CALL J 94-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment- Farm Equipment THOUSANDS; Dismantling Cat, D-2 thro D-8: AC HD-5 thru 21; TD-G thru 24; Oliver Model E thru OCI2. Gen eraton, steering clutches, tran*. missions, final drives, chains, rollers, winches. New & used undercarriages for all makes: EXAMPLES: Cat D. 2 & 933 30 links $170.90 S. F. Roller (old style) 45.90 Cat. D. 4 & 955 31 links $236.90 S. F. Roller (life time) 63.90 Cat. D. 6, 955 & 977 40 links . . $383.00 S. F. Roller (life time) 71.90 A.C. HD 5 & 6 33 links ... . $251.90 S. F. Roller (heavy duty) 59.90 T D. 6 32 links . $184.90 S. F. Roller (life time) 52.90 T D. 9 33 links .. $245.90 S. F. Roller (life time) 59.90 Case 100 37 links $351.90 S. iF. Roller (life time) 63.90 John Deere 420 - 2010 35 links S. F. Roller Oliver OC 3,4 and OC 6 30 links . $206.90 (all prices fob) Engines & Power Units Crawler D-2, 4,6, 7,8; TDM Loader HDS on Rubber Backhoe & Loader INT 240, Oliver, White. GOOD USED TRACKS AND ROLLERS TRACK PRESS WORK If Not Listed, Ask For It! WANT ED; Used equip., parts, engines, etc. Ben Lombardo Eguip. Co, R.D.#6, Sinking Spring, Reading, Pa. 19608 Phime: (215) 678-1941/4092 or 944-7171. CASE - NEW IDEA & Service Used Equipment AC WO 45D w/plow & loader Case 430, 830, 930, 1030 JD Parallel Bar rake AC 58P Flail Chopper only 20 acres. xx x x Case Backhoe Unit Gehl Recutter NH Balei w/Motor 702 NI Urn /chopper & picker NH and IH B.owei Case Harve' tei Two Row -Vcd for IH and Case Harvester A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park A\e, Quarryville, Pa FORAGE HARVESTERS 1 and 2 i"ow Fox, JD, Foid, NH, McD, AC, CORN PICKERS 1 PR, McD, NI, Case Oliver, Ford 1 and 2am Silo Fillei, Blow er s Forage Magons, High Mois tme Corn Mills, Giain Boxes, Peed Gnndei Mixers, Metal Com Cubs, Giain Bulls, Potato Dig gers, Elevators and Disc Har rows. Large selection of ti ac tors in stock CLYDE E KEENER Intersection of Rt 72 and 230 Phone 717-569 9861 Used Ot ei 880 Diesel FARMERSI, ILLE EQUIP Inc Ephrata RD2 354-9221 LANCASTER SILOS SterNne Labor Savers Feed Lot Planning ;l Seles & Service by |. SAMUEL SHERER , - ML Joy R 2 . Phone 717-653-5207 i . or 717-653-5208 Tractors from 50-95 h p. International & Oliver 1 row pickeis New Idea 2 row trailer picker, narrow row, AC motors with leductions For the Amish—box choppers with long feed tables or new lecutter blowers Also tiailer load of gravity box es and wagon chassis. At least compaie prices befoie you buy. Raymond B. Leaman 2051 Butter Road, Lancaster Phone 394-2917 Electromechanical Service Phase Converters—Electric Mo tors—Power Tools—Generators ELECTHOMEC Rt. 222 Ephrata, Pa. ’ 717-733-7911 $227.90 61.90 B Poultry & Supplies LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone b53-185J MOUNT JOY R. 1. PA. ATTENTION We hove heavy breed layer contracts avail able. Excellent income opportunity. 2,000 to 6,000 size flocks available. No capital re quired, we pay all supplies. Cali or write. Indian River Poultry Farms 2501 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 569-0456 HAVING EXCESSIVE LEUKOSIS MORTALITY? TRY ANTHONY WHITE LEGHORNS YOU’LL BE PLEASED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE GEO. M. ANTHONY & SONS POULTRY FARM, INC. , 1 Strausstown, Pa. 19559 Tel. 215-488-6211 Jamesway Soles and Service Silo Unloader Bunk Feedeis Barn Cleaners Barn Equipment R. D. #2 Phone Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Bus. 717.354.5374 (Farmersville) Form Equipment Used Case 800 combine ready to go Used Case SP9 ready to go Discounts as high as 30 c t on new windrowei s Used Tractors Case 931 Diesel JD 820 Diesel Case 631 Gas Case 541 Gas Case 311 Gas Case 800 Diesel Case 431 Diesel w/loader KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kmzers, Pa Ph 4424186 Lane Customers Ph 768-8916 NH 66 PTO Baler IHC 816 Hav Conditioner 300 Farmall Tractor 350 Foiage Hai vester COPE & WEAVER CO New Pi evidence 786-735 702 Uni Ti actor 760 Forage Hai vester AC Model G Manuie Loader com- plete w/pump AC Dl4 Tractor Wheel Horse 5 hp riding Tractor & Mower, Electric Stait AC Model SOT glass mower AC Blower w/B-125 Power Jnit AC 780 Harvester ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata, Pa. Ph. 859-2441 Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa Ph 215-536-3155 Farm Equipment (Vinpower-Tractor Driven Alter nators Demonstrated. Installed <c Serviced by ELECTROMEC— Ephrata, Pa. Rt. 222 717-733-7911 Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies Introducing... THE B-305 Q: Does the B-305 have the same excellent feed efficiency as the B-300? A: Yes, the same if not a little better I Babcock Hatchery, lwc. |^| Box 285, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-8561 LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY SBox 317 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT—GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Raising Baby Chicks and Started Pullets on Your Farm Where Leukosis is a Problem? WE RECOMMEND YOU ORDER MUSSER'S M 327 CHICKS Started and Matured Pullets and Yearling Hens 1 WHY? Because our breeding and our resist ance program on our farm has given us three distinct controls over coccidiosis and leuko sis. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS Box 116, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4911 1916 54 Years 1970 ■ f Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 8.1970 ff, f / s >' Wheie in the World is Babcock 9 . . . Wherever eggs are produced at a profit’ • ■ ■ mm v \ Farm Equipment Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Epuipment. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3635 jOBaR 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers