VoX.XVII No, 8 °*9* The |i| |Rp. Ij 1‘ '-« "' v \ 'rtf’ - ' N : / 1' 1 f / . r. _ v* r " l^ 1, >;n-v (A I :^ h r 7 : i, A ' Iz /- Monday, Nov. 15 - College Arts presents "The Titan" - in Main Tuesday Nov, 16 - Meeting of the House Rules Committee in Rec Tuesday Nov, 16 - College Chorus Practice - Music Room - 7:30 Thursday Nov 18 - Joint Sorority and Fraternity meeting, Friday, Nov, 19 % Thanksgiving Semi-Formal ~ Gennetti's - 8:30 PM* You. can't judge by size.,,. The "Little Woman’s" thumb often has a husband under it I (Directed to MJS RB LJ RS & E k) HAZLETON COLLEGIAN WeekJy i'le-.v3 letter Edition The. Pennsylvania State Jnivers3.ty Center Haa3.eton, Fenrsy?-vania A ~ t 6"- \L' 7 ft* yP . Highacro'3 / ( \ 1 \ < k\-' c ! > /ft' CdflNG UP ITZ A FACT 11 h' n jt-jv ill H fc ; rfc 1 VO"' 1 n' n k - % £ % ■9sh , a / -V f\ ?\o \ v' ‘ < 'll Lounge Hall - 12:30 PH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers