VOL. 13 NO. 33 BULLETIN Farm&Home Awarded Estate Fund The $50,000 from the Willis Esbenshade Estate Fund that the Farm and Home Foundation has been waiting for was releas ed Friday, according to Attor ney William H. Mann, 53 North Duke Street. In making the announcement of the decision handed down by Judge John L. Bowman, Mann said the evidence was over whelmingly in favor of the Foundation. The fact that the Foundation was a charitable one and Esbenshade had made ar rangements with Mayor Thomas Monaghan to meet his promises' to match the Foundation in two $25,000 gifts were the main rea sons the funds were released to the Foundation, - ' - If there is no descent within the next 20 days the Foundation should soon have the money shortly thereafter. Same Cow Herds Top DHIA Again The same Lancaster County Dairy Herds placed one-two in the monthly DHIA report for May as did in April according to reports just back from Penn State. Edwin J. Landis, 1406 Lam peter Road placed Ist with 36 5 cows averaging 571 lbs of milk and 228 lbs. of butterfat per day with a 4 percent test Last month the Landis herd top the county with 37 4 cows recording 56 lbs of milk and 224 lbs of butteifat also a 40 percent test. The second high herd was re ported for Stanley Greiner, Man heim R 4, with 23 cows, 56 2 lbs. of milk, 2.19 lbs. of butterfat and’ a 3.9 percent test. Last month the Landis herd topped the county with 37.4 cows re emding 56 lbs. of milk and 224 lbs of butterfat also a 40'per cent test. The high lactation finished in May was owned by the Red Rose Research Farm, 226 Pitney Road. Nancy, at 7-sy, in 3Q5 days pro duced 19,380 lbs. of milk and 882 lbs of butterfat with 4 6 per cent test. .The second high cow was owned by Charles Tindall, Peach -Bottom Rl. Lucinda’s record reads: 10-8 y 20,858 m 862 f 4.1%. Farm Calendar Tuesday, July 16 900 a.m.-Ag Teacher meet., Lampeter-Strasburg High Sch. 8 ’™ o oi^ l 'w rH L fn„ tS C T n c ,i 8:00 p msa & Home Foun- dation Board meets. Farm & Hoxne Center. (Continued oh Page 7)' THE 1968 LANCASTER COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS. Debrah Elaine Binkley, center, was chosen Wednesday evening at the Princess Pageant held at the Host Town -MoteLyMjss-iAnna-Mae -Bonotigh-, 1967 Miss Susanßarge, Ist runner-up to the new prmc-dsVis left. - L. F. Photo Shafer Signed Mandatory Meat Inspection Law Gov. Raymond Shafer recently signed a new mandatory meat and poultry inspection law which he described as “evidence of Pennsylvania’s determination to give consumers the protection they need in the modern mar ket place ” The measure, House Bill No 1566, replaces a 53-year-old meat SHOCKING WHEAT, just north of New Holland. Lancaster Farming Editor unc | these fellows working along Monday and asked if they would pose for this L. F. Photo. They amicably consented but asked that they not be identified.- To Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 13,1968 hygiene law which provided in spection services on a voluntaiy basis for butchers and packers. “This new legislation places Pennsylvania in the forefront of states that have taken action to safeguard the public’s meat sup ply,” Gov Shafer said “It is in teresting to note, in this respect, (Continue! on Page 6) Debrah Binkley Is New County Dairy Princess Susan Barge Is Voted Miss Personality And Named Ist Runner-Up Debrah Elaine Binkley, 17- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mis Richard O Binkley, Colum bia R 2, won the right Wednes day night, to represent the Lan caster County dairy industry as the new Daily Princess The 1968 Hsmpfield High School graduate succeeded Anna Mae Donough, the 1967 Lancaster County Dairy Princess, at the Annual Princess Pageant held in the Host Motel Named runner-up to the new 4-H Demonstration And Public Speaking Winners Are Named A pair of junior leaders in the Penn Manor Kookie Kooks, two -Baby -Beef and Lamb Glub and a Don egal Sewing Club member were gained winners in the 4-H Dem onstration and Public Speaking Contests held Tuesday, at the Farm and Home Center. ’ Connie Stehman, Conestoga R 2 and Linda Porter, Washing ton Boro Rl, teamed up with ah “Out Door Cookout” demonstra tion in the Home Economics di vision to win blue ribbons Others selected to compete at the district level were Pat Smuc ker, Ephrata R 2 and Ellyce Jean Engle, Conestoga R 2. In the Agriculture Division, Marvin Nissley, Mt Joy Rl and (Continued on Page 6) this the editor agreed. Anyway, the grains of wheat were rather hard indicating ma turity and the 11 acre field being cut with a binder at the time was standing very well. $2.00 Per Ye*r princess and selected by her fel low contestants as Miss Person ality was Susan Barge, 17-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barge, Ronks Rl. Miss Binkley, showing poise in front of the largest crowd (.270 persons) ever to attend the event, pulled the question: “How much education do you feel you need in the present world?” She answered that you should have at least a high school edu cation and if you want to spe cialize. you should go on and tram for it The new dairy princess is em ployed as a clerk-typist by Arm strong Cork Co The featured speaker at the banquet was Boyd C. Gartley, Director of Public and Member Relations, Interstate Milk Pra ducer’s Cooperative. Gartley told the group, “If the dairy indus try is to prosper, a good research and development program is ab solutely necessary “Many producers living in a dream world of wishful think ing,” he said, “are still believing the job of promoting many of their products will and should be done by handlers Less than 50 percent of U S. dairy farmers (and U S dairy farmers, by the way, have 95 percent of the to tal capital investment in the na tion’s dairy industry) see fit to invest any of their gross income in advertising, merchandizing, research and development, or in consumer education activities. With this inertia, how can dairy men expect to compete against strongly advertised new foods and drinks which have develop ed through product and market research?” he asked. In the contest. Miss Binkley, Miss Barge, Carol M Brubaker, Lititz Rl and Sherry Diana Lord, Manheim Rl, were questioned by Master of Ceremonies Harry Kauffman, Director of Public Relations for the Philadelphia (Continued on Page 8) Holstein Men Set Field Day For July 23 The Lancaster County Hol stein Breeders’ Association an nounced plans this week for their annual Field Day to be held Tuesday, July 23 at the farm of J. Mowerv Frey, Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike. The Judging contest will be gin at 10:45 am. At noon a Chicken Barbeque will be avail able at $1 00 per person. Milk and ice cream will be furnish ed. The afternoon program will begin at 1 30 p.m. with William L Conyngham, Hillside Farms, Shavertown, as the featured speaker. Conyngham will also serve as the judge for the morn ing contest. The field day committee is Robert C. Groff, H. Richard Hershey and David Sweigart.
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