Vol. XV, No. 22 SIX MAKE DEAN'S LIST FOR MID-SEMESTER Paul J, Kisatsky, fourth semester physics student of Harleigh, topped the Dean's List for this mid-semester marking period with an average of 2.73* He was followed by: John Misoda, second semester mechanical engineering student of Nes'quehoning with an average of 2.71? Ralph E, Whitmer, second semester arts and letters student of Freeland with a 2,67 averagej Jane L. Tressler, second semester education student of Conyngham with a 2,65 averagej William J, Kurdpiel, fourth semester commerce student of Hazleton with a 2,61 average j and William A, Burcin, second semester electrical engineering student of Hazleton with a 2,53 average. Sixteen students received near honors (2,00 to 2,50 average): Elise L. ICreiger, Joseph R, Pijokop, James L, Spallone, Matthew J, Galatha, Nicholas Skimbo, Anthony M, Pecone, Norman L, Hall, John F, Stalma, Donald W, Weldon, Manuel S, Barbeito, John W, Steckert, John R, Taluskie, Joseph 11, Belovich, William 0. Coll, Jean L Haegele, and Theodore F, Horvath, MAY DANCE TO BE HELD AT EAGLES l At the Student Council meeting, Bob A omsho reported that the Student Activities Committee has made final arrangements for the May Dance (May 9) • It is to be held at the Eagle's Ballroom with Art Wendel's Orchestra, One hundred twenty-five dollars has been set aside for the dance. It was announced that dancing class would be held Thursday evening, April 16 from 8:00 until 10:00, The Student Activity Committee has announced it will make every effort to hold an all-college picnic despite limited funds. Miss Dißubbo asked Council about having a committee make up the "Class Will" for the May Day ceremonies- No immediate action was. taken, It was reported that $35a00 has been deposited to the Athletic Fund, This money was received for playing in the Lions Dream Game, However, $ll,lO of this money will be turned over to Council for payment of an'unexpected bill of the Athletic Fund, The remainder of this money is to be used for softball equipment* GET THIS NOW The forms for transfer to the main campus are available in the main office. Each student who intends to transfer to the main campus must fill out the infor mation required on this form, which can be procurred only by yourself in person. DO IT OR DON'T DO IT Do you plan to return to the Center next semester? If you do you had better, for your own good;, register before May 1, COLLEGE ARTS PRESENT "OPEN CITY" On Wednesday, April 22 at 8:00 p.m., the Italian film, "Open City," will be shown in the Main Lounge, Miss Dißubbo, advisor to the College Arts Society, which is presenting the film, has announced that if the first film is too crowd ed, a second showing will be held in South Hall, Everyone is urged to invite their friends and relatives. 100 FOR THE 12TH After speaking with several of the Korean Vets who attend Highacres, one can readily understand why there is so much publicity in appeal for blood donors. The need is urgent and Penn State, along with other schools all over the nation, has accepted this challenge to roll up its sleeves to fill this urgent need. At present our school has an honor roll of ten faculty members and students HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center April 17, 1953
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