For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming OPEN HOUSE AT NEBA-SIRE POWER Oct. 8-11 Barbecue Oct. 10 Sire Power the bull stud federation with headquarters at Tunkhannock, Pa. along with NEBA The AI Cooperative prouding service to Sire Power sires, in vites you to attend its Open House Oct. 8-11 at Tunkhannock. A chicken barbecue will be served on Saturday, Oct. 10. Come one Come all See oui stud facilities as well as our line up of s’ves including King I\an. Superb, Vern. Lucky and manj other Sire Power sires. FOR SERVICE IX wjLl IT LANCASTER COUNTY, CALL Nelson Kreider Strasburg 717-687-6214 Marlin Hover Ephrata 717-733-1224 R. D. 2, Tunkhannock. Pa. 18657 Ph. 717-836-3168 Agway TRUCK LOAD SALE ON AGWAY CORN CRIBS 5x5 GAUGE BAR MESH CRIB SIZES AVAILABLE 750 and 1100 Bu Capacity -9” Diameter 1000 and 1500 Bu Capacity - B'’ Diameter ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE Corn Du erter Roof Ladder FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED ORDER TO-DAY (LIMITED SUPPLY) Cqll Ask for Fred Kerim or Harold Kinsey We also can supplv \ our needs for building, \ouv o\ui corn mb —v, C'W nire. hardware cloth, croosoted lumber, creosoted poles, steel ana or roofing, nails, sdo or snou fence, etc. j BEE-LINE Supply Center SALE ENDS OCTOBER 17 REASONS WHY MORE FARMERS PREFER THE AGWAY GREEN DOOR BAR MESH CORN CRIBS Vent Stack 1. Gah annealed Whe I. Steep Pitched Roof 3. Eas\ Erection 4. Easy Loading and Unloading 5. Positive ‘‘Saiet\ Looking"' of all sections 6. Tested Under Extreme Load Conditions 7. Excellent Basic Design 8. Reliable Manufacturer. (Foiej & Lailsh Engineering Co.) Lancaster Farming. Satin day. Oftohrrli)7(> / ~~ % ** • * Lauience Temple. Quairwille HD2, and Mis Jac >b (Shirle,\) Fantom, Peach Bottom HDI. aie local entnes m the district Grange talent contest tonight (Satin da\) at Fleetwood High School. Mrs Charles McSpanan. Quaiiy \il!e, is chairman of the distnct contest. 9 good reasons for feeding PURINA FARROWING CHOW to your sows at farrowing time Formulated especially for your sows' far rowing time needs 2, Bulky 2, Easy to han dle and store Laxative 5, Fortified with vitamins, minerals to help sows at farrowing 0 Sows like it 7 , Available with nf-lSO" helps prevent scours in pigs ECONOMI CAL Q Easy to feed complete ration con t?* 7 taming gram. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW what a great lotion Purina Farrowing Chow is until you it to your own sows 1 Next time you're m town, drop by our store and let us tell you more about Purina Farrowing Chow John J. Hess. !!, Inc. Ph 442 4632 Pai aciise West Willov j Formers Assn., Inc. Ph 4F \ n 101 j' AViUc a Iro. B. Lar>c!is Ph ,P" ' ‘2 F'l2C‘L‘J Ilui Ih m3b m r m & e £3 l kim u a Rl» Hess 5. Cl.uß Jome? HiaH & Sons Ph 354 0301 Goidom ille !nhn B. Kurtz p t\ 35 iC >13l x. j j 3, Ephic^d 'w>_s f s Feed Mill Inc. VS "’7 1105 illi‘ tMS : tt/ysya
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