VOL. 12 NO. 7 Master Farmer Award to County Conservationist HARRISBURG More than 200 Pennsylvanians were on hand at a luncheon here Tues day honoring seven new Mas ter Farmers. Amos H. Funk, Millersviile R 1 vegetable farmer and out standing conservationist, be came the first Lancaster Coun tian to receive this distinguish ed award in 12 years. Funk was introduced by Lan caster County agricultural agent M. M. Smith who gave a brief, illustrated talk on the accomplishments of the Funk family on their 240-acre farm. Several pictures Smith show ed illustrated the attractive market stand on the Funk farm, and the variety of pro ducts retailed there. “As an example,” the' county agent said, "the farm grows tomatoes during the winter in plastic greenhouses to provide out-of season trade.” Funtefarm, Smpv ,sho;wedihow 13) ■ ' •'* - r _ -■ ~ E. J. Lawless Cited For Outstanding Efforts At State Poultry Banquet HARRISBURG Edward J Lawless, Jr, who started his career with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in 1924 and has served the state’s poultry industry continuously ever since, was named “Allied Industryman of the Year” Wednesday night at the an nual Pennsylvania Poultry Fed eration banquet here A banquet crowd estimated at nearly 400 Warmly applaud ed Lawless’ citation which Was awarded by a past president of the federation, Homer Bicksler Lawless, Who last October had received NlElt’PCO’s '“Poul tryman of the Year” award, told the audience that “.this is getting to he a very enjoyable habit”. He suggested he would work extra hard in the next Farm Calendar January 16—7:30 pan,, Man heim Young Farmers’ reor ganization meeting at Man heam Central High School There will also be parlia- mentary procedures and pub lic speaMng presentations • January 17—Noon, Red Rose Dairy Herd Impiovement As sociation annual banquet meeting, at Dutch Town & Country Inn, Vintage January 18—7-30 -pm, Faim Management community meeting at Lincoln Inde pendent School, north of Martindale. Lem H. Brubak- er, featured speaker January 19 7:30 p.m, Farm Income Tax course at Eph- Hata High School; subject: i MFiline Requirements”, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14, 1967 ' MR. AND MRS. AMOS H. FUNK, of Millersviile rigMfuily proud of Funk’s newest title “Master pSra&’ r ??H^wa^One , ! of farmers to a,';lvtncheon , ■ IfT Hsarisburg on ' L. F. Photo few years, ‘'and maybe I can earn another one of these” Lawless’ contributions to the (Continued on Page 13) Victor W. Plastow Victor Plastow Honored By Pa. 'Dairymen HARRISBURG Victor W. Plastow, associate agricultural agent from Lancaster County was named winner of the 1966 Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Asso ciation Award of $lOO and an inscribed plaque at the Asso ciation’s annual meeting at the 51st Farm Show here Tuesday night. The award “for valuable and noteworthy contributions to the dairy industry in Pennsylvania” (Continued on Page 4) - At e Leode r r? r ßlnq S ue e t ak Dr D L Biemesderfer, for mer president of Mullersvilie State College, will be the fea tureri sneaker at this vear’s annual 4-H Leaders’ Banquet extension home economist Do „ „ ... mx, week His subject will derstandang Today’s Youth’’ mi . “ wUI be held January’ Dimng Room on New Danville tfWmnPri nn Pace fii ° ' 1967 OFFICERS IN THE LANCASTER COUNTY POULTRY ASSOCIATION were recently elected. From left they are, seated, John H. Hess, president; Claude H. Hess, vice president; standing, John R. Huber, Jr., secretary; and J. Harold Esbenshade, treasurer. L. F. Photo Top Beef Titles Travel; 3 Breed Wins Keep County A Contender AtFaraiShow by Don Timmons HARRISBURG So far as the top two titles in the 4-H Baby Beef exhibition at the Pennsylvania Farm Show were concerned, this proved not to be the year to put Lancaster County back on top But we had ’em worried for awhile, and gained two more breed wins than last year’s show netted The grand champion steer of the show was a heavyweight Angus shown by Ann Pleischel of Columbia County, and was the only Columbia County An gus enteied. It was enough Judge Roland H Mullinix of Woodbine, Maryland, then tapped the second place Angus for the reserve grand cham pion title. The latter was shown by Adams County 4-H’er Randy Bare of Hanover. Lancaster’s strength came from a sweep in the Sfeort County Poultry Assn. Urges Lower Freight Rates; Sets Meeting Dates At a recent meeting, direc tors of the Lancaster County Poultry Association went on recoid supporting the stand taken by the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation favoring a reduction of freight lates on feed giains The board stated that such a late ieduction would sub stantially help the state’s leading poultry county to meet southern competition in its traditional eastern markets, 52 Per Year horn division and a reserve champion Hereford placing. Leading the Shorthorns was a heavyweight named “Ebenez er” shown by Susie Hess, Mount Joy R 1 The 16-year old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Paul C Hess was in her first Farm Show beef competition. (Continued on Page 6) Management To Be Subject At Farm Meeting At the second farm com munity meeting to be held at the Lincoln Independent School, near Martindale, the central subject to be discussed will be farm management, ac cording to program chairman Edwin F. Fox. Lancaster County associate (Continued on Page 9) and would help reduce region al differences in egg and poul try production costs Meeting at the Lancaster Farm Credit Building, di rectors heard educational committee chairman J. Har old Esbenshade, Manlieim R 2, describe plans for a se ries of mid-winter informa tional meetings which will be open to all poultrymen in Lancaster County. (Continued on Page 9)
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