16—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 1,1970 USDA Reports PAC Act A Johnic Stanley Banana Co Inc., 708 E Second Si. Huntington, W Va . has satisfied a icparation aw aid of $G.911 issued undoi the I’uishable Agiieultui.il Com modities Ad. the U S Depart ment of Aguculluie lepoiled iccently Odicials of USDA's Consumer and Maiketmg Seivice said the fnm’s PACA license was sus pended effective May 27, 1970, when it failed to pay the repaia tion award. Now that the awaid has been satisfied, the film and ns officeis, duectors and stock holder Johnie M Stanley,' Chailes A. Clark. John H Flour noy and Patncia A Adams—aie again entitled to conduct busi ness subject to the PAC Act. C&MS officials said the awaid vas based on the Rim’s failuie to pay a Noith Carolina produce fiim lot thiee tiuckloads of bananas puichased The Noith Carolina fiim had icgisteied a complaint undei the PAC Act Elsewheie, the USDA has sus pended the produce tiading Lcense of Sun Ripe Banana Co, New Castle, Del, undei the PAC Act. effective June 26 foi failing j to pay a lepaiation awaid of 522 899 Officials of USDA’s Consumer and Maiketing Seivice said the fiim and its officers, dnectois stockhOideis Samuel I and Leonaid Beikowitz—aie not en titled to conduct business subject to the PAC Act until the lepaia non awaid is satisfied and the license suspension is lifted They Egg Production Shifts Sharply The numbei of faims selling eggs deci eased shaiply, conti ac tual anangements gained impoi tance and egg pioduction tended to shift to the South and West dining the 1950’s and 1960’5, ac coidmg to the USDA Economic Reseaich Seivice The nnmbei of faims selling eggs fell fiom 2 4 million m 1949 to 527,000 in 1964 alone And, while faims with less than 400 chickens accounted foi 70 pei cent of all chickens on faims in 1950, this gioup ac counted foi less than 20 pei cent o the total by 1960 Also, in 1964 about 16,000 fdims selling 50,000 dozen oi moie eggs each in 1964 ac counted foi two-thnds of all eggs sold, while the 1,000 laigest egg laims accounted foi moie than one-fifth of all eggs sold While conti actual auange ments accounted foi only a small piopoilion of total egg pi educ tion in the 1950 s—peihaps five pel cent—they accounted foi 30 to 35 pei cent of it by 1968 While the West Noith Cential States accounted toi 25 pei cent ol the Nation’s egg pioduction in 1959 they accounted foi only 14 pei cent ol it by 1969 While the South Atlantic States, which ac counted foi only 12 pel cent ot egg pioduction in 1959, account ed toi ovei 20 pei cent of the 1969 total A fuithei bieakdown shows that since 1959 egg pioduction hdS deci eased 42 pei cent in the J Most Mo’th Cential States, de- j c: eased 18 pei cent in the East \oith Cential States elect eased nine pei cent in the Xoi th At lantic States On the olhei hand it has in c; eased 39 pei cent in the West em States inci eased 60 pei cent in the South Cential States, m ci eased 89 pei cent in the South Atlantic States. cannot be employed by anothei Also, the produce trading li- C&MS officials said a produce for his own account and did not PACA licensee without USD K cense of Nat Gieene. Miami, Fla, shipping firm in Scianton, Pa, adequately justify his failure to approval has been suspended under the claimed that Greene puichased pay the Pennsylvania iinn and PAC Act, effective June 23. for for his own account but failed ordeied payment of W»© f»U C&MS officials said a pioducc f a ii m g to pay a leparation awaid to pay for two trailciloads of amount claimed due for the shipping fum in New Oilcans, ot $3 586. tomatoes. Greene was advised of transactions. La. claimed that the Delavvaie „ the complaint and filed an an- t , fum failed to nay for numerous ° ‘ llS ° USDAS Consumer swer claiming he was a broker The PAC Aot estebhshes ft Jots of bananas shiooed between a " d Ma,ketin " Selvices 531(1 for a Puerto Rican buyer in the 00(16 of S°od business oouduel July and SeptemberigsgS G ‘ een i$ nol . entitled t 0 000(11104 transactions. Greene requested for 11,6 Produce » fum was advised of the com- b y smess subject to the PAC Act an ora i hearing which was held that^interstate "* f" 8 ™ the Uf,tll thC le P aratlon award is sa4 ‘ at Miami, Fla. in fresh and frozen Iruits and cnar s es ÜbDA s Judicial Officer isfied and tne license suspension _„ . , vegetables be licensed The law oideied payment of the full is lifted He cannot be employed USDA s Judlcla! officer c° n " authorizes USDA to suspend or amount claimed due for each by another PACA licensee with- eluded from the evidence that revoke a trader’s license for rio* transaction out USDA approval Greene purchased the tomatoes lating the Act. Z— L— * ' ' ' " ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ - . _ ...ct ANOTHER TRUCKLOAD OF MH-30 USI mi ONI YOU KNOW WILL WORK ASK US ABOUT THE P. L. ROHRER & BRO. SMOKETOWN, PA. NEW ROYAL - DISTRIBUTED BY Available in one and five gallon cans and 30 gallon drums r' ■ • ® - MH-30 is the U S Rubber reg trade maik for its growth legulant U S Rub bei Co, Chemical Division. Naugatuck, Conn 06771 ction Ph, 397-3539
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