—La ncaster Farming. Saturday, December 16.1967 2 MARKET NEWS REPORT At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review December 15, 1961 CATTLE 2400—Compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, most de cline on Good over 1200 lbs.; cows and bulls steady to 50c lower: feeder steers steady. Sup ply included an es t i mated 50 I ercent slaughter steers, 20 per cent cows and bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS— Choice 1000-1350 lbs. 26-27.50; few head mixed Choice & Prime 1200-1275 lbs. 27-27.85; mixed Cood & Choice 900-1250 lbs. 25- 60-26.75; load mixed Go o d & Choice 1330 lbs 25.50, Good 950 -1250 lbs 24 35-26; Good 1250_- 1400 lbs. 23 60-25; Standard to low-Good 900-1250 lbs 22 50-24 - 50. load Standard 1200-1500 lbs. 20 25-21.60 COWS—utility & high yield ing Cutter 15 50-17 25, few head 17.35-17 75; Cutter 14 50-16 50: Canner & low-Cutter 13-14 75 BULLS Choice 25-26, few head on Mon 26 SO; Good 23-25, Utility & Commercial 22 25-24- 50, few head 24 75-26.50; Cutter & low-Uta’lity 21-22. FEEDER STEERS Couple loads Choice 525 lbs 28 50; two loads Choice 470 lbs $27; mixed Good & Choice 750-950 lbs. 23- 50-24 25 CALVES 400 Vealers $l-2 higher. VEALERS Choice 42-44 50, few head 45-46 50, Good 38-42, Standard 35-39; Utility 30-35 50, Cull 95-120 lbs. 25-29, 70-90 lbs 20-26 HOGS 950 Barrows & gilts 25-50 c lower US 1-2 195-230 libs. 19 75-20.35; Few US 1, 200-205 ibs 20 50. US 1-3 200-240 lbs 19-19 50; US 2-3 205-255 lbs 18 - 50-18 60, US 2-3 250-280 Ibs 17 - 60-1825 SHEEP 150—Slaughter lambs (Continued on Page 3) Robert K.Rohrer Bulldozing - Groding Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders * Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 He never had it so good! And neither have yon, if ‘on’ve got an ample supply of ( orae giown grains These, com Lined with economical Young s i,i e-mixes and supplements, will bve you the best finished feeds r-t the least cost available in several yeais Get in touch with us 01 the Youngco repi’esenta t ve neaiest you EARL L. UMBLE 2460 Willow Glen Dr. Lancaster 717 / 393-3208 CASSELL C. MUMMAU K. D. 1, Mount Joy 717 / 653-4355 ROBERT L. YOHN R. D. 1, Narvon 215 / 445 6388 YOUNGCO, INC. Sprin'gf Pa. Auction Only December 13, 1967 CATTLE 552 Compared to last Mon., slaughter steel's un even, 25-75 c lower, with most de cline on Good over 1200 lbs.; cows steady to 50c lower; bulls weak to 50c lower. Supply in cluded 27 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS— Choice 1000-1350 lbs. 26-27.35, few head mixed Choice & Prime 1200-1275 lbs. 27.50-27.85; mixed Good & Choice 900-1250 lbs. 25.60-26.75; Good 950-1250 lbs. 24.3525.75, 1250-1400 lbs. 23 60- 24.85; Standard to low-Good 900- 1250 lbs. 22 50-24 50; load Stand ard 1200-1500 lbs. 20 25-21.60 COWS Utility & high-yield ing Cutter 15 50-17.25, few head 17 35-17.50; Cutter 14 50-16 25; Cannei- & low-Cutter 13-14 75. (Continued on Page 3) FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of December 14, 1967) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago December 26.00 January *6B 25.52 February Hatch April 25.00 June 25.12 26.02 July August September November a-asked b-bid Trend Cattle are irregular, Hogs aie weaker and Potatoes aie megular LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt. 30 Kenneth E, Hershey, Sales Manager Vintage Auction December 12, 1967 CATTLE 661 —Compared to lost Tues.. slaughter steers ste ady to 75c lower, the early sallies of Choice being steady; cows steady to 50c lower with best decline on Canner and low-Cut tcr; bulls steady to 25c lower. Supply included 28% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS— Choice 1000-1350 lbs. 26.75-28.10, few head Choice & Prime 28 25 28.85, with three head 29-29.3 5; Mgh-Good to Tow-Choice 26.25 27; Good 900-1275 lbs. 24.25 26.25; Standard to low-Good 23-24.50. COWS—Utility & high-yield ing Cutter 15.50-17, few head 1710-17.60; Cutter 14 50-15.75; Cannier & low-Cutter 13-14.75. BULLS Good 22.8524 50, couple Choice 25-25.50; Utility (Continued on Page 3) Live Hog* Chicago 19.25 19.12 19.00 18.75 19.00 19.65 20.00 20.50 20.00 19.50 o-nominal PARADISE, PEiVNA. Guernseys 140-340; Other breeds „ . 375450: Bull® 125*210; Heifer® CATTLE 676 Compared to ° last Thurs., slaughter steers im- iw-oio even, small supply Choice ste* HORSES ady to weak, Standard & Good December 11 1967 steady to ’soc lower with most decline on weights over 1200 Receipts of 210 horses sold lbs.; cows 25-75 c higher; bulls killers higher. Riding steady’to 50c lower, with few lwi<ses 95.350; Driving horses 1500-22001 b. Utility & Commer- p . nv m , a , re s 2565- cial $1 'lower; feeder steers ste- 5 , p ° ny mares ady. Supply included 36 percent 160-250! cows & 21 percent feeder* steers, vpan) dzo-ow, (smgie; vw SLAUGHTER STEERS— HOGS Choice 950-1250 lbs. 26.60-27.75, December 11, 1967 eight head 28.10-28.75; high- Good to low-Choice 900-1200 lbs. 25 60-26.75; Good 900-1250 lbs. 24.50-26, 1250-1400 lbs. 24-25.50; Standard 'to Low-Good 23-24.25 COWS—Cutter & Utility 15 50 -17.35, few head 17.50-17.75; Oan ner & low-Cutter 13.75-15.50 BULLS Choice 25-26.10: * Good 23-24 60; Utility & Com mercial 22.25-24.50, several 1500- 2200 lbs. 24.75-26.10; Cutter & low-Utility 20.50-22.25. FEEDER STEERS Choice 830-935 lbs. 24.35 24.50, few mix g 8 r a * Cho, “ 760 ‘ B “ ,bs - Chicago Cattle «£AL. VES 404 - Vealers *l4 Week , y Reyiew VEALEES Choice - Compared with f’ weeks close, slaughter r lbs’ steers were 50 to 100 lower. £, U o4n $ ’ Slaughter heifers sold 50-75 Sfp Ohome 70-85 lower. Cows declined 25-50, ady at 23-26. Chicago, steer and heifer beef sold steady to 100 lower, most decline on Choice. Cow beef Maine Potatoes New' York 2.47 2.65 3.07 Receipts of 169 cows, 3 bull’s traded steady to 50 lower, and 10 heifers sold stronger on Local receipts 25,500, com fresh cows and close springers pared with 22,000 last week and Fresh cows, Holstein 475-1010, (Continued on Page 8) 2.35 New Holland Auction December 14, 1967 December 13, 1967 COWS "K -> ‘ V Hog receipts totaled 688 head and sold 25 lower. Retail 20 50- 22: 'Wholesale, No.’s 1-3, 19 25- 20 25: Heavyweights 18 25-19 50; Sows 15-15 25. CALVES December 11, 1967 Calf receipts of 131 bead sold $1 to $2 higher. Choice and Prime 39-45. Good and L. Choice 36-38.50; Standard 3335 50; Common 15-30.
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