20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 3.1970 Mrs. Thomas Honored for 4-H Work (continued rrom Pane* 17) circle gioup of her church also drink to the people vvoikmg in .Mrs Thomas is called upon the fields in the middle of the for various musical activities morning and in the middle of She will be a judge this month the afternoon When asked, for County Choi us Two years ‘did >ou like it theie’’’ Jean it ago she directed the St Paul’s plied "Very much They lake Episcopal choir, next door to time to live’’ She has not visit- her home, foi baccalauieate ed these folks since but cones- sen vice. She is also a music con ponds with them Her paients sultant for Manheim girl scouts hough visited both families in Summertime finds her very 1957 when their tup included busy with music also. She sings visiting their son in Hong solos in other churches This Kong, Hawaii and vauous othei past summer she was musical places dnectoi foi the Little Theater In 1962 Mis Thomas scived in Manheim when they did “Once in the planning committee for Upon A Mattiess ” She has also .he National IFYE convention worked in song fests for girl icld at Milleisville They plan- scouts, did one in Columbia this led all the details including the summer mogiam foi the five-da> assemb- Mis Thomas came from an ’v. meals, housing and toms educated famil> Hei oldest For lluee yeais she seivcd brother, Di James Singei, who on the music staff for 4-H leadei- leceived the 1968 4-H Alumni ship training at Camp Kane Recognition Awaid, was active s.ttake Spiuce Cieek, Hunting- m 4-H as a boy He went into lon County This is a one-week the mimstij He was pastoi of amp that tianis individuals for a church in Washington, D C but cadership in 4-H woik She was i> now pastor of the large Ascen on the music staff foi the foui- sion Lutheran Chuich, Balti my 4-H Club Congiess which mote, Md He has always been outs emphas.s on the individual’s active among youth and does a aaining She also served on the lot of speaking and evangelistic nusic staff at the State 4-H Club woik besides his pastoral woik week He will be evangelist soon foi Mrs Thomas has served 17 special sei vices at Salem United veais as a 4-H Leadei and is Methodist Chuich, Manheim now Oigamzational Leadei for She has a brot her who is a the Manheim “Joys Of All missionary in Hong Kong, a f ° lU biother who is a teachei in New Cltatlon foi lt she was chair namely sewmo eonkme 3 sist^ r w ho is a legister- man 0 f tbe R ura l Youth exhibit namely sewing, cooking, stait e d nurse and another sister who . .. , _ . „ with small change (a dub to re teaches in Manheim -^ an^€im Community Faim do old or a home impiove- Mrs Thomas’husband. Hoxie, ment club), and a knitting club works at Raybest os ManhaVen Theie are ten leadei s besides ln Manheim He smgs m thp „ herself and s.x junior leadei s ch h h and approximately 60 membeis Some members did double , r an( * 1S Thomas have projects this summei too tbiee childien Robert, 15, is in She is a membei of the countv f^ e y el }^ LL = ia de at Manheim Cen -4-H Leadei s Council This past *' al He plays a sousaphone and spang she was appointed to piano and is active in the stive as Dnector for the Lan- sc hool band and orchestra He caster Countv Coopei alive Ex- 1S in t e i’ested in sports, is on tension Seivice With hei vast cl oss-countiy team and was knowledge of 4-H vv oi k she will manager of the basket ball team be a valuable asset to the board F ear He has been m scout- Jean is the daughtei of Mis Ji 1 ® seven yeais, heiongs to Paul Singei who lives neai Tioop 47 and traveled to Pl.'V Manheim She vv as the youngest mon * ; ’ -^ ew Mexico, this summer of six childien One time hei He is active in Sunday School fsthei said ‘Om name is Singei, youth group at church and and theie isn t a singer in the sln = s m the choir tamily ” Well it w'asn’t long Sue, 14 is in ninth giade m until little Jean changed his Manheim Jumoi High School tune because she always enjov- She plays the piano, flute and ed singing She took voice les- piccolo in the school band and sons and plajed the p,ano be oichestia and sings in ninth fore going to school She giad- giade chouis She plays hockey uated fiom Wes. Cnestei Sta.e She is active in chuich woik the College with aB S in music same as Bob She