CALL 394-3047 or 624-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Moil Box Morket FREE. Subscribers to Lancaster Fanning will receive one adver tisement Free each month in our Mall Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday for next week’s paper; No busi noon or same will be held over ness advertisements accepted. For Sale—2 ton or more ear corn on wagon. Must be moved. $22. a ton. Terro-Tiller with- Briggs & Straton engine. $25. Heavy Duty 3 inch suction hose. Elam Z. Zimmerman, Lititz R 4, near Lincoln, Ph. 733-4466. For Sale—One 4 ey. Wisconsin engine with clutch. One 4 cy. Wisconsin engine with clutch and reduction gear. One Conven tional 4 cy. with clutch and re duction gear. C. S. Miller, Para dise Rl, Pa. For Sale Allis Chalmers Dl9 Diesel overhauled,, new over sized tires, new, paint, extra clean. To highest bidder over $3,000. Ph. 626-6142. For Sale —Side dressing fertiliz er attachment for CA Allis Chal mers cultivator. Tobacco hoers to fit CA Allis Chalmers culti vators. Ph. 872-8818. For Sale—AKC German Shep herd pups, 7 weeks old, 4 males, 1 female; Also stud service. Daniel H. Martin, Stevens Rl, Pa. 17578 (At Red Run) For Sale—Stainless Steel chick en picker. Large pedestal fan. Two platform scales. Best offer. Must be sold. Ph, Area Code 717-393-9574. For Sale—AKC Registered Eng lish Springer Spaniel pups, 8 wks, make excellent hunting dogs, good pets. Phone 215-932- 9762. For Sale—3 female Beagle pups, 10 wks old, part blue tick, $l5. each Hiram Bollinger, Jr., Quarryville 786-3943. For Sale 'McCormick spring tooth harrow No. 401; Also 14.9 x 28-6 piy tractor tire. Phone 367-2033. For Sale Puppies, Retriever and-Shepherd mixed. Phone 786- 3108. For Sale/- St. Bernard-pups, AKC, shots, wormed, well mark-, ed. Phone 397-5674. Wanted To Buy Second hand big ice cream freezer. Rufus Good, Lampeter, Ph. 464-3758. For Sale 30 Shoats. Phone Manheim 665-2962. Sole Register SAT., JUNE 22 at 9 A.M.-All - Complete Farm Dispersal, Strohec'ker Farms, Inc., 38 mi. N of Harrisburg, off Rte. 225 at Herndon Rl, Northumberland County, Pa. MON. 'EVE. JUNE 24 Horse Sale at Martin’s Sales Stable, Blue Ball, Pa. 'Tack at 6 p.m. Horses at 7 PM. by Paul Z. Martin. THUBS., JUNE 27 - 7:30 pm, Night Guernsey Sale at the Assn. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Pa. FRI. JUNE 28 12:30 p.m. An nual Early Summer Registered Holstein Sale, on the former Warren Hershey farm, just N of Rt 340, 2% mi. E of Intercourse, Lancaster County, Pa. SAT., JULY 6 - 1:80 p m. Feed er Pig Sale, 2% miles S of Beth el from U.S. 22 and 6 mi. N of Myerstown, along U.S. 501. Terms by Norman M. Martin, Myerstown Rl. Sowing Machines 1967 ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, slightly used, fancy stitches, sews on buttons, makes buttonholes, no attach ments needed. UNPAID BALANCE $28.50 or pay payments of $4.10 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, cabinet model, slightly used, monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and serv ice guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $5B 30 or pay payments -of $5.75 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect SINGER ZIG-ZAG Late model, slightly used, 5 year parts and service guarantee. No attachments necessary. Sews buttonholes, fancy designs, blind hems and straight stitches. UNPAID BALANCE $46.30 or pay payments of $4.86 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect DOMESTIC ZIG-ZAG Slightly used, fancy stitches, sews on buttons, makes button holes. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and service guar antee. UNPAID BALANCE $33.40 or pay payments of $4.30 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect WHITE ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, cabinet model, slightly used, monograms, fan cy stitches, overcasts, blind hems dresses, sews on buttons. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and service guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $43.70 or pay payments of $4.53 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 - If toll, call collect Real Estate COMMERCIAL GREENHOUSES Plus 2 apts., good location, eastern Lebanon County. 14 UNIT MOTEL Eastern Lebanon County, ex cellent returns. Owner selling on account of health. 3 ACRES PLUS 4 bedroom home, along side Lebanon Valley Air Park, ex cellent investment. 3>eMty Realty Ga. Myerstown Ph. 866-5550 866-2747 933-8239 FOR SALE 163 Acre Dairy Farm Modern stable with 40 tie stalls, Barn cleaner, large milk house, Farm pond, 10 Room House, 3 Car Cinder block garage and other build ings. Contact: Ralph C, Austin. R D #2 Box 16 Wellsboro, Pa. 16901 Dairy Equipment 300 gal. Mojonnier bulk milk tank; 350 gal. Esco bulk tank; some used milk can coolers, CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-8501 Used 300 Mojonnier Vacuum Dr. Walker Washer, dumping Sta tion; Also many other sizes. We will also buy or trade your tank. CURRY SUPPLY CO. Curryville, Pa. 16631 Miscellaneous For Sole Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm. Phone: AC 215-268-8808. Lane. Area Ph. 394-2611. See us for fast, quality, custom pea shelling. You pick ’em, we shell ’em. Floyd H Ranck, Par adise Rl, Box 437. 