Farm Equipment Fertilizer spreaders; 145 bu. & 125 bu. manure spreaders; New Idea cut-ditioner; 750, 751 hay conditioners; 400, 403, and speed* wheel rakes. WILBUR GRAYBJLL New Idea • Clay - Mch. Shop Lttitz Ph. 6263221 Massey Feryuson. self-propelled 300 COMBINE. 'M. M. Weaver gc Sons, Leola, 656-7702. Used* Horse drawn New Idea Tobaaeo Planter. Lester A. Singer; Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712. 350 gal. Esco, MOD No. 1 ap proved; Used Ironrite Ironei; 400 gal. Girton bulk tank, less than ene year old. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph, Intercourse 768-8501 Used’ 800 Ford Tractor, Farm ersville Equipment Co., New Holland, Pa. 354-9221. 180 Amp. Lincoln Welder, New Price $BO.OO. Hiestand, Inc., Rl, Marietta. Ph; 426 1101. CRAWLER TRACTORS Oliver OC3 with loader, J.D 1010 With blade, Cletrac with winch, TD6 with loader and Pay loaders; Wheel tractors of all sizes. KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. Ford 640 Tractor; Alhs-Chal mers Dl9 Diesel Chet Long, Akron, Ph 859-1020. John Deere 50 Tractor. John Deere 290 Corn Planter. New Holland 68 Baler. New Holland 331 Spreader. Condition good to excellent. A.B.C. Groff, Inc, New Holland, Pa. Ph- 3545001. Badger -grinder-mixer, near new, Tank and flat bed PTO spreadjers, NH. Haybine; N.H. 36 Flail chopper, .J.D. baler with thrower, AC “WD” trac tor, Ij- H Brubaker. KD *3, Lititzii 626-7766. 397-5179, 687- 6002. Used Farmall 300 tractor. Used Super M tractor. Cope & Weav er, New Providence, Ph. 786- 7351. Used J.D B & J D A tractors; Used J.D 4 row corn planter; Used J.D #l2 Forage Harvest er, New Holland 270 baler w/thrower, AUis-Chalmers 200 baler w/thrower. Used New Holland 65. 68 and 66 balers, good used Ford baler w/motor Grumelli Farm Service, Quar ryville, Ph. 786-3630. Livestock For Sole lor Sale Purebred Nork shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, R. D. 1, Strasburg. Pa Phone AC 717 786-2562. Feed and Seed For Sale -Fine qualityhay (mixed) about 100 tonatPh 717-924(3931 C. V. Shunkjpc,--:/, ' - Y '■ 600 SWEBTH ONION PLANTS with free planting guide, $3 postpaid, TOPCO. “home of the sweet onion,” Farmersville, Texas 75031 FREE. Subscribers to Lancas ter Farming will receive one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscrib ers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the follow ing rules:' Limit your advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words: All advertisements must be in our hands by Wed nesday noon or same will be held - over - fois snaxt i week's 1 Poultry & Equipment Now is the time to have your dairy barn or chicken house air conditioned by Vent-O-Matlc. Control venti lation without drafts. All in stallation guaranteed. Also other used fans. Also Chore Time poultry equipment Hicstand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426-1101. Egg washers, new and used. We repair all makes. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426- 1101. Famous CHIX-CINERATORS, Efficient disposal of dead chickens, turkeys or other small animals by cremation. 30 day guarantee or money re funded. Hiestand, Inc. Ph. 426- 1101. Hart Cup watering systems, Beacon steel cages, Brock feed bins, Aerovent and Cool air fans, Oakes mechanical feed ers and hog equipment, Herr matic feed carts egg and manure handling equipment. E. M. Herr Equipment, Inc, Willow Street, R.D. 1, Pfa. 3940654. GARBER G-200 & GX29I White Egg Layers Champions for INCOME combined with EGG QUALITY Day Old Chicks and Started Pullets FLORIN FARMS, INC. R. D. 1, Mount 3oy -653-4970 Layers Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone £53-1855.. * . MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 to place your Classified Ad. For Sole 1967 SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, cabinet mod el, slightly used. Monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attach ments needed. Complete price $7150 or pay $3.75 per month. Call Capitol Credit Manager, Lan caster 392-4341 til 9 p.m. Poultry & Equipment BABCOCK AND GHOSTLEY PEARL LEGHORNS Also SexlinJks Day old or started pullets contact WEBER’S HATCHERY, INC Bowmansville, Pa. Ph. AC 215-445-6440 AC 215-484-4769 or Paul Ebersole Annville 867-2161 DON’S SALES & SERVICE POULTRY EQUIPMENT SPECIAL Essco Brooder Stoves Complete $38.25 Pi'.one 354-9745 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalb York Hatchery, A.C. 717-255-7741 or DeKalb District Sales Office, Lancaster 394-5157. Ph. 397-0035 Richard R. Forry gpnaywf Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage house* Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. BABCOCK B-300's Top on Farms Everywhere will be Tops on YOUR FARM too • t • • BABCOCK HATCHERY, INC. R. D- 3, Litit/, Pa. Phone: 717-626-5872 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1967 —II MISCELLANEOUS IRRIGATION designed for FARMS GOLF COURSES WASTE DISPOSAL LAWNS h , , * Orchard Towers, Pipe, Pumps, Sprinklers EECO, Inc. 4021 N. 6th St Hamsburg, Penna 17110 Phone. (717 ) 238-9424 PIPE Steel used No. 1 shape —2, 3. 4,6, 8 inch. Call 739-9040, Maryland Pipe, Box 394. Hagerstown. Md. MRS, DEE Spiritualist and Card Reader Consultant on all problems of life. All readings pnvate, strictly confidential .... sat isfaction guaranteed, or no charge Now located at 601 E Main St, Palmyra. Ph 838-5052 For Sale Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm, Phone AC 215-268 8808. Lane. Area Ph. 394-2611. Auctions Auctiongoers" Don’t forget the Maple Grove Dispersal on Tues and Wed, Mar. 28 and 29 at Prattsburg, NY. (off Rt 15, 12 mi. from Bath, N.Y.) Selling on Tues, Mar 28 at 10 30 am, 204 outstanding Interstate-test ed Hols, and on Wed., Mar 29 at 12.30 p m the excellent and complete* line of machinery in ch 7 tractors'! And watch for these sales - Brewer Dispersal, at East Smithfield, near Troy, on Sat, Apr. 1, selling 60 top Holsteins, 4 tractors, trucks, etc Socola Dispersal, at Pratts burg, N Y Selling an excep tionally good herd ot 71 inter state-tested Holsteins, 185 sheep, 5 tractors, sp Combine, 1,000 bu Gram, etc. For any infor mation on these sales, contact Rumseys’ at Whitesville, N Y FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE WED. # MARCH 29th Beginning II a.m. rain or shine all farm equipment of Sugar Loaf Farm in field on U.S. 11, opp. Riverheads High School, 10 mi. south of Staunton, Va. 1 ■ mi. north of 1-81, U.S. 11 & U.S. 340 intersection. TRACTORS TRUCKS CARS FARM MACHINERY FEEDER Saturday, 2% miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa., along US 501. 200 to 225 40 to 60 lb. Choice Feeder Pigs Hampshire and Yorkshire Cross All pigs are vaccinated for Cholera and Erysipelas, Castrated young. Wormed. Sprayed for Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. These are all White Pigs. Also pigs will not have to he moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer quality feeder pigs in the East. iiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiit Moil Box Market For Sale-Western saddle, bri dle, etc. Call after 5 p m. 393- 1853 For Sale-F 12 Farmall tractor with cultivators, power takeoff, Price $B5. Call 872-2730. For Sale-Five 40 lb Yorkshire shoats; 1 30”x76” pressure tank; deep well Jet pump. Wanted steel wheels for #47 McC baler or will trade rubber for steel. Daniel B. Smucker, R 1 Gordon ville, near Zelternreich Church. For Sale-M anu r e Spreader, good condition, 5 ft chick feeders, and electric brooder stoves. Ph 267-5796 For Sale-3 pc bathroom-tub, bowl and toilet, white $5O Also new binder canvasses, different makes, $6 to $lO each. Cow Stanchions, chain tie, 7 units, cheap App’y to John M Mar tin, Denvei Rl, at Fivepomt ville Wante' 1 - Used, steel, six-light window sash lor concrete block. Write size and price Levi G. Shirk. Naivon RD2, Pa 17555. For Sale -Winclwheel and 50’ tower Broodei houses, chicken foedeis and nests. Hay and. straw Ph 872-8988 For Sale-F ZEE flow line drill; 8 ft Davul Bradley side rake on rubbei, New Idea manure spreader, 95 bu, wagon 7xl6’ bed on rubber $5O, AC tractor C with 2 way plow and cultiva tors; AC tiactoi WD 45 with cultivators Phone Ephrata 733- 8708 Wanted-Rabbit hutches with either pans tor cleaning or self cleaning Floyd H Ranck, Box 437, Paradise Rl, Pa. 17562. Tel 717-442-4949 after 5 p.m. HELP WANTED Employment opportunity-Work with farm animals near Lan caster City Salary, uniforms, life insurance, hospitalization, paid vacation Prefei applicant with faim background Phone 569-0413, ask for J Floyd Weid ler Some Gave Up and Cried Others Tried A Classified PIC SALE April 1, 1967 Sale at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RD I, Myerstown, Pa.
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