• FFA Hog Show (Continued from Page 8) crage prices were substantial ly lower. The grand champion brought 49 cents a pound, com pared to 71 cents lost year. SPRAY MANZATED MANEB FUNGICIDE WITH A ZINC SALT ADDED For Positive Disease Control on Potatoes, Tomatoes and Other Vegetables • Gives positive protection against a wide range of diseases. • Protects crops through rainy and humid infec tion periods. • May he used with many of the commonly-used pesticides. • Won’t damage plants when at short in tervals according to directions, • Won’t clog spray nozzles or corrode equipment. • Has small particles which make better contact with disease organisms. # Readily mixes with water ... an easy-to-use wettable powder. With any chemical, follow labeling instructions and warnings carefully. (BPONP *EC U S PAT OFF* Better Things for Better Living... BBSBE3 SMOKETOWN, PA. The reserve brought 28.85 this Lancaster Livestock Exchange year compared to 41 cents a pound last year. The average price for all animals sold was 23.85 cents this year 28.24 cents last year. The animals were auctioned through the through Chemistry Phone 397-3539 with Walter Dunlap & Sons, nur liltm Buchter and Terry Kauff rh**nJ tatt pirn man; Duioc< Galen Voder and ?!^ d h,n y . Packing Co., Franklhl Ruoss . Landrace. Lar ‘ sDU k' ry High and Nelson Weaver; [TROPHY ROTATES Ciossbied, Terry Rollman and Despite Fisher’s outstanding Robeit Fisher; Open Class, effoita, the rotating tiophy Bail Stauffer and Teuy Roll which goes to the chapter scor- man: Poland China, Ron.dd ing the most points at each Landis and William Buchlcr. year’s show retained to Clois- In other compel/, on. plac tei\ following a one-} ear ab- j n ,r S weie: show mar., hip, Earl sence duung which it resided stauiler, Robeit Fisha. and with the Giassland Chaptei William Buchtei; filling Accoidme to Waiwick vo-ag Fianklin Ruoss, Wm Buchtei, teacher Clair Zerby. hog show t , nd Robeit Fisher: Pen of 10, chairman, the chapter competi- Fisher, Kauffman, Eugene Bol tion was e\tiemel> close, with lini , ei- Leon Buch , Ronald Cloister haung sufficient depth Stauffer, and Jesse Balmei. in placings to annex the tiophy. BREED CHAMPIONS Balmei. Bleed champion-nips and ie- waiwick. inediumweiyhts, Jcs seives weie won b\ the fol se p l£l i m ei, bleed champion lowing - \oikshue, Leslei Bow- and leseive champion man and Robeit Fishei, Berk- Poland China shnes. Jesse Balmer and Mike Lightweights. 1, Ronald Lan- Baum; Spotted Poland, Wil- dIS) 2, William Buchtei, 3, Lm- FRANKLIN RUOSS, Grasslands FFA Chapter, re ceives tr'ophy from Joel Habegger at Tuesday’s FFA Hog Show for showing the hog judged best fitted among the 270 head entered. Habegger presented the trophy on behalf of Eby’s Mill, Lititz. L. F. Photo Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 5,1967 —9 ford Weaver; and 4, Charles Harling, all of Cloislor Chapter. Hampshire Lightweights, 1, James Kal muck, Wai wick; 2, Teny Kauff man. Ephiata; mecliumwcighls, 1. Robeit Fisher, New Holland; 2, Ra> monel Bollinger, Eplna la: 3. Aaion Snaciei, New Hol land; heavjweighty 1, James Kakmch; 2, Richaul Gruber, Manheim. Dm oc Lightweights 1 Galen Yoder, New Holland: 2. Franklin Ru oss. 3. Eail Stauilei; 4, Linford Wea v e i mediumvveights, 1, William Buchtei 2, Call Mar tin, New Holland, heavy weights, 1, Lam High, New Holland 2, Maik Noll, New Holland (Continued on Page 13) ®©@@#® @@@ ® ® @ •••••• •§#••• ®®® ® ® ® n#@®®@ #® - ••• m ft w ® VfMS • W -s. ' /* v »:'v.s* W Xvjfc. ~ V <■ KNAR* Available now at P. L. ROHRER & BRO. SMOKETOWN, PA. Ph. 397-3539 > /
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