17562. Ph. 442-4949. If no mswer call 442- 4909. Male Help Wanted-Sales Manager Trainee, Expanding company in farm supplies, must have farm back ground. Our employees know of this ad. All replies confidential. Resume must include phone and address. Will tram right man. Write Box A, c/o Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 266, Lititz, Pa. Wanted-Man to work with cows. No field work Good fringe bene fits. Wnte to Red Rose Research Farms, 226 Pitney Road, Lan caster, Pa. 17601. Money To Loon k - ' - - ' 4 LOANS ALL TYPES ; j $lO,OOO to $100,000,000 y J Anywhere in USA and-* 2 Canada. I i 2 r FISHER Real Estate- f | : Mortgage Corp. % Financial Consultants 5 n Joy, lU. 61260 | i Mortgage Brokers I » Joy, 111. 61260 I Insurance ALL TYPES INSURANCE FARMERS Special Package Policy Fire - Storm - Liability Call us for FREE Survey and Savings. Apartment Tenants or Homeowners ’Protect your Personal Pro < Iperty and Home from Fire -J •Theft - Storm - Vandalism jMahcious Mischief and many •other coverages. I I' We have several unusual' •combinations that could rev [duce your insurance costs. < ■Examples Boats, Autos,* •Seasonal Dwellings, Vacation, land Travel. ' u W. MUSSER 1951 Larch Avenue EAST PETERSBURG, PA. Phone 569-2876 17520 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 22,1968 Farm Equipment John Deere 14T Balers, New Hol land Harvester Model 616, On tario Drill - 13 Disc, New Hol land 275 Baler, w/Thrower, Farmall M Tractor w/2MH corn Picker, International P.T.O. H a mlm e r Mill, Cunningham Power-Scy A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland Ph. 354-4191 200 gal. PTO trailer sprayer w/- agitator & 8 row boom; 150 gal. PTO tiailer sprayer w/agitator & 8 row boom: sev. 3 pt. hitch weed sprayers: various types of used row crop and orchard sprayers. LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712 New 3 point cultivator $175; New 3 point Roto Mow’er $295 Used Hay Rakes $35, and a large selection of grass mowers, combines, balers, and elevators. KEENER EQUIP CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. Used John Deere Balers, 2-14 Ts, 1-24 T, 1-14 T with engine; Used 68 New Holland Baler with en gine on steel wheels: 31 Hay Conditioner; Used J.D. 60 Trac tor. WENGER IMPLEMENT CO. The Duck, Pa, Gehl Mix-All Hammermill; Allis Chalmers Dl7 Tractor; Allis Chalmers Snap-Coupler mower; Case Hay Conditioner. ROY H. BUOH, INC. Ephrata R 2 Ph. 859-2441 37 PTO Baler; other used Bal ers; Farmall 460 High Utility Tractor; MD Tractor; John Deere Crimper COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence Ph 786-7351 PICKES SILOS and Feeding Equipment. New and Used Tractors GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 New Idea #4OO, 403, Speed Wheel rakes; 9 ft. mow-conditaoner. WILBUR H. GRAYBILL New Idea - Clay Mach. Shop Lithe Ph. 626-5221 Farmall Cub 100, M, 560, 504; 141 Combine. C. B. HOOBER * SON Intercourse, Pa Ph. 768-8231 Acorn Barn Cleaner $9O. Ver meer Hay Crusher. M. M. WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. Ph. 656-7702 Used 300 CASE Harvester with 2 row corn head and pick-up. FAR'MBRSVXLLE EQUIP. CO. Ephrata R 2 Ph. 354-9221 Used Holland horse drawn to bacco planter, good condition. LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712 IH 816 mower conditioner. SHOTZBERGBR’S EQUIP. Elm, Pa. Ph 665^2141 Livestock For Sole For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, RD. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717- 786-2562. Buildings and Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BUY! . . for quality and economy is . . THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer in your area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Penna. 17870 „ (717) 374-8157 Farm Equipment Cunningham Hay Conditioner; Case 133 Baler. KINZER EQUIPMENT CO. Kinzer, Pa. Ph. 442-4186 MM 12 ft. self-propelled combine CHET LONG Akron, Pa Poultry & Equipment SHAVER D j STARC*2Se vgf LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. I, PA. Ph. 284-4467 BURLING'S Golden Tri-Cross BEST BROWN EGG LAYERS IN 1967 PENNA. RANDOM TEST , Earned $2,209 income over feed and chick cost, 6th best among all 30 entries in test - Averaged 243.7 eggs per bird housed (350 days) - 4.27 feed efficiency, best for all brown egg entries - 5.32% laying house mortality. Alio: Burllng-Lawton Golden Buff Sex-Links, Harco Sex- Blnka, Bernier Regal Leghorn*, Wh. Cornish Crosaea If you like friendly service and quality chicks at fair prices, call or write BURLING’S HATCHERY OXFORD, PA. Ph. 932-8286 Richard R. Forry SpvujH Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses. Also equipped for oil spraying KimberChiks and Started Pul lets, Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link Broiler Chicks - Cobb and Wt. Mt. MOYER’S CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, Pa. Ph. 215-536-3155 IT'S NOT TOO LATE! JULY LEGHORN CHICKS Will Lay Eggs In December Musser Leghorn Farms R. D. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. “Serving Egg Producers Since 1916” Ph. 859-1020 Ph. 397-0035 in Poultry houses. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers