and potato chips, Have tapioca ing pan,* skin side down. Com- 2 tablespoons chopped, rip© pudding for dessert. bine seasonings, lemon peel olives * * * • and juice and water; pour over 2 tablespoons pimienito Chicken puff, as the name chicken. Bake, uncovered, at slices implies, is a fluffy, light main 400 degrees about 40 minutes Soften gelatine in Vi cup dish designed to please those Turn chicken and continue chicken broth. Bring remann who are fastidious about their baking basting with pan drip- iug broth to boil; stir in ge3*- food. The secret of success pings once or twice, until tine until dissolved Refriger apply heat gently, as described chicken is done and skin is ate until consistency of unbaatr in the directions. crispy, about 35 minutes. Dust en egg whites. Meanwhile, CHICKEN PUFF one cut side of each lemon spread Holland Rusk with buit -1 can (10Vfe-oz.) cream of quarter with paprika; sprinkle ter or margarine Top with chicken soup other cut side with finely lettuce leaves, then with chick -2 cups chicken, cooked, fine- snipped parsley. Garnish serv- en and egg slices Spoon gela ly diced or ground ing platter with colorful lemon tine mixture over it Refriger % teaspoon poultry seasoning quarters so guests can squeeze ate until set Garnish with 01-6 6 egg yolks, beaten them over chicken for addi- ives and pimiento slices Makes looking for some new ways to serve V* cup parsley, chopped tional flavor. This recipe may 6 sendings chicken so that you won’t tire of it now that 6 egg whites, stiffly beaten be doubled to serve 8 *For * * * " P » li-c psniwillv thi-ifU' 7 Here are some new re- Preheat oven to 350 degrees, easy cleaning, line baking pan SWEET-SOUR CHICKEN ‘ y , J ' .. . n Grease a 2-quart casserole, or dish with piece of alumi- 'A cup brown sugar, packed cipes cle\ eloped to give chicken a lilt Combine soup, chicken, and num foil 2 tablespoons cornstarch If iou feel thrifty when you use one plen- poultry seasoning; heat. Stir -i * . % teaspoon salt tilul food you’ll feel more thrifty when you the hot mixture slowly into CRISP NOODLE CHICKEN % cup liquid clia.ned from make this salad using three plentifuls well beaten egg yolks Fold I broiler-fryer chicken, cut canned pineapple chicken, kidney beans and eggs As a main |h e chicken mixture and par- up 'A cup vinegar dish salad it’s more unportant to adjust the s j e y into egg whites. Pour into 1 can (lOV2-02.) cream of 1 tablespoon soy sauce size of the servings to the heartiness ol ’ appe- cassero i e . Set j n a pan 0 f hot mushroom soup 3 cups cooked, sliced chick with a o serving Be prepared for calls water. Bake 35 to 45 minutes. 1 cup dairy sour cream en for seconds because B it’s good. This recipe Calories per serving: (based 3 tablespoons (V& pkg.) ‘A cup onion thin half dices yields 6 servings of Vz cup°each. on 6 servings of % cup each) onion soup mix 1 cup drained canned pine about 200. Va teaspoon pepper apple chunks CHICKEN KIDNEY BEAN 2 hard-cooked, diced Menu suggestion: serve with 1 can (3-oz) chow mem Vs cup celery strips, very SALAD 1 teaspoon salt asparagus and lettuce wedges. noodles thin, 1-inch long 3 tablespoons mayonnaise Have a fruit Bavarian cream Place chicken in single lay- Vs cup green pepper rings, 1 cup chicken, cooked, 1 teaspoon mustard, pre- for dessert. er in a IVa quart casserole In thin quartered coarsely chopped paired * * * * a bowl combine soup, sour 2 tablespoons diced pimiento IV4 cups kidney beans, cooked 1 teaspoon pickle liquid, CRISPY OVEN FRIED cream, soup mix and pepper; 1 3-oz. can chow main noo or canned, drained sweet LEMON CHICKEN Mend thoroughly Spread over dies or 2 cups cooked rice cup pickle, sweet, coarse- Combine all ingredients, l broiler-fryer, 2% to 3 chicken, sprinkle with noodles 14 cup slivered, toasted al ly chopped Toss lightly. Chill at It it 1 pounds, cut into serving Bake in a preheated 375 de- mends, if desired cup celery, coarsely hour to blend flavors. Cai. tbs pieces ’ gree oven 1 hou r or until Combine brown sugar, corn chopped per serving: about 205. % teaspoon salt chicken is tender Makes 4 starch, and salt Stir into pine tablespoon onion, finely Menu suggestion; Serve w. 'i % teaspoon onion salt servings. apple 'Liquid. Add vinegar and chopped carrot sticks, tomato wedge., i' 2 teaspoon thyme, crushed * Y - * soy sauce. Bring to a boil over '■2 teaspoon marjoram, DUTCH OPEN-FACED high heat; reduce beat and crushed SANDWICHES cook until thick, stirring con -2 teaspoons grated lemon 1 teaspoon unflavored gela- sbantly. Remove from heat. peel tine Add chicken, onion pineapple, ] A cup lemon juice % cup fresh, or canned celery, and green pepper. Cook Vz cup water chicken broth 5 minutes. Add pnmento and Lemon quarters & Holland Rusk " cook 1 minute longer. Serve Paprika Butter or margarine over chow mein noodles or Finely snipped parsley 6 large lettuce leaves or rice. Top with almonds, 'if de- Sprinkle chicken pieces with lettuce cups sired', salt, robbing well into flesh. Cooked, sliced chicken (Continued on Pa<*e 111 Place chicken in shallow bak- 2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 10 —Lancaister Farming, Saturday, August 5,1967 For t! Farm Wife and Family By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor Gala Chicken Recipes &JPKNCK AVAILABLE NOW Ail Varieties of Cert. Alfalfa Seeds for Foil Seeding Also MH-30 & Hudson Bokpok Sprayers for MH-30 Application. Hollinger’s Farm Market, Inc. R. D. #l, Ephroto Ph: 733-4151 Two important things when borrowing money You need a sharp pencil plus the specialized financial advice of Farm Credit to determine how your financial needs can best be served. Farm production must be maintained, even Increased if possible. Providing the financing to insure this is Farm Credit’s job. Farm Credit loans are available now for any sound farm need. And, at realistic rates. Farm Credit interest is based on the unpaid balance of the loan. That saves you money. r Farm Credit ASSOCIATIONS 411 W. Roseville Rd., Lancaster Agway Building, Lebanon PhJ 393-3921 - ; Ph,-2734506 I needed a new kitchen and thought “IMPOSSIBLE”! THEN I HEARD OF LONG and BOMBERGER! “Can L&B do the entire job?’' I ask ed. “Of course,” friends told me, “From personalized design to finish ed job, L&B has the know-how and the “Must be expensive,” I .said! “Not" as much as you Irnight think;” they assured me. “When L&B . does, a kitchen,, ypu.ll like the design and the price.’’ So I called Long and. Bomberger .. . 626-2123. Got some.gooddesign ideas and a firm quotation,-too. No need to 1 say “impossible”. Jdst say “Long and Bomberger”!' 45 North Broad St. in Lititz Phone: 626-2123 , YOUR REMODELING HEADQUARTERS
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