for Farm ■ Women .. • (Continued from page 8) Butter Cover with milk and bake one hour K V Escalloped potatoes, Mrs. Mar tn/adds, go good with the Sal mon Dish. Take whole cooked tomatoes and put in a baking dis h, add strips of fried bacon,' fued onion. Season with brown sugar, salt, and papper. Bake 45 minutes. Here is another favorite dish of ouis baked cabbage Mrs. Leon Martin R 1 New Holland Slice cabbage thin Cook until almost soft Diam, put in casserole. Add a WHITE SAUCE One cup scalded milk One tablespoon butter One tablespoon flour One teaspoon pepper Cook and pour over cabbage; cover with bread crumbs, bake 45 minutes. Mrs. Lloyd H. Metzler, Rothsville, Pa., sends a letter from some time back, that we want to acknowledge. She en closes a recipe which she hkes very much for MOLASSES COCOANUT CUSTARDS One cup brown sugar Two eggs One cup molasses Two tablespoons flour, not too scant One cup sour cream (or sweet, better with sour though) Two cups sweet milk One-half teaspoon baking powder One cup cocoanut Bake in unbaked pie shell at 425 degrees. Makes two or three custards, depending on size of shell Make A Point To Visit Our" Animal Health Department THE QUARRYVILLE DRUG CO. QUARRYVILLE, PA. PHONE 1 o o Lined Up for Judge Steers are lined up for judging at the Southern Lancas ter County Community Fair in Quarryville Wednesday af ternoon, as the fair season gets underway in the Garden Spot. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). It’s The Law "It’s the Law” with simple an swers is offered by LANCASTER FARMING in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Bar _Associa tion. General interest questions are welcomed, and will be an swered as soon as possible. Let ters must be signed. Answer will not be published on a speci fied, requested day. Questions I surely like the different re cipes and suggestions in your paper, Mrs. Metzler tells. Here is a good salad dressing too, she offers: SALAD DRESSING Mrs. Lloyd H. Metzler Rothsville, Pa. Two cups sugar Two eggs Two tablespoons flour One cup cream One cup vinegar_ Pinch of salt Mix and boil until thickened. Store m refrigerator. Use as needed. Very good and tasty. •» * That’s about it till come Fri day a week when we’ll See you again. Today*s Pattern Ol.Tr ,2-20 1 9142 ' » '3O-42 j Inf j Pattern 9142: Misses’ Sizes 12, J l4, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34. 36, 38, 140, 42. Size 16 Jumper, 3 yards 39* 'inch fabric; blouse, 1% yards | Send Thirty-five cents in coins |for this pattein—add 5 cents for each pattein if you wish lst-c)asa 'mailing. Send to 170 Newspaper Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St, New York 11. N. Y. Pilot plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, fI2B and STYLE NUMBER,. cannot be answered by mail, and LANCASTER FARMING will reject any inquiry which is not of general public interest. Ad dress all inquiries to “Its the Law,” LANCASTER FARMING Quarryville, Pa. (Fictitious ini tials will be used to protect the identity of the questions). Q What can be done when a neighbor violates a deed? A neighbor built an addition which violates that part of the deed which states that no dwelling is to be closer than 20 feet from the boundary line. J E L DAIRYond FEEDERS! Jt ***-*•*£ * ■SC ,o be away <ssr CfiDtember during sep In the 1956 ° W . Vl MU FESIIVAI 0( •%, BEACON DAIRY and LIVESTOCK FEEDS including % T~‘' hffh 1 see us for details and entry, blanks J. M. Bomberger Farmers Supply Co. IS7-39 E. KING ST., LANCASTER Paul H. Gehmau DENVER Fred L. & John E. Homsher STRASBURG AND QUARRYVILLE A. You can institute an ac tion m equity, which might re sult in a court order against your neighbor directing removal of the structure that violates the deed restriction It is as sumed that no other similar violations have been permitted to go unchallenged m your neighborhood, and that the neighbor did not obtain permis sion from surrounding property owners before erecting the non conforming structure Q I would like to know how to obtain a patent and also how your idea can be protected while in the process of obtaining one. P. A S. A Patent law is both compli cated and unique. Obtaining a patent first involves a search of the patent records, laws and regulations to determine -the patent-ability of your inven tion If this search is resolved in your favor, then an application must be filed which conforms to the regulation and practice of the Patent Bureau Only an attorney who spe cializes in the field of patents can advise on the many particu lars involved, and it is therefore suggested you contact such a practitioner. Q. If I buy real estate m Pennsylvania can I dispose of same without my wife signing deed 9 ELM Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc. RHEEMS Lancaster Farming, Friday, Sept. 21, 1956 c. c. s LIVESTOCK ► ! /t| : s -_JiJsaS^ k V 8-mm, 3-lem Movie 21-in. Color Television Sot 60*lb. Beacon Dairy Scales O. Kenneth McCracken Millport Roller Mills. Osceola Flour Mills Farm Women 14 To Meet Oct. 10 Members of Society of Fai m Women No. 17 weie the guests of Society No 14, Sept. 12 in the Strasburg Fire House. The progiam, “My Talent”, featured rug making, handiwork, musical selections, skits, floral arrangements, slides and a read ing by members of Society 14'. A food and plant sale will be hel’d in connection with the next meeting Wednesday afternoon, Oct 10. in the Refton Fire Hall. A. You may do so, but no title company or lending institution would approve the title so con veyed for the purpose of grant- ing a mortgage on the property. Secondly, if your wife survived you, she would be able to claim a one,third interest in the real estate from the person, or his successor m title, to whom you conveyed the land. Therefore, for all practical purposes, it is impossible Tor a husband to convey land unless his wife signs the deed with him. HEAR The Mennonite Hour Each Sunday Lancaster WLAN 12:30 P. M. Norristown WNAR 8:00 A. M, Hanover WHVR 100 P/Mi Chevrolet 6-Fasjenger l Station Wagon > * V *S ”■ * sp* 21-in. Black and Whit* TaUvision S«U V MANHEIM LITITZ Earl Sauder NEW HOLLAND GORDONVILLE 9
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