November 12, 19%h What’s -wrong with our present-day Highacres College student? Have the hurricanes., wars, refusal of parking permits or maybe the ratio of females to males changed them? For one thing., must it be said again, they lack respect or maybe call it negligence* untidiness or loss cf college spirits Whatever it may be, there is something missing. For the past few weeks, if you happened to walk through the cafeteria on a Friday afternoon, you were sure to be hit in the face with mainly, a litter of Collegians, but also paper bags, waxpaper, scratch paper and what have you., strewn upon the floor, chairs, tables, and light shades. Why should we have to face such a "bar room" appearance? This unmannerly action creates double work fors (1) Mrs. Smith and Mrs* Michaels, who keep the dining room tidy and are not contracted to go into the "salvage business" o (2) The custodians who have to interrupt their sweeping to bend over and pick up your remains, (3) The writers, typists, mimeographers, and. assemblers of the Collegian, who spend their valuable effort and time producing our laudable weekly news# Remember, part of your s7 activity fee is included in each edition of the Collsgian - so that each one you dispose of means throwing some of your precious money away. No, this does not mean that you have to frame each cony nor does it mean than you have to make a collection of them, but the least you can do after reading them, if you don’t want to keep them, is put them back on the pile from where you took it, dispose of it in the waste can, or if you wish, keep ohem in your notebook for scratch paper* These are minor approaches, and call for very little exertion on your part. ’/’hat do you say keep our college clean. As noted before, not only have Collegians been strewn around, but lunch bages, apple cores, and" Math papers as well. However, since the Collegians are larger, more noticeable in color and their original source of out-put easily found to complain to, their unduly presence has forced the initiative, DO YOUR PART & HAVE A HEART TO THE TRASH CAN TOTH A DART During Psychology class Mr. Krecker asked, while talking about the brain, what cortex meant. The class responded with "bark" which was the correct definition. While leaving class, Jimmie Johnson still dazed, remarked "My dog cortexes all night," What has happened to the"members of "the College Community Chorus? Lately the members have been failing to turn up at the meetings, It is necessary that more than a handful of them show up« The Christmas Concert is only four weeks off. How can it be a success if only a few members attend? Won’t all of the members try to attend for the next few weeks? STAFF: Lil Junas, Maryann Wassel, Mike Ohl, Mary Jane Skoff, Ilona Weltman, Mary Francis Veale, Jack Thompson, Russ Brungard, HAZLETON COLLEGIAN THE EDITOR SPEAKS UNQUOTE CO?iE BACK, COKE BACK Page 2
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