Weekly Poultry Report Eosfern Pennsylvonia And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Prices of light hens irregu larly higher and lower, gener ally depending on size of flocks and loading conditions involv ed Offerings of light hens ful ly adequate for cm rent needs. Demand fair but unaggressive Offerings of heavy limited but fully adequate lor light inter est Offerings of roasters readi ly denied by a good demand; however, pi ices generally of a contractual nature Prices paid at farm Light Hens 5-7%, mostly 6V2-7c less condemna tion; Heavy Hens, too few to report. TURKEYS Demand light as most move- Lot-average bioilei and fiy ment ot pi evious commitments h puces averaged 15 41 OAenngs adequate for needs x . . and generally well cleared. No cents per lb this week, losing recent price negotiations re- more than ¥2-cent from last ported. week’s average. Fogelsville ranged from a low of 14 oon What would oui gove'rnmcimt ~, j . i. ico fh milk of any citizen who 'pent March 21, 1967 Monday to a high of 16 3 cents hal]f * f hl , s llnco . me im (Prices paid dock weights, on Thursday. guihs am'd ainTnuTutvoin 0 FREE V 2 Ton Of Royster Bonanza Fertilizer Th-e world’s most modern facility for handling fertilizer. See a totally new concept in bulk fertilizer handling. See how hundreds of tons of premium fertilizer is stored, moved, spread without the touch of a human hand. See the best bulk fertilizer spreading equipment including trailer and truck spreader, plus (trailer and truck applicators for ni trogen solution and farm chemicals SEE HOW THESE EXTRAORDIN ARY FACILITIES CAN HELP SAVE YOU BOTH TIME AND MONEY! cents per lb., except where noted.) Hens, Light 7-10, mostly 7Vz: Hens, Heavy 7-24 Vz. mostly 13Vz-20; Pullets 19-30, mostly 23-28; Roasters 9-31, mostly 24- 29Vz; Capons 25Vfe-45, mostly 35M>-44Vz; Ducks 25-33Vz, most ly 30-33V1; Drakes 34-38'/ 2 ; Tur keys, Toms 8-20; Turkeys, Hens 10-36Vz. mostly 24-27; Rabbits 20-59, mostly 37-48; Guineas 76- 93, mostly 76-87: Pigeons (per pair) 70-165, mostly 70 90; Jum bo Squab 90; Bunnies (per head) 50-130, mostly 120-180 Total coops sold: 891 Eastern Shore Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY Puces paid during the week And Other Valuable Prizes TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1967 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. GRAND PRIZE DRAWING AT 8:15 P.M. STEVEN’S FEED MILL STEVENS, PENNSYLVANIA Free Coffee and Doughnuts COME - SEE! Sales for the week totaled one million head, steady with last week’s total sales. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 195 230 lbs 19 50-20, 1-3 190-230 lbs. 19-19 50, 1-2 170- 180 lbs. 17 60-1810, one lot 2-3 240 lbs 18.25 and one lot US 3, 250 lbs $l6 85 SHEEP 462 Supply main ly 20-60 lb Spi ing lambs Wool ed lambs fully steady 20-60 lb spring lambs $5-10 lower than last Tuesday WOOLED LAMBS Choice 75-90 lb 26 50-28 50, Good 24. 27.50 SPRING LAMBS Choice and Pump 18-40 lbs $43-48, Choice 20 45 lbs $35-43, Choice 45-55 lbs 26 50-35. Choice 55- 65 lbs 24 30, Good 17-40 lbs $3O-35, Good 40-55 lbs $23 50- 29. SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good $6 750 GOATS 67 All weights sold mainly $4 50 8 per head with a few 5-15 lbs $2-3 50 per head Lancaster Panning, Saturday, March 25, 1967—8 Weekly New York Egg Mkt Fiom Monday, March 20th to Thursd ly. Maich 23rd WHITE Ex Fey Hywts Fey. Hywts Fey Med No 1 Med Pullets Peewees BROWN Ex. Fey Hywts Fey Hywts Fey Med Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey Hywts Standaids Checks Trend. Demand lor Eastei has geneiallv cleaied spot offer* mgs of large white, all othei grades unsettled and under selling piessuie Due to exlieme variations, quotations on large mixed have been omitted foi Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thuisday. Copyright 1967 by Urner Barry Publications NOW the PLOW that ROCKS CAN’T TOP! (international 700 MOLDBOARD PLOW with AUTOMATIC BEAMS 4 to 8 bottom sizes You get two-way Protection ... plow non-stop even in rock-infested fields. 1. Hit a sloping rock and the bottom automatically rides up and over . . . immediately returns to preset plowing depth. This exclusive vertical action means fewer tripping cycles but provides positive protection. 2. Hook a rock and the bottom automatically trips. ’ Clears the obstruction and returns to plowing (depth No stopping, lifting or backing the plow. And in either action, the share point never swings below the base of the furrow ... never lifts the plow out of the ground. ; Other outstanding 700 features are: pivoting hitch and steerable tail wheel for peak maneuverability ... independent hydraulic control, front and rear, for fast penetration, square headlands... 30-inch vertical, 28-mch fore and aft clearance for han dling heavy trash ... plows 12 inches deep in toughest conditions. Choose from a wide selection of hitch options. <& 4„ ' *SMr B MMessick Farm Equip. ELIZABETHTOWN 367-1319 C. B. Hoober INTERCOURSE 768-3501 international Harvester Cope & Weaver Co. Sales and Service NEW PROVIDENCE EPHRATA 733-2283 786-7351 Tues, Mon. 37 ta 37 ta 37 34-34*,2 31'2-32'i 314 33 Va 31-31 30 25 25 17 17 34 35 35 32 1 3130' 2 25 25 17 17 30 31 31 25 28Vj-29 See the 700 Automatic at Wed. Thurs, 37 ',i 37 37 27'a 34 L. 25 1 2 25 '2 0 Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE 285-5951 FrL
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