2—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. March 25,1967 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Match 24, 1967 CATTLE 1!)00 Slaughter stccis uneven, Choice and P> imc 960-1250 lbs. 25, instances 50c higher: other weights and grades steady to 25c higher. Ccws 50-7-ic higher. Bulls steady. Supply included an es timated 60 pei cent slaughter slreis. 20 pci cent Cows and Bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1150- 1260 lbs. 26 25-26 75, Choice 950- 1200 lbs. 25 06-26.25, late mainly 25 25-26.00. Choice 1200-1350 jbs 24.60-25.85. few Prime 1200- 1350 lbs. 25 50-26.35, high-Good to low- Choice 950-1200 lbs. 24.- 75-25 60, 1200-1325 lbs. 24 00-24.- 85. Good 23 00-25 00, Standard to low-Goorl 22 00-24 00. HEIFERS Choice 800-1000 lbs 22 50-23 60, Good 21 50-23 00, Standard 19 50 21 50 COWS -- Utility and lugh jielchng Cutter 18 75 20 25, few 20 25 20 75. Cutter 17 50-19 50, Cannei and low Cutter 16 00- 18 00 BULLS Choice 25.00-25 75, Good 23 00 25 00, Utility and Commercial 22 50 25 00, few 3600-1970 lbs 25 00-26 00. CALVES 475 Vealers most- Iv S 2 00 lower VEALERS Choice 39 00- 42 00, few bead $43.00-44 00, Good 35 00 39.00, Standard 31 - 00-35 00. Utility 26 00-31 00, Cull 2100 26 00, 70-90 Ih. Cull 18 GO -21 00 HOGS -1100 Bairows and g.lts 25-50 c lower Sows scarce BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 19Q-240 lbs 1950-20 25, US 1, 190235 Jbs 20 25-20.75, W lbs IP 00-1975, 2-3 220-250 lbs. 18- 50 19 00. 260-290 lbs 17 50-18 50 SHEEP 1025 Supply main lv 40 70 lb Spring lambs with a lew 20-35 lb spnng lambs and about 20 percent wooled slaugh ter lambs Wooled lambs slow, rnostlj SI 00 lowei Spring (Continued on Page T) iiiiiiiiimiiiiiriimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimtiiiiiinmmiiiiiiiinmnniiii Vintage Sales Stables, Inc Bulls, steers, bntcher cows. Hogs, famhs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1;30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 AJM. 1 For marketing information 5 Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 S Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 5 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 = Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager S TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitmmiiiniuDnninmiin LOOKING FOR A BETTER PROFIT PICTURE? Do you know! All of your livestock will find a KEADY-ACTJfYE Market at our MONDAY AUCTION 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. A SAFE PLACE TO -MARKET LIVESTOCK New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 J. H. GINGRICH, Mgr. MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 598 Slaughter steers uneven, Choice 960-1200 lbs steady to strong. Choice over 1200 lbs. and Standard and Good steady to mostly 25c low er. Cows mostly 50c higher, Bull* scarce. SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950-1200 lbs $25-26.25, mainly $2525-26, Choice 1200- 1350 lbs $24.60-25.45, few Prime 1200-1350 lbs. $25 50-26.35, high- Good to low-Choice 950-1200 lbs. 2475-25 60, 1200-1325 lbs. $24-24.85. G- oo d 23 56-24.85, Standaid to low-Goed 22-23 50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 800-1000 lbs, $22 50-23 - 60, Good 21 50-23. Standard 19 - 50-21.50 COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 19-2025, few 20 25-20 75 Cutter 18-19 50, Can ner and low-Cutter 16 25-1810 39, Utility 28-33 50, Cull 24 50- 29. 65-90 lbs $2l-24 50 HOGS 161 Barrows and gilts 25-50 c lower. (Continued on Page 7> (Continued on Page 3) BULLS Good and Choice 23 75-2550, Utility and Com mercial 22.60-24.35, few 24 85- 26 10 April IVlay June August e»t©*uer November December March ’CB a-asked b-bid Trend Cattle steady, hogs. 111 egular. PARADISE, PENNA. Auction Only March ZZ, 1967 FUTURES TRADING (Closing, bids as of Wednesday, March 22, 1967) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 25.60 26.70 2T.30 2.7.75 Vintage Auction March 21, 1967 CATTLE 512 Slaughter steers 25-50 c higher, instances 75c higher on Choice under 1200 lbs. Cows 50-1.00 higher. Bulls about steady.' Supply in cluded 30 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Cho'ce and Prime 1050- 1200 lbs. 25.85-26.75, four head $27-27.75, Choice 950-1300 lbs 24.75-26 25. Choice ' 1300-1450 lbs 