s p< u- VOL. 12 NO. 8 State Rules On "Egg Breakouts” Effective Feb. 1 Harrisburg New rules, and regulations governing the operation of so-called ‘Egg Breakout Plants’ will be put into'full force and effect Feb ruary 1, it was announced by' Clarence W Funk, director of the Bureau of Markets, Penn sylvania Department of Agri culture. Actually, the new regulations were effective last July 1, but the state’s egg inspectors have been working for the past half, year with the individual mem bers of the industry to help bring facilities and procedures into line with the require ments, Funk said. The new rules apply to operations in which eggs are broken from their shells and prepared in liquid or frozen form for bakeries and other institutions. Unlike some states, Penn - sylvania rules demand that eggs he .of .Grade A quaßty. ' before .they,- : are’ J hr6keu -,if; . they acel'to- h'tTceftfficd-itf: : - the liquid form. . (Continued' on Page 12) Top County Dairy Herds Honored At 1967 Red Rose DHIA Banquet Nineteen Lancastei County dairymen were honored Tues day at the annual Red Rose Dairy Held Improvement As sedation's annual banquet meeting at the Dutch Town ’ Country Inn, Vintage More th!an 400 persons attended. Lelading the county for the second consecutive year was the registered Holstein herd of .1 Mowery Frey, Jr, 401 Bsaver Valley Pike, Lancas ter Frey’s high butterfat av erage of 074 pounds topped has last year’s record by three Farm Calendar January 23 6:30 p.m., 4-H Leaders’ annual banquet at Meadow Hills Dining Hall, New Danville Pike, Lane. —-7:30 pm., Lancaster Coun ity SWOD directors St Court house. —7:30 p.m., Lancaster Coun ty Swine Producer's Alssn. meeting on “Swine Diseases & Health”, at Lancaster Stem Credit Bldg. —7:30 pm, Red Rose FFA 'Chapter at Elizabethtown High School, -Installation of officers and awarding of Red ■Rase Degrees. January 24 7.30 pm, Farm Records Course at Ephrata •Hugh School, “Farm Record Keeping Systems”. —7:45 p.m., County, Poultry Aissn informational meeting at Lititz Community Center —•■’Preserving Your Right to Farm”. —7.45 p.m., Lancaster Coun ity Central 4-H Tractor Club (Continued on Page 4) DR. D. L. BIEMESDERFER, right, chats with Red Rose Badly Herd Improvement Association presi dent*-Robert A. -Brepeman of. Strasbourg R 1 following the annual ' Tuesday Biemesderfer, former president' College, was the featured speaker at the affair. L. F. Photo pounds The Fiey- herd has finished among the top three county herds m fom of the last five yeans, High butterfat citations for leadeis in other breeds went to- Raymond and Louise Wit mer, Willow Street Rl, Guern sey, James Martin, Stevens Rl, Ayi shire, William P Ar rowsmith, Peach Bottom Rl, Jersey; and David W Swei gart, Elizabethtown R 3, Mixed DIRECTORS NAMED The following six directors were named to thiee-year terms: Arrowsmith, Association 10; John R. Brexieman, Kirk wood Rl, Assn. 11; Harry Krei der, Quarryvilie Rl, Assn 5; Irvin DeLong, Quarryvilie Rl, Assn 14; Harry L. Troup, Quarryvilie R 3, Assn 2; and (Continued on Page 9) ASCS Sets Dates For Wheat And Feed Groin Informational Meetings Informational meetings on 1967 wheat and feed -grain ~ federal programs were an nounced this week by the Lan caster County . Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation office. - The meetings will duplicate each other, but are held in ! separate parts of the county to : make attendance easier.- The first, scheduled for January 27, : wiU be held at the Lancaster -I Farm Credit Office, 411 West i Roseville Road. The second, at . Quarryville Fire Hall, on Feb- ' ruary 7. Both meetings are to begin at 8 p,m. i (Continued on Page 5) 8,0,/ GmCULTUR AL AND Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, 1967 county Add?'Horam A new program for Lancas ter County adult hoise owneis was announced this week by Winthrop Mernam, associate county agent Although the ex tension office has assisted 4rH Club horsemen for quite some time, Mernam said this will be the first time that adults have been included The program will be in the foim of two informational meetings to be held at the L'andisville Elementary School, Land’isville The first meeting is planned foi Bpm, January 27; the second for