it thoroughly and to work close* same time, it must insure the ly with the PDCA in the study, continued Improvement of the ...... . .. Latest available USDA fig* breed and protect against the would be eligible for identifies years ago (1084*98) the Brown urea show about 10,000 unregis- registration of Inferior animals, * lon b y having an approved ear Swiss Association had a pro* tered Brown Swiss on DHIA. Of It must not Involve excessive cram of Provisional Rcclstra- the dairymen surveyed who own association expense and must Deing iiwpeciea oy an oniciai fion hut beeauil of u, nomnlexl. these cows, around 50% of them generate enough revenue to representative of the Brown * ,?». j indicated an interest in a pro* make it economically worth- Swiss Association. The ear tag, ly, only a few animals qualified. gram o£ identification leading while. which wou d become her offi- At the Guernsey Association An* to eventual registration. Here’s how the program would the "asso nual Meeting on May 3, it was The special committee con- would work: ciation office and an official announced that the Board ac- °l u ded that for any program to Step 1. Any dairyman owning identification certificate issued. . ... ... . _ _ . bejsuccessful it must be simple, unregistered Brown Swiss could cepted the idea of an open Herd eiS y £o understand and not in- apply to have his animal identi- Each animal entering the pro- Book and urged the president volve excessive periods of time fied. Any female of characteris- gram must first be identified, to appoint a committee to study for animals to qualify. At the tic Brown Swiss type and color No skipping or by-passing of • Brown Swiss (Continued from Page 17) 12.4-28,4 PR plus $4.21 Fed. Ex. Tax and a trade-in tire £ ■J 1 Other sizes low priced too! • Triple-tempered Permacord nylon cord body—built to take rugged punishment • Deeper, wider, longer lugs than its predecessor in the same price class for a long slow rate of wear and better traction in hard or soft going • Heavy-duty rim shield of tough rubber for added protection against xoots, rocks & stubble BUY NOW on our Easy Pay Plan! SPECIAL BUY CAP AND JACKET VALUE! Expires July 31,1968 BUCK WENGER IMPLEMENT COMPANY Phone 284-4467 CHRISTIANA ALAN C. BEYER 1 S. Bridge St. Phone (215) 593-5687 EPHRATA ROY BUCH, INC. R. D. #2 Phone 859-2441 FARMERSVILLE ■ a r r 1 rRftPP Tvr 1 R tt D *2itone C 3 0 5M» Y CARMAN'S GARAGE i.SSS. K. v. Flione RD # 2 Phone 354-8001 Phone 626-5706 Jacket and Cap Cap $ J. 75 Only * Jacket $ only Hr , <v * 4 100% cotton. Water repellent, machine wash able. Yellow with blue Goodyear insignia. Come in and pick up order form today' You order direct from the manufacturer—Bonner Mfg. Co,, Inc., Bonner Springs, Kansas. *i#;jr INTERCOURSE C. B. HOOBER & SON N. G. HERSHEY & SON, INC. ALLEN H. MATZ, INC. Phone 768-8231 R D. £1 Phone 665-2271 505 E Mam St. Phone 354-2214 LANCASTER L. H. BRUBAKER, INC. 350 Strasburg Pike Phone 397-5179 R. D. #3, Lititz 626-7766 LEOLA KAUFFMAN BROS. M. M. WEAVER & SONS Jl3 W. Main St. r D #1 Phone 280-5951 Phone 656-7702 LITITZ MANHEIM MARTINDALE JARED STAUFFER Phone (215) 445-6465 MOUNTVILLE NEW HOLLAND Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 1,1968 NEW HOLLAND QUARRYVILLE GRXJMELLI’S FARM SERVICE R. D. #2 Phone 786-3630 SALUNGA R. M. BRUBAKER, INC. 145 Prospect Road Phone 898-2294 WAKEFIELD C. E, WILEY & SON Phone 548-2110 this step will be permitted. For example: If a cow to be identi fied has daughters in the herd sired by a registered Brown Swiss bull, they also must be identified and will not be per mitted to pass directly into Step 2. Even if the cow is carry ing a heifer calf at the time she is identified, this calf will not be permitted to go directly into Step 2, but also must be identi fied under Step 1. Step 2. After a female is iden tified, any of her female off spring sired by a registered Brown Swiss bull will be eligi ble for registry in the Identity Enrollment Herd Book. These animals must be tottooed and the present registry rules per taining to color will apply. All animals must be tattooed and Book will receive coded regis tration numbers and the piefix I.E. must be used pieceding all names Animals in the Identity Emollment Held Book will be eligible to participate in the bi eed improvement programs of production testing, type classification and show ung. Step 3. When females in the Identity Enrollment Herd Book meet the standards for certifi cation that are to be established for registered females, they, too. will be eligible to have the word “Certified” stamped on their Identity Enrollment Ceiti ficates. The requirements for certification will be based on Cow Indexes as soon as these indexes are available for all registered cows on official DHIA-DHIR test and on official type classification ratings Off spring of “Certified” IE dams, sired by registered Brown Swiss bulls, would be eligible to be registered in the regular Official Herd Book. In order to protect the inte grity of the Official Brown Swiss Herd Book, the Board of Directors, through their ap pointed representatives, reserve the right to cancel certificates on any animals in this program that in their sole judgment do not meet the qualifications de sired. The female offspung of Iden tity Emollment animals that reach the level of production and the standard for type to re ceive the “Certified” designa tion, will have performance rat ings above at least 50 per cent of the animals now in the Offi cial Herd Book Transfer Milk Efficiently From Covr to Bulk Cooler The “Sputnick” MILK-PORTER is the cleanest, most efficient method for transferring milk from cow to bulk cooler. • Manufactured from heavy gauge stainless steel. • Lid seals tightly to keep milk germ free. • Passes through openings 29” and over. • Moves quiet and easily on rubber-tired, ball bearing wheels. • Does away with long, ex pensive pipe lines, milk pumps and releaser. • Two sizes. • Low-cost sanitizing. Inquire About Our Lease Plan Approved for City of Philadelphia Amos H. Rutt R, D. 2, Quarryville, Penna. 23
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