Plowing Contest Winners at Conservation Field Day {Continued from Pane 8) Daniel Rohrer. Manhcim RDI, took first place honois. Taking second was Ken Hack naan, non of Mr. and Mrs James Hackman, Ephrata RDI, Junior division members arc V « ** < *■ -4' ' * V i L ] fcoV-, Clark Stauffer 4-H Tractor Winner Agway TRUCK LOAD SALE ON ACWAY CORN CRIBS 5x5 GAUGE BAR MESH i CRIB SIZES AVAILABLE 750 and 1100 Bu. Capacity 13’ -9" Diameter 1000 and 1500 Bu. Capacity 16’ - B’’ Diameter ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE Corn Diverter Roof Ladder FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED ORDER TO-DAY (LIMITED SUPPLY) Call 397-4761 Ask for Fred Kerlin or Harold Kinsey We also can supply your needs for building your own corn crib welded wire, hardware cloth, creosoted lumber, creosoted poles, steel and or aluminum roofing, nails, silo or snow* fence, etc. not eligible for the stntc con test. Land Judging Contest In the land Judging contest, Dclmar Weaver, East Earl RDI, look first place. In second was Dale Groff, Litilz RD4, and third was Clark Stauffer. A trophy is presented to the first place winner. Fifteen were in the contest. 1 More than 25 pieces of farm equipment, including tractors, manuie spreaders, back hoe loader, new electric mower, harvester and windrower were on display. Aaion Stauffer, conseivation distuct chairman, said atten dance was good. The weather was sunny, hot and humid. Two different flights weie available to show Lancaster County land and conservation practices fxom the ail'. ‘A Black Year’ In brief comments, Stauffer said this year has been “a black year for Lancaster County con servation.” He said there has been a tre mendous loss of soil this year from the heavy water runoff. The loss has been compounded BEE-LINE Supply Center YOU ORDER BY AUGUST 31. REASONS WHY MORE FARMERS PREFER THE AGWAY GREEN DOOR BAR MESH CORN CRIBS Vent Stack i! 11l Winners of the plowing contests with RD3. They are eligible for state competi their prizes at the Conservation District tion August 26. It was later announced that Field Day are; from left: Frank Burkhart, Ivan Yost, Christiana RDI, not shown, will Lancaster; Marvin Zimmerman, East be eligible for the state. Earl RDI, and Richard G. Groff, Lititz by the move towaid more corn acreage, he said. Stauffer said local cieeks have been biown and this color i epi esents lost soil for farmei s EXTRA SAVINGS IF 1. Galvannealed Wire 2. Steep Pitched Roof 3. Easy Erection 4. Easy Loading and Unloading 5. Positive “Safety Locking” of all sections 6. Tested Under Extreme Load Conditions 7. Excellent Basic Design 8. Reliable Manufacturer, (Foley & Lavish Engineering Co.) Lancantcr Farming. Saturday. August 1.1970—!< wrfT?. * west Delmar Weaver Land Judging Winner 4-H Sewing Club Se\eial membeis of the Gai den Spot 4-H Sewing Club le ceived awaids foi excellence m constuiction following a fashion show Monday evening Betsy Best took fix st in the stait stitching pioiect gioup, with Connie Bensinger second Fust in the cotton shut division was Kim Mai tin and second was Lisa Adams Sleeveless diess wmneis weie Jean Seitzmgei, first, and Anita Stauffei, second. Fust in the school diess cat egoiy was Cindy Chalfont and second was Tammy Sensemg Ann Williams took fiist in the wool skirt division, with Evie Adams taking second Kns Halls won first in the fiee lance cat egoiy and Jan Hunsickei, second. The special rwaids weie pre sented b\ Mis Roy Hoobei, leadei who lecened a gift fiom the gnls 101 hei outstanding ser vice to the club and community. Carol Staman 1 Attends National FHA Meeting Caiol Louise Staman has re turned fiom New Yoik wheie she attended the national meet ing of Futuie Homemakeis of Amenca at the New Yoik Hil ton, July 13-17. Caiol is the daughter of Mr. and Mis Bui ton Y. Staman, Shawnee Farm, Box 63, Colum bia. While at the meeting Carol participated in the “Funtastic” and as a voting delegate She is a member of the Hempfield Chapter of FHA and is cuuent ly a state officer. Carol was one of 1,500 FHA delegates representing a nation al membership of 600,000 high school home economics stu dents. She reports that it was an ex citing week packed with work shops, discussion groups, out standing speakers, fun time, an evening at Radio City Music Hall, and a chance to make a lot of new friends from all across the country “The meeting theme was FHA’s Dare of the Decade” Carol reported, “and we were given many ideas for accom plishing the objective To Pro mote Communication for the Enrichment of Human Rela tionships We heaid from lead ers in the education field, held idea swap sessions and attended caieei seminars. “Of course, the election and installation of our 12 new na tional Officeis is a Ihullmg event It was even moie tin til ing when oui own Ruth Ann Hockenbioch of Richfield was elected President of the Nation al FHA “Being selected as a delegate to attend this national meeting was a wondeiful experience and a gieat honor foi me and I am giateful for having had the opportunity ” Horse Accident- Fatal Judith Lorraine Carr, 17, died at Coatesville Geneial Hospital Monday after her hoise bolted and diagged hei along the giound foi about a quaitei oi a mile She was the daughter of Mr. and Mis Floyd R Can, 3290 Manoi Road, Coatesville.
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