ti l.aiicNtsiiM Kiirmmtf. SnUirday. Octobc*r 3. 1970 Pa.Ag Waste Meeting Set h Harrisburg Nov. 17-18 \ Penn . van i Con'i.uue on followed at 330 In membeis of A-mulii ,il Wa i .n.imi nl llu' •> mu p.nu 1 fli (ussing "Do will lie In Id . llu l\ nn ll.u iis velopmg and Mlmimsteimg MoKn In.i H i \nuin Laws .mil Regulations on Polltt lii i 17 .ml 13 lion MUtmi'iK I ( >n’t Heal The pi o-i .’it t' ' urns v i»! In \ou Wlu n llu W ilei is Run tlii' IV in-\,\ \mIK > mini ol mmi u llu.' theme ot the ilmnu Agiunil l .if , uiop"’ .lam with at 7 pm In Lestei Willson, tl.o mill .. a, ,ua n i iVmn K I DuPon IWmouis ami State I n Camp'in ipie uita up llu l’lo, I .’! No- Pu'iiiiu.il Hie 0 a m session M'mhi i 17 I). - w.th i u-,a Wid.V'.l.n will be Piolessoi tion at 1 ..in loHoulil al 10 Haibeil .loul.m ol he Pcnnsvl ;i m In I,e) "i 1 II Hull P 'mi- \.mu Slate Un.veimtv on ‘ \g .s'hama Su i at. of Wucul i iciiltm a! WasV Rasa.nch Goals tu.i who wil >, eak on Win and Needs .Mode ator at the lieu Hen. Ilu n Se.nehing 10 30 am session ,s William Fo; Solution? will be the topic Tipton. Pcnnsvlvama Chambei oi I)i RU--C.l E Lai son Dean of Commeice on "Legislative o. the Colle-e ol \giiciiituie at Views on Vgi icullui al Wiste Pu.n St i at 10 15 am Pes'i Management cde and Cher.iual W isle in Pei- Foaluied at the luncheon meet spec'.vc v ill ba picsen'ed bv mg at 12 noon will be "Meeting Di Heibeit Cole Ji Pennsvl- the Challenges foi a Quality vania Sat• L r. vei -.ilv, a. 11 a m Enviionrrent with Di Robeit Di Paul He ; s iiom the Hci- White Stevens Chan man of the shtv Foods Coipoialion will Buicau of Conseivation and En speak on \ PhuOsophv of Pol vuonmental Science at Rutgeis lution at he 12 noon luncheon Umveisitv The alte.noon piogiam will The concluding session will be featme seveial panel discus- gin at 2p m with John W Eail.v sions Beginning at 1 30 p m the from the Pennsvlvama Depait panel will discuss ‘ldentifving ment of Agiicultuie piesenting AgiicuKuial Waste Piobltms Whole Do We Go Fiom Heie” CALL US! We’ll bring out a new International 3 In^o'nal'ora 1 145“ turbo d ese' c a H_,diostatic f'actor icr you to ies' on >ou c.mi f e'ds. Here s your chance to get the fee 1 cf real produc * ve po*ver. Ask how you car, win a Fi'lt’E FB26D tractor. Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE 283 3951 Cope & Weave,- Co. Msssick Form Equip. new pro\ inr' i n Elizabethtown 786-735 1 3G7-1319 Internotiom! ! Sale- aid EPIIRUA C. B. Hoober § & Son I T"TERr‘ Qt RSE § 768 8231 I ,cater This is the Cloistci FFA Chapter float which won awards at both the Ephrata and New Holland Fair parades. At Ephrata the float recened a fust place in the 4-H. FFA, Youth Dmsion. and at New Holland, it recened first place in the non-commer- cial category and was the most original John Wertz Chapter advisors are Carl entrj Theme of the float was “Food for Gra\bill, Lewis Ajers and Charles Ackley. I i r 6 SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT HO DUTCHMAN BIG HAS IT '' T i ' T Y PATES LESS LABOR REH'JCFD s; OU=AB'LITV YOU GET All OF THESE ADVANTAGES WITH A 5'3 TLT. K/il FhPROVAAG UNIT Workable aes'gp and durabiUij ma l e the Bg h '- °n .Viving Un t tne leader in tie fie'd Constructed of tougn -3 _ "'QUARE st-’f 1 *jbi r g and embossed draft pane's '.nil neau grr f.i. > >:ll i. a'n>.s maximum ng'di.y ' hilt s/dusive reinio ued eac°s ? s’ 1 buy Lo.ver s.da bars a.e double strength ana iea‘u e ea~' ?j 1 r; S': u m, t ws are WELDED to the Trams doing a,.a' di tire '•or’a mng n"‘ a J dj. reanmg Built in Big Dutcmian HEAT MTS au SL aT TFD TLCTR r-u>ip aln, rate" Pigs a e torn on the DO.ce lain; a sisei 'l'T'd imor -,i,d immediately seel via r mth or tne nrst of t. o sft'w zcn. i fat na s vVhen I ,e first teat mat is turned c’l they see, the i art of the s a “ord fat wh.ch is located at the front of the un.t By ,ies vg on ,u '-. i. u* -.gs q ncHy cm too good dungirg habits Mia 1 to a disease *ree p wironn er Heat mate will not overheat tne sow, reducing pig loss due to o jcomhj t ana uneasiness FOR FARROWING, FINISHING, CESTh T ION nr NURSERY for one pie«,e or an entire system for total confinement, smir uonrinement or pen feed lots, it will profit you to look to the leade r Big Dutchman has equipped hundreds of profit making nog operat'ons and nas an op a n mutation tor you to inspect them Contact ary Big Dutchman dealer representative or t, r 1 re to Hog Division, Big Dutcnman, Zeeland M evgan 43}£T We are eager to make the necessary arrange ments for your visit BIG DUTCHMAN Di!ler Avg., New Holland/ Pa. EASY MANAGEMENT A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc. * Our Tables “ The float included corn shocks, pumpkins, chickens, pigs, lambs and a calf Chapter members shown on the float are. left to right Marlin Smoker, Richard Bollinger, Dennis Palm, Eric Copenha\er. Ken Long. Robin Musser and r-*- ~ > Phone 354-5168 Isf *• S?J
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