B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 Reviewing 1966-67, PSU Tobacco Shed Heat Project IN REVIEWING the 1966-67 supplemental heat project conducted by Penn State University through the Southeastern Field Research Laboratory in Lan caster County, the above photos show some of the factors involved. At left, top, Jay Rohrer, left and John Yocum, farm superintendent, demonstrate use of the GaS'fcobac Co. equipment designed to eliminate shed bum of tobacco by addiing heat during the curing stage Lower left. Rohrer rolls up plastic barrier in • Tobacco Heat (Continued from Page 1) Of com se, to show an eco „ ~ , , „ , , nonnc advantage for heat m rnnf 6 b f e , n ?«R C f ed ° l \ the tobacco shed even less gas f approximately 286 less gal would haVG t 0 have c “ n . lons of mopane gas had been sume( j consumed in treating the thiee acres ol shea-drying tobacco, OTHER ADVANTAGES Yocum calculated „ , ~ . .. In v ie\v of figures obtained th , e } e ’f som f ot u h in this yeai's study, the bieak- tangible ad^ nta S® s to be even point for heat would have lei I . trom adding heat, the been limited to 200 gallons of stucy suggests gas at 31 cents per gallon That For example, when two sam was the dollar equivalent ad- pies fion the heated side ol vantage found loi adding heat, Rohiei’s shed were compared as reflected in better quality with two samples from the un- chart NO. 1 TOBACCO CURING CHART :OCr 9?i A , } , - lo t: ££ 3C? s m o *J o 4 & 71 o *' JTtTTTT^TT* /• , r s // y j C.A ■ii'.'j'iA V * y/ 1 / y> sj ', _./a s/J c ■SAx _ 4 ar leaf ► I * * ~ 5 T<bOV> : u| |0 ai ~ -ACC BLIWIEN . #.£ I&OAs'*S L- L. B. -RF. Ail! NT* S, (Chart taken from Penn State College l,eaflet7l, April 1940) the working section of his tobacco shed. The barrier separated the heated from the unheated side in the shed. Upper right, Rohrer puts away some tobacco in the unheated section, which comprises one-third of the shed. Lower right, Yocum shows metering equip ment that controls gas flow to the burners in the shed. Burners are turned off and on manually, but will ad just to high or low flame automatically as 'humidity levels vary. L. F. Photos heated side, it was found that grower sold his, tobacco a higher percentage of wiap- straight-stnpped, he would lose per-quality leaves were obtain- much of the heat advantage ed where natural curing was The greater the price spread aided by heat between wi apper and filler T , . , . , ~ leai the gi eater his loss would In samole £l, taken fiom , the lower tiers, the peicent of wrapper to filler, by weight, Another advantage, Yocum was 83 1 to 169, for the heated noted, could be in the weight section it was 75 2 to 24 3 per- differential between supple cent for the unheated section mental heat-cured and natui al ia sample =2, the compaiative cured tobacco. percentages weie 90-10 on the „ , , , . heated side, 82 18 on the un- sampled some leaves ft om heated side both Sldei ’ and dried them m an oven m measure moistiue if a content, and found that leaves As Yocum pointed out, TOO nljT i ( \ \ Dcbi C CONDITIONS 1 \: / ( y TOO CC,-J2 „#• 10 i < rit *4* ■/ IrooTo^ v ? $ I » 16* > from' the ‘unhealed side con tained six percent more mois ture. "On an equal moisture basis, this would reduce yield figures in the unheated side by six percent, and, if the tobacco were sold on the basis of its moisture content, would show an added advantage for heal,” Yocum noted. Unfortunatelv, the tobacco companies tolerate a fairly wide range of moistuie without penalty. ‘‘They don’t want tobacco 100 wet or too dry, but the range of acceptable moisture content is quite wide,” Yocum explain ed. 1965-CROP RESULTS Using gas as a source of sup plemental heat in a previous experiment, Henry Engle, re search agronomist at the sta tion. showed results indicating a decided economic advantage for' heat. The 1965-66 curing season was poorer than this past sea son, and Engle found a 20 per cent loss of leaf weight where heat was not added He also reported that every $1 invest ed in heat yielded a return of $3. He calculated costs at §l6 an acre for fuel and $9 an acre for equipment depreciation, fig uring a 12-year depreciation period on the latter. ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENT As another part of this year’s trials on supplemental heat, three acres of tobacco were hung in a neighbor’s shed be cause the shed at the research station ' was knocked off its foundation by high winds late last summer. Heat was added in this ex periment, nut the shed was not divided with plastic This meant that some of the heat would have escaped to the unheated side, and its full effects could not be measured “In the six years-that I have been here,” Yocum said, “there has alwqys been* some shed burn in.tjiat neighbor’s shed. With heaf added, this was the first year he had no damage.” Although no valid 1 information could be gathered from that project since the shed was not properly cnvided, Yocum noted that a fuel cost of approxi mately §36 per acre for supple mental heat shows how costs can be controlled in this proc ess. WHEN TO HEAT The equipment used :n the project on the Rolirer farm must be tinned on and off man ually Once turned on, the burneis will adjust automatic ally from a high to a low flame, but judging "/hen the heat must be added, or taken away, lies with the operatoi “It has been shown, ’ Yocum said, “that when humidity goes above 80 percent foi more than 48 hours miero-orgamsmsslait their rotting piocess.” (See Chart #1) : He leeommends turning the burners on whenever the hu midity reaches the 80 percent level for two consecutive days, then turning them off when natural humidity drops. It is hoped that supplemen tal heat mav be the answer to some of the reported slow cur ing problems on Pennbel-69. Some farmers have complained that because of Pennbel’s clos er leaf an angement it wasliard to cuie, Yocum noted. NEXT YEAR One important result of this year’s supplemental heat study has been to point out some of the economic pitfalls in the process The several manage ment lessens learned this year will be applied in future stud ies, Yocum said. Next yeai, tobacco will -be planted noi mally in ooopera tors’ fields Then certain areas will be staked off by Yocum. At harvest, samples wilt be tagged, * and one-half of each (Continued on Page llfr
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