—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 19.1970 22 Works for Successful Farm Fair Mrs. Hoober Active in New Holland By Mrs. Charles .MeSparran Farm Feature Writer One of Lancastci County’s oldest comirunitv fa.is and one .hat attracts thousands of people t\cry yeai is the New Holland Farmei’s Fan Tin 3Jth an nual fair will be held Septem ber 30, Oct 1 2 and 3 tlvs yca ll is run by a gioup of volun leei business men with Rufus Good as picsident and many other community organizations and individuals contnbme \eiy materially to its success Di Wilson A Faust, haung work ed with the fair many yeais, is an honorary membei of the board of directors The large st’-eet paiade. which is attended by 30,000 to 40,000 people, wall be held Wednesday evening, September 30 It is conducted by the Young Men’s Business League with William Bmgaman chairman Different organizations sponsor bands The official opening will be at 7 pm that evening The Pet Paiade directed by the Cub Scouts will be held at 730 pm, Fuday, Oct 2 Prizes are furnished by Hersheys Shoe Store One of the outstanding events which draws about 20,000 people is the Baby Parade It will be ■held at 4 pm Saturday, Oct 3 The Business and Professional Women conduct it and one of the nice things about it is that each child gets a gift All gifts and prizes are furnished by New Mis Hoobei (Eleanoi) woiks with liee lance (lailoung), hav ing many gnls coming to hci home foi assistance She is well qualified foi this woik as she Mrs Hoober, dim ed in her tailoied print di ess. displays has alwajs sewed and took ( a knitted babj shawl she just completed and some ot her comses in Extension sewing ! craft creations She took tailoring courses four Holland Funnels National Bank The vanous mines a’e said to be fabulous Theie will be a Tug-of-War elimination each e\emng (ex cept Wed ) at 9 pm paiticipat ed in by membei s of the area Fire Companies Finals will be Satin day even.ng A tiophy and monetary gifts aie presented to wmneis A unique ft atm e of this fair is the bake sale after noon Wednesday Each year an oi gamzation conducts the sale after the products aie judged This year the Garden Spot 4-H Club will be the beneficiaiy Ciowds look forwaid to buying pilze wnning entries This also eliminates food spoilage which would occur before the end of the fair A sample of each one is displayed in store windows as is the canned goods Livestock is exhibited m a tent Last year it was on Rail road A\ enue The 4-H Baby Beef Show attracts many people After being judged, the animals will be sold at 1 pm Thuis day at the New Holland Sales Stable 4-H Community Club pigs will be judged Thuisday and sold at 2 P m Friday, undei Mrs . Roy W . Hoober of New Holland displays a beauti the direction of Arnold Lueck , ..f ~ , , t. j• „ f.om the Lancaster County Ex- ful reversible orange yellow and white on green .daisy tension Service afghan which her daughter just completed and will exhibit This fair is strictly an agncul- at the New Holland Farmer’s Fair tuial fair, without the midway attractions which are part of and Brimmer Avenue Richaidt: some similar fans It is largely Geist is in charge of concession a sheet fair Main Street is space along the curbs closed between Custer Avenue Some of the different refresh ment stands include the local, Fire Company Lions Club hasi hot ham sandwiches A class | from St Stephen United Church of Chi Ist has a beef baibecue and the Leola Memonal Asso-| ciation has platteis m a special' building foi food The flower show will be in the Boy Scout Home on South Rob j erts Avenue Stoie windows dis-j play many fine exhibits and the Elementaiy School auditorium > has a numbei of exhibits such 1 a? jelly, sewing and fancy woik One who has woiked veiy i diligently foi 10 yeais oi moie with this fan is Mis Roy W Hoober of 350 State Stieet, New . Holland She is chaaman oL the committee of about 10 who aie in charge of fancy w'O’k and sewing They will be on hand from 2pm to 9 pm , Tuesday, Septembei 29 and fiom 8 am 1 Wednesday thioughout the fan 1 They will have all kinds ot, handmade ai tides such as j quilts, mgs, embroideied, i ciocheted and knitted ai tides and sewing They will have sepaiate entnes foi 4-H Last yeai they had 375 entnes in this dopaitment and aie anticipating! moie this year 1 Mis Hoobei’s community sei-' vice does not end with the fan She has been oigamzational i leader of the Garden Spot 4H i Sewing Club foi five yeais and { has woiked with the club nine l yeais She is seiving a two-yeai teim on the County 4-H Leadeis Council They have 60 gnls in the sewing club and 13 adult ( workets and they meet in Gaiden Spot High School 250 people, attended then fashion show this| summei which was conducted by teen leadeis > imes Some of her own clothes are evidence of her expert tailor ing ability She has made eve- mng goiyns for friends and has helped more people solve sewing difficulties. Mrs Hoobei works with the Si nior Citizens Club of New Hol land which meets in Liberty Fne Hall This was an out giowth of the Priscilla Class of the St Stephen United Church of Christ and was organized 10 years ago Mrs. Howard Barr is chairman. About 80 to 120 at tend their meetings which are held the first Wednesday of the month They have speakers and discussions at their meetings. Twice a yeai they take trips One hundred will take a tiip to Washington, D C next month. They have taken trips to Her shey, Lititz, Sterling Forest Gar dens, N. Y, Annapolis, Md.. Longwood Gardens, Haipers Ferry and to the coal regions. One meeting a year they have games and they have exchange meetings with other clubs. Eleanor came from Lock Hav en, Pa. and is a registcVed nurse, having graduated from Hahne mann Hospital in Philadelphia where she specialized in ortho pedics and pediatrics. She is also a post graduate of Child ren’s Hospital in Philadelphia. She supervised at Shreiners Hos pital for Crippled Children, Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia foi five years after graduation and since marriage has done some volunteer work. Hoobers are members of Saint (Continued on Page 23)
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