has been a Mis Thomas teacher vocal gnl scouf for seven yeais and music at these five unal schools belongs to Manheim Cadettes in the Manheim School She likes childien and does DiS'iict Spoit.ng ILII Fair- some babv sitting Hei ambiuon lend, Masteisonville White Oak i> to be a teachei and Elm Tiee She is a membei Michael is 12 and in seventh ol Manheim Ccntial Educa on giade in the Junior High School \ssociation She vvoiks up at Ho plays sousaphone in Junior least two school musicals a >eai High Band and the bass dium m With having five schools, she Jumoi High Marching Band has one in the spnng and at He is playing midget football another school m late fall These with the Manheim team and has entertainments involve all the played basketball He is active students in Sunday School and sings in Mrs Thomas taught a half year at Oxfoid aftei gi actuation and after mamage did some substitute teaching Th.s is hei twelfth yeai teaching since she was mained Besides tins she dnects foui out of five chons a: hei chuich, the Zion Luthc an Chuich in Manheim Th's .mihii has nid,- 1> 800 memb. She k a -o looking foivva.c 1 to die o'-,)* 1 izauon and d"i. ‘.ng of a n ,nd bell chon fm j.i I who di then chi. ch o , • ii. t <o sixty jeai i.. .1 „ \ w 1 yeai and if the \ _a . b 11. they will be in hu ’n‘ino . Although Jean ’s cuidl ‘n i o teach instillments .hi, will fn a new experience to teach hand I bells. She is a meinbei of a the middler choir (sixth through eighth gradeisl He was a Cub Scout in Pack 47 Mis Thomas was an assistant Den Mother for Cub Pack 47 for thiee yeais and received n Mrs. Thomas looking over It e summeitime, anjtime, when a lug . ..isies is spied*. tour leet. VMnte floweis on a led field bnghten any nook 01 ciannv of ' out home. The lugmneaMiies 24 \ ,‘IG inches. It is made up of srcn squaie motifs. Each is ciocheted sepal ately of mp yam You lan add moie squaies to make a huger lug Fiee nmlnc tions aie .uailable Uj sending a self-addiessed, stamped cm elope to the Necbewoik Echtoi of ilus publication along v ii.li join ioi Leaflet PC 1t)55. 4-H Achievement certificates Show until two years ago That department has been dropped now. > i : Mrs Thomas, with all her out side activities and besides being a busy homemaker, has time for a few hobbies She says “I like to paper and paint ” She does all their own papering and painting and does a beautiful job ‘T like to work with flowers, I have a flower garden, try to have houseplants. I en joy cooking, so does all my fam ily. The children like it when their dad cooks He has full couise meals” She knits while viewing TV She says this keeps hei from nibbling on food She is knitting Sue a jacket and knit her a dress and has knit sweat ei s for herself and children. She also does some sewing for her self and daughter. How does Jean do so much? She says her family helps her and make it possible It just goes to show what some team work will do Here aie a few of hei favorite recipes GREEN MOUNTAIN SALAD 1 pkg. lime jello 1% cup boiling water 1 medium can crushed pine apple (drained) >2 cup broken nuts Vs cup celery chopped or diced 8 oz. pkg. Phil, cream cheese 12 marshmallows (cut into 6 parts) Vs pt. light cream (you can also use half milk) (Continued on Page 21) nersney Medical Center To Open An open house for the general public to tour completed por tions of the hospital of The Mil ton S Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State Univer sity before it admits its first patients was announced today by Dr George T Harrell, dean of the College of Medicine and di lectoi of the Medical Center. The open house will take place fi om Ipm to 5 p m on both Saturday, Oct 10, and Sunday, Oct 11 The hospital" 13 slated to admit its fiist patients on Wednesday, Oct 14 HUDSON Pnon-Ma GAS PIG BRO Double tha Infrared- Double tha Coverage Tw ice the infrared beat output of other gas pig brooders—one unit cov ers i-d(acent croco areas. Six times the h. at half the operating cost of two el cfnc heat lamps Replaceable cerami- radiant; tough, aluminum bonded-to-steel reflector; non-warp ing, shatter-proof upper chamber. 100? o automatic safety shut off. E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. Willow Street R. D. #l, Pa. Ph. 717-464-3321
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