Ro iqh and Tumble Sc-sen In e Luck' vet a the ac 'u Fiieimn s>vj stneial build n_,u the ij'i inciud to bauo and wa,on sheds Thu to bacco shed v ‘s loca ed '\itnin 40 fee, i'll ’e nt hou-e was 70 to 75 led Lon ‘he flames Jackie Pownaii Solanco Queen Jackie Pownall daugh'ei of Mi and Mis Laveine Pownall, Little Bnlain was judged queen oi the Solanco Fan 1 o(- 17 jc a ocl I ickie i- a tall daik haiicd gnl She is a sen 'oi at Sola ho llig! School Fot hoi ta"iit lacl-ic pie serlecl a \c\ mjji C'-sic e i ono logue without mii'-ical accom pannnciit mamr/tarm /* ,n,il |ii 11.rn .1 Hoeiner of Thi* IPO d.mv f.nni families were in tin* 21 counties of The injuiy dunanding the in I)i i».ii inictu of \-:iinillu:.r. iijioiiiil 0(5 accidents dur.ng Adams, Bedfoid, Berks. Blair, longest period of hospital IMin.ilion .i; ]\insjh.mi.i Stall 19(59 Seven farnicis teported Btadford, Centie, Cumberlund, lieatnient was teportid to he limeistv mote than one accident with Erie, Indiana. Lancastci Ly- caused by bilo pas The scumd most serious cause one farmei having thicc coming, McKean, Lawrence. Th e ««« 1 " r Northumberland. Perry. Schu>l- conjunction with a -.udy oi kill, Snyder. Tioga, Union, York, agricultural mechanics, activities and Westmorland on the 190 dairy fa m- o) .icmcK (!(■> came fiom cuttm« Deulopid m coopctat.on with li;kci-. on silo choppm and 46 vocational acnciilturc dc ,ui i kinc' p.iitnnnt' in hit'll scliooN. the .) -ample upn '.enter! 30 pci cent) of the !a aci danj fauns in the! riUM wcu followed bx bits commonwealth 1 fioni fallm, objects ami kicks Di Hoeinci claims an linen-, and h-ad bultim; b> cows si\c campaign of faun cleanup) ~ , , ~. . would futthci icducc accidents! Di \n,hon\ -a\s the fewer . .. . „ „ r , i , r , . • b\ remoMim the chance of step mimbei of tr.u 01 accidents inav • , 1 , . , . ~ pins: on nails oi falhns: o\ei r'dic.itc .nip oud design as wel, F , , - , , ‘ , . , „ „ obiects such as buckets, tice. .- nnn'i\e educational p.o- , ‘ . , , . ~am- m the safe opeiat.on and I, ( mbs ; -« d f ‘ ,:m niJtll,nc * ' main, .mice ot facto, s anion? * lo,ed 1,1 thc °P en n.ula" • ,i]i it. on l O-i I’ll, il \o t .mon.il ayunltiue and 4H Co\enn.: a section of the sta.c, the 190 dain hums iii m.A 1 ' m w*’* ,u The Cloister FFA Chapter's window exhibit on tractor safety won the first place au ard and a S5O prize in the As sociation Show of the Ephrata Fair last week. The display depicts proper tractor hitching, sate operation and the use of SMV (slow moving vehicle) signs lS^!|g»Si WHY look foi miles around' 7 The Model K carries tire tiaditional Gle'ii’o combine icputation for high dependability and long litc . . plus, mote power and capacity than e\ei bdore. It's bigger wheievei it touches the crop . n o hc thiougli to the giant tank. it b got a 78 h p engine and a 27-inch o\hndci that tlnc-bcs .loss iU\sliolo anlth plihsepan mm a>d Join.," l 'pmi'v (o handle 'he bigger\iclds Corn heads aic nailable nn ID 70, a>'d tC nnh ro\vb md there aic ’0 '? and ] vf.-mt g^nihe,d.u. So Go (ilutua combine with the new Model K... } ou II agree that Gleana combiner have been gu ,vmg wnh j, ou. Roy H. Buch, Inc. f.ihi ala, It D 2 \ ALUS lhalmeks CLEANER is an Allis Chalmers trademark. \\ .IS L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Nissley Farm Service Washington Eoto, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service QlUui v ville. Pa. fnuii 'he he N. G. Myers cl Sin Eheems, Pa L. H ' Li .
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