24-25 35, few Prime 25 35- 25.75, High Good to low-Choice 1050-1300 lbs. 2450-25.25, Good 23.50-24.75 COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 18 75-20 35, few 20.60-21.35, Cutter 17 75-19 25, Canner and low Cutter 16 75- 17.75 BULLS Good 23 25-24 50, Utility and Commercial 22 75- 24.50, couple 25 35, low-Utihty 21 25-22. CALVES 314 —Vealevs steady to $1 lower Live Hogs Chicago 20.50 21.80 —22.6 s 20.75 21.00 n-nominal slightly higher; and potatoes, THINKING CAGES? pmq X FLAT DECK \ m SMBLC TIER 3-71 ER MODIFIES March 23, 1967 CATTLE 687 Slaughter March 20,1967 steers uneven, Choice 950-1200 With 928 ok 21 zv lbs. steady to 25c higher. Oth- prices ranged from 20.25-21 ers steady to strong. Cows 50- wholesale, (US 1-3). 19 - 50 ' 20 -‘ 75c higher. Bulls fully steady. 25; heavyweights, 19.00-19.50, apply included 38 p.rc e n t Sow,, IAMBS , C SLAUGHTER STEERS . March 20,1967 Choice 950-1200 lbs. $25-26.10, Receipts ol calves and lambs few High Choice and Prime totaled 244 Choice and Prime 2585-26.25. couple 26.60-26.75, calves, 38-4450, Good and Low Choice 1200-1400 lbs 24.25-25.- Choice, 36-37.50; Standard, 30- 75 high Good to low-Choice 35.50; Common, 20-29. 23.75-25.10, Good 23.25-24 50. Lambs, 10-20 lbs., $4O-60; 20- COWS Cutter and Utility 35 lbs, $35-$5O: 40-55 lbs., $3O - 25-20 50, around 20 head $4O ( high-Utility 20 60-2125, Canner and low-Cutter 16 50-18. BULLS Choice 24 75-25 50, couple 25 85-26 25, Good 23 50- 24 75, Ut'hty and Commercial 23-25, three head 25 75-26 85 FEEDER STEERS Good and Choice 525-900 lbs 2410- 26 10 CALVES 228—Vealers steady to SI higher VEALERS Choice 40-44, couple 45 46, Good 36-40, Stand ard 34 50-38. Utility 28-34, Cull 2450-28, Cull 65-90 lb $2l-25 SHEEP 96 Spring lambs $lO-15 lower then last weeks first available supply. Wooled lambs scarce SPRING LAMBS Choice 15-40 lbs $2B-35, Good 15-40 lbs. 20.50-28. Maine Potatoes New York WOOLFD LAMBS Good and Choice 65-70 lbs $25-27.50. COWS 2.08 2.43 An active and higher trend prevailed as 134 cows, two bulls, and three heifers sold. Fresh Holstems, 275-660; Guernseys, 175-315, other breeds, 175-340. Heileis, 210-240. 2.37 Receipts totaling 351 head ter Springs, purchasing 20 cows sold steady. Riding hoises, 110- and lia Hicks, “Goshenview 300, driving, 110-250; killers, 9- Farm”, West Chester,, purchas -10 cents per lb Mules, pairs, mg 14 cow?, others traveled 325-400 Diatt hoises, pairs, 350- from Lancaster and Montgom -560, singly, 135-240 Pony mares ery counties, and geldings, 15-50 (Continued on Page 7) 2.67 ... YOUR LARGEST SELECTION is wm 3i(\ Dutchman, J Flat Deck, Tiered, Pullet Jf Twice as many birds per * and Grow Cages - * foot of feeding and water mg trough, compared to conventional systems /Automatic Feeding, Watering, Central Egg Collecting and Manure Removal DO YOU HAVE ... TIME CONSUMING NON-AUTOMATED CAGES? Big Dutchman can easily convert them to labor* saving efficient units with automatic feeding. Please stop by and give me further informa tion and complete details on Flat Deck, Pullet Grow or Other Cage Systems. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE New Holland Auction March 22,1967 HORSES March 20, 1967 JBIG DUTCHMAN INC. Pa. Branch New Holland (717) 354-5168 * V, S* * 3 ? i . ■* ..t ... ■».. . - » 1. Chicago Cattle CATTLE 7,000: calves none; slaughter steers steady to 25 higher, prinie 1,175-1,375 lb. 26.- 25-27 25, high choice and prime 1,0501,400 lbs 25 25-26 00; two loads mostly prime around 1,150 lb slaughter heifers 25 25; high choice and prime 850-1,100 lbs. 24.50 25 00 TOP COW BRINGS $lO6O ( AT BONNIE BLINK SALE Locust Knell Ty Vic Star and calf sold for high dollar at $lO6O on March 14 Her sire is Osborn dale Sir Ty Vic Fobes and her dam Locust Knoll Star Bonds man She gave up to 110 lb of milk per day Cow and calf were purchased by' Mr. and Mrs Mark Slater, Perkiomenville, Pa Second highest cow and calf were sold for $l,OOO. This grade was purchased for $BlO.OO by Joseph Emerson, Downingtown, R D, and the calf for $l9O by Walter Craig, West Chester R 5. The sire is Yarba Admiral Tri umph. Two volume buyers of the day were Robert Parry of Ches- Easier to light and ventilate /An exact system to fit your needs STATE ZIP
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