February 10 At the initial meeting, two Penn State University horse specialists James Gallagher and Dr Dwight Swaitz will discuss "Horse Nutntion” and “Maintaining Horse Health”, reipectively The meetings will be open to. anyone interested in horses, Merrxam said. Lime-Fertilizer Conf. Slated For February 1 To 3 A group of farmers will de scribe what they expect from the lime and fertilizer industry at the annual Lime and Ferti lizer Conference to be held February 1 to 3 at Penn State University Speaking on the five-farmer panel will be J. K. Sorgen, Clinton County vege table grower: William Hileman, Armstrong County fruit grow er; William Stoner, Franklin County dairyman; John R. Rog ers, Mifflin County dairyman; (Continued on Page 12) Farmers Protest Plan To Cancel Vo-Ag At Warwick More than a dozen fanners, and representatives of farming interests in the Warwick com munity, attended Tuesday night’s Warwick School Board meeting to protest dissolving of the school’s ten-year-old vo cational agriculture program The school board and the administration at Warwick con tend that the decreasing num ber of farms in the area is be ing reflected in a constantly declining enrollment in voca tional agriculture Board mem bers stated they could not economically justify the en rollment of only 25 students in the agriculture curnculum. Spokesman for the protest ing farmers was Forney F. Longenecker, Lititz R 3, pres ident of the Pennsylvania Young Farmer Association. Longenecker told the board that he had talked to many fanners in the area that felt strongly the vo-ag program - should continue. In-the ini ““mediate future, this coun try’s need for agriculturally trained people will increase, Lancaster County Swine Producers Slate Winter Activities Schedule The highlight of the winter activities of the Lancaster County Swine Producers As sociation will be the annual banquet, set for Maich 17 at the Blue Ball Fire Hall, as sociation secretary James Z Martin announced lecently The program will feature a talk by Roland Paul, execu tive vice president of the Na tional Pork Producers Coun Sec. Bull To Speak At Annual Farm & Home Foundation Banquet Pennsylvania Secretary of Aigriculture Leland H Bull will be the' featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Lancaster County Farm and Home Foundation, according to foundation president B Snave ly Garber Secretary Bull, who had served as agriculture secre tary in the Scranton Adminis tmtion, was recently reap pointed to that post by Gov ernor Raymond Shaffer The dinner meeting will be held at the Meadow Hills Din ing Hall, New Danville Pike, Lancaster, on January 31, at 6:30 pm The affair is open to the geneial public, Garber said, with advance ticket res ervations necessary by Satur day, January 28 During the evening, a brief business meeting will be held, including the election of sev en directors for three-year terms. Progress reports of the Farm and Home Center proj ect will be given by Jacob $2 Per Year not decrease, he said. “Agri culture is the biggest single industry in the state,” Long enecker stated, explaining that “forty-two percent of the state’s economy is relat ed to 'agriculture.” Warwick High School would continue to offer the program, but any students taking it (Continued on Page 8) Cattle Feeder Meetings Set Plans to hold two cattle feeder meetings in January were announced this week by Lancaster County Agent M, M- Smith Speakers will be from Penn S‘ate University The first meeting, slated for January 24, will feature tallies on “Cattle and Feed Outlook” by Louis Moore, agricultural economist, and on “Cattle Se leotion-Gna d e-WeigM-Breed" by Lester Burdette, livestock ex tension (Continued on Page 12) cil Paul has been associated with swine programs and ac tivities at state and national levels Other activities announced by Martin include a meeting for all mtei ested producers on “Swine Diseases And Health”. This will be held at the Lan caster Farm Credit Building, 411 West Roseville Road, Jan (Continued on Page 12) Kurtz of the building commit tee, Noah W Kreider of the finance committee, and Levi H Brubaker representing the fund-raising committee. Leland H. BuU
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