1(> Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 8.1970 Halstcd Is Advertising Supervisor at Weavers Uoyi’i I. H.iXic'd, Dill.t 111)2. sponsible fot oiiyin.itmy and I*a, ha, biell named supi'iMvoi pupeluatnu tuw niaike.iiia pio oi ,ulu.tismu ,tnet piomolion .it Weau’i Vietoi F Holland llaKud who hold, .i US Di , . f U ilium \ Hui hloi. ion S uc<> in Vm uul.u.o fu.m the ~ , W . l.. llU Mstc',. lel.-i! L.mc.'.v ol Man .aid. loimd fom , w , t sniJ|l> hjs b , en <ip . th companv in 19(,8 ...a P'e pomtod b , oU ,, u .p loS entativo p.“od tood salesman and has u ‘ MchinM j KIl l lm 1709 Lin . ccth held the portion of con . Lancaster liquid ea? sunu. sales assistant "Upemso. assunu . d t , K . ‘poMUon Bofoic commy to Wcavois ho ol institutional food salesman was sole ownci of Delta Meat In a lelatcd move, Meivin .1 Pioriuits and was also affiliated Millci, Lititz RD4. foimeilj in with the Stale Depaitment of tetail food sales. ha> become Auicultme wlieic he was le- liquid eg? salesman HOG FARMERS Heavy Constructed Farrowing Crates Made To Your Specifications/ Reasonably Priced. SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Lititz R. D. 4 Phone 626-4355 ANOTHER TRUCKLOAD OF MH-30 USE THE ONE YOU KNOW Will Work Ask Us About The NEW ROYAL MH-3'o DISTRIBUTED BY P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Po. Tlnee pel sound changes have been announced in the Maikeling Di p.u Iment at Weave) > New Ine Available in one and fh e gallon cans and 30 gallon diums x —^ -~~ * u *' x © - MH-30 is the U S Rub bei leg tiademaik foi its giowth legulant U S Rubbei Co , Chemical Di usion Naugatuck, Conn 0(5771 Ph. 397-3539 * I r^ZS Jay 11. Martin SC'S Student Trainee Jay H. Martin Is USDA Student Trainee in SCS Jay H Mailin. 21 yeai old semoi at Pennsylvania State Uni \eisiu, is sen mg as a student trainee with the United States Ucpaitment ot Agncultuie, Soil |Conseivation Seivice, Lancastei He is the son of Mi and Mis I Homei Mai tin. A native of Lancastei County, Mai tin lesides at Stevens RDI He giaduated fiom Cocalico | High School in 1967 j An agionomy majoi, he is tieasmei ot the agionomy club I at Penn State He is also a mem bei of the Penn State Chaptei ot the Soil Conseivation Society of Ameuca i He will be attending the Na -1 tional Agionomy Society Meeting in Tucson, Arizona August 24-28 as a speech delegate, lepiesent , mg Penn State 4-H’ers Learn To Earn Many 4-H pi ejects teach young steis to earn while they learn Examples aie livestock pi ejects which concentiate on lecom mended practices of bleeding, feeding, management and mar keting. HERE'S "top nutrition" for your horses Red Rose Super Horse Feed is the only feed you need except hay No extra vitamins or special preparations are necessary. Feed it to young, growing and prized horses. You’ll be pleased with the condition Super Horse will give. Try it . . . and you’ll feed it always. G. R. Mitchell, Inc. Reiton. Pa Mounfville Feed Service Chos. E. Sauder & Sons u ju j» e**, .Mount Mlle Teue Hill “* SMUftir & Inc. Witmer Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming YES WE HAVE IT FROM NOW TO DECEMBER Phone Us For Your Fertilizers And Seeds • Blue Boy and Redcoat' Seed Wheat • Penrad-Wong Barley • Saranac-Cayuga Alfalfa • Balbo Rye Timothy Free Soil Testing and Crop Planning. Commercial or Bulk Blend Fertilizer. Self Service or Custom Spreading. We are agents for Pro-Sil. The latest and safest liquid silage supplement. Inquire for details. LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER C 0 INC. Factories at Oxford and Quarryville 215-932-8323 717-786-7348 It's RED ROSE SUPER HORSE FEED Eveiything known to be good for horses is formulat ed into Red Rose Super Horse Feed. The essential vitamins A, D, E, Riboflavin, B complexes and others flaked corn, crushed oats, linseed meal, distillers’ grains, cane molasses, and dextiose make Red Rose Super Hoise about the most palatable, best tasting feed you could offer your horses It’s tops in equine nutrition! Musser's Mill The Buck Ammon E. Shelly Litite We have one to suit your particular need. Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elveison L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Graybill & Sow Sti asburg E. Musser Heisey & Soon R. D 2, Mt Joy, Pa. Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Form Service, Inc. N Church St., QuarryviUe David B. Hurst Bow mausville ' E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honev Brook
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