March 20, 1953 MAY DAI (continued) The election for the May- Queen and her cdurt trill be held Monday, March 30, The title of Kay Queen can be conferred tthly on a sophomore girl, but the Queen's court will be composed of freshmen and sophomore girls, Mr, Sallo, a member of the Hazleton High School faculty will help with the dancing performed by the coeds during the ceremonies. Practise for the dances will start after spring vacation. Social Committee chairman, Bob Tomsho, has reported that the Hay Day dance will be held at the ballroom of the Eagles Club on North Wyoming Street, CHORAL CLUB The Choral Club held its weekly practise session Tuesday, March 17, Approximately ton members were present out of a total of twenty-one members. Miss Garbrick stated that a total of seven practise sessions are left and, she would like to urge all members to attend the practise sessions faithfully because of the great deal of work to do. Students in the chorus arc: Sopranos— Jane Tress lor, and Harriet Tulin, Altos—Lois Miller, Mary Donish, and Jean Haegclc, Tenors—Dave Landau, Tom Onderko, and Tony Nash, There arc no bass singers from High acres* The remaining members consist of townspeople. MUSIC SIX STUDENTS TO VISIT NSW YORK OPERA HOUSE The music six students will leave 8:00 A, H, Saturday morning for Now York, The purpose of the trip, under the direction of Miss Pearl Garbrick, is to see the opera "Tristan and Isboldc", The cast of characters includes: Helen Traubel, Set Svanholm, and Blanche Thebora. Harold Michaels will be official escort and guide for the group. The students will return Saturday evening so that they may catch up on their sleep and be in tip-top shape for classes. Monday, SCRORITY TO HOLD BAKE SALE TCHORRCW Plans for a bake sale to be held on Dcisroth's lower main floor tomorrow beginning at 10:00 a.m. were completed at the meeting of Theta Sigma Pi Sorority held last Thursday, The coeds will take to the kitchen this weekend to turn out cakes, pies, fudge, bread, and other pastries, Mary Donish was appointed general chairman of the bake sale, and she has appointed several committees to help her in making this project a success. Members of the sorority will take turns helping at the bake sale for periods of one hour, ___™— USTYNOSKI APPOINTED COMMANDING OFFICER Captain Carper has recently posted the ROTC promotions. These new officers wore appointed on the basis of interest and ability, At the head of the list is Jimmy Ustynoski, commanding officer. Next in line are Ray Schultz, executive officer; Bill Coll, operations officer; and '"'ike Evaneho, adjutant. The four flight loaders arc Bob Tracy, Bill Morse, Nick Polick, and Tom Onderko, Both freshmen and sophomores were included in the List of promotions. FLYING TRIP POSTPONED Our five flying boys were dissappointed last Friday when bad weather caused the postponement of their scheduled flying trip. The details of this trio were printed in last week's edition of the COLLEGIAN, From the latest information the trip will be held sometime in the near future—the future pilots hope this Friday, "MR. MONEY BAGS" John Gromniak, newly elected treasurer of the Mu Delta Sigma Fraternity, is engaged in the delightful "chore" of cou.nting the frat's roubles "willingly" FLASH: About 35 people attended the Dancing Class last night in the lounge. HAZLETON .COLLEGIAN Page 3
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