September 2hfl9^h COMMUNITY CHORUS The first meeting of the Community Chorus took place last Tuesday night* From the first night attendance it looks like this year will prove to be the best so far* There are many new members this year along with most of the ’’yets* l of last year,so that there are a— bout twenty members in alio Also this year there is a new vprofessor’J making his debut at the piano, playing the acconpanyment to the Chorus * For the first part of the year most of the time will be devoted to pre paring for the coming Christmas concert* There are still many positions open, so if anyone feels inclined to give out with a warble now and then he certainely welcome* CONGRATULATIONS Although many may not know it the penter has been hon* ored with the presence of several super students this semester* These people have each received a Hazleton National Bank Scholarship • Robert Mac Kinder— Enrolled in science Andrew Wpuyfcek——Enrolled in Chemical Eng* Walter Seely———Enrolled in Agricultural Eng* John Harsicano Jr,, Electrical Tech., received a Hazleton Ed. Council scholarship, - ELECTIONS JUST AROUND THE CORNER .. : - r '' "' l ' r ’" T " Hey Kids// Don'T forget to vote in the elects ions next week, hut be sure of your choie ;• This sen ester we have a fine bunch of candidates in both classes, so look over the names before you check then* Elections will take place on Friday,October 2,in the Rec* Hall, and mil be in charge of the election committee* It’s your duty so—-' —* GET OUT AND VOTE //// HA$ LET ONC OLIEGIAN •..+ny.n..~r~.w~ Page 3
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