USDA Certifies Six Pa. Meat Packing *1" S> V' ,n ' J ~u,- l l I P l ' t i k '; plants in Pennsylvania lo attain miuiiemcnl foi eligibility to ihi. ns n /i I'* 1 '*' 0 C(M,^ C ' C * b - v •I’l' l ivi tillcalion as a icsiill of participate in .1 cooperative fed \" nc,,1 ‘ SUIU ’-' S l) - v USDA." he ex- e; al stale inspection p.ogiam c ,n,, | lS ‘» ’i . S lCd m °‘' l Pl ' ,mC(l " Wl! I ' X P CL ' I >«01 C Will TllC plants {ICC. Hlizlo Pdl k "?!a .? T a 1 L ‘ .''l,. Iw,, l cqual b ‘ ocl ‘ lin ‘ :d shoi tly and that Packing, Hazlc Paik; Kessler’s to standauls eventually all eligible plants will Inc, Lemoyne. Knupp Brotheis, All ate under Pennsylvania's qualify." Harrisburg RD3: Peters Broth new meat inspection program. Two years ago Pennsylvania's ers, Lenhartsvillc; Pudlmei’s Slate Agncultuie Sccrelaiy Le- meat inspection plans were ap- Home Dressed Meats, Johnstown. Bull said proved by USDA as "at least and Smith Provision Co, Inc This is the first group of meat equal lo federal standaids" a Erie Ili- an Power Is up . ~ price-per-hp is down Any way you consider these new’ tractors, you come out money ahead. From a performance stand point, both tiactois feature a Turbo-Built Diesel engine thr delivers an extra mai gm of powei—A Djnamic Powei Reserve that increases work output per hour and expands acrtaje-handimg abj Shotzbefger's M. S. Yeorsley & Sons Landis Bros. Inc. 665-2141 West Chester 696-2990 Lancaster 393-3906 A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Wenger Implement, Inc. New Holland 354-4191 The Buck 284-4141 * Elm ew ee D p m d B 4 ■hp 5 0 Fiom a list price standpoint, both tractors aie well below the SXOO-per-hp uite of thumb. Included m the base pi ice aie a 3-pomt hitch, Independent PTO, double action cylmdei outlet, ,nd adjustable diawbar. Both the 4320 and 4620 dehvei a lot of extras at no extia cost tojou. Stop in for complete price information ... and ai range a ijMH| £eld test. Plants 1 0 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 1!), 1!)70 Eugene Hoover, Lititz RD3. sales representative ot Tro jan Corn Co., this week inspects one of the firm’s better varieties on a joint corn plot with Organic Plant Food Co. along Route 722 one-half mile south of Lancaster Airport. A field day to show off this and 16 other Trojan corn numbers, including some high lysine numbers, was held at 1 p.m Friday at the plot. JAMESWAY All-Season Ventilation Controls Environment Automatically LANDIS 1303 Manheim Pike i w jL fWSr fm * tfN i’AnA & ■vfc* VmrF* hB Wwl" r * *3l r TXSIIB Motorized Intake Shutters Plastic Air Ducts Thermostat Fan Control Draft-Free Conditions Come in Today for Details. BROS., INC. Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Phone 393-3906 21 l !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers