• Form Colendor (Continued from Page 1) County Holstein Assn, tour of Chester County farms leaves from Conestoga Trans portation Co. terminal, 825 E. Chestnut St, Lancaster. See Us Today For Top Q Alfalfa Fertilizer P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA. ■★★★♦★★★★********************.(r*-*******t iW* s.?*.--i-J'i* - -. IS 'U.v 3 ’"'*. ■• f M ty'< ■*■ %, ', *■ * v >-- * ’ T SSSV r - .-.&V/"#l'-«%- .': ! ’*&&*'■% • •«.»*■ * ■ iff I'. * <. * § # % * ‘ V'* v> * „< '<j_ ' , *^ s .* ,-“ Use Q-Base for top corn profits this season! Get Q-Base, the extra-fertility plowdown with exclusive root-tip availability. From the knee-high growth stage on to ma turity, your corn will thrive on Q-Base. Be cause Q-Base won’t “cut out” and starve your maturing corn plants during any critical grow ing period. Root-tip availability is the reason. It assures an adequate supply of plant foods that keep corn growing vigorously...to produce those vital extra bushels. Nutrients that do not move freely in the soil are distributed through out the toot zone where they are more readily Organic Plant Food Co. Ifroffrown Rood, Loncosfer, Penno* April 7 6:30 p.m., Manheim Young Farmer Assn, annual banquet at Penryn Fire Hall. 7:30 p.m., Roundup for all 4-H Tractor Maintenance Club members, at Landis Bros. Farm Equip, store, Manheim Pike. Ph. Lane. 397-3539 { '% * H * £ > ♦* / * *• ( > *' M >*i r s. y- v * V ~ % 4 V £<K V*-' V * ♦.♦■ Jk „ V- A V& * * v : 4 ~'. m* t. M' -4 » t ' ■* -* 1 * * W't* *? * * . tr#W^4^4^' &* v? tifc ' f \ ,' > -. ** *•*■" ■* \«- ' „“S, **< iCjf -J?** '># * ,<• *• . i>f%T7 ->* ~. - s '*>* y*. fc 4 \ £ *<T Jj&- *% A •** yt i* 4^ * *: > * I r" * V & - \ <* < ? > K. '/Vh s >*• j ■4 r -4 *■ ■ "' * <V t, *■ ' '■Will , J 5 n* CllfV p pf V| t;|j| 3r 1 * \ 1 '■**, ' !• « »% ** * /- 8 pm., 4-H Dairy Club Leaders at Lancaster Farm Credit Bldg. April 8 —■ 8-11 p.m, County Senior Extension Assn. Square Dance at Leola War Memorial Bldg. I i I WE HAVE , SEE US FOR YOUR ! Q PRODUCTS : Q PRODUCTS t E. M'JSSER KEISEY J. Mark Eshleman R. D. 2, Mt. Joy B. D. 2, Lititz 653-5718 665-4921 Q-Base piowdown gives your corn root-tip availability ail season Song for more profitable yields next fall. available to the crop. Boosting growth, and profits at harvest. Q-Base’s root-tip availability grows a top profit . . , top quality com crop... and builds soil too. In fact, our Q-Plan is a complete crop production and soil-building program for corn farmers. Visit our Q-Center and find out how Q-Base fits, into Q-Plan, Pht 392-4963 or 392-0374 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967—9 • Form & Home (Continued from Page 1) Farm & Home Center. Esbcn shade passed away March 8, 1967, and was a major bene- factor of the F & H Center, FARMERS HEAR REPORTS Farm loaders attending the two dinner meetings this week heard lepoils from F&U chair men L H Skrommc, vice piesi dent, ielated what the Center will mean to agriculture and the community: Jacob Kintz, Jr., building committee chair man, explained wheic tonsti ac tion of the Center stood at this tune, and Phaies Risser. treas uier, explained the lin.inual needs ot the Center. To avoul any fuither deple tion of the F&II tieasmv, di rectors’ contributions paid for the meals reived at this week’s meetings Biubakei said CENTER i * fc. /